Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,821 to 6,840 of 58,959
  1. David Finck collection

    The David Finck collection includes a letter addressed to David Finck, donor’s father, from Albert Einstein. The letter expresses Albert Einstein’s gratitude for Mr. Finck’s “work…[he] had undertaken on behalf of the [Jewish] refugees during Dedication Week…” dated June 10, 1939, written on Einstein’s personal stationary to Mr. Finck, who was a life-long supporter and advocate of Jewish causes.

  2. German Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND): Records related to War Crime Trials, German Federal Archives Koblenz (BND B 206)

    Consists of documents collected by the German Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) after 1945. 10 files are on the identification of Adolf Eichmann and Klaus Barbie.

  3. Chief of the Civil Administration in Brno Šéf civilní správy Brno (B 276)

    Administrative records of the Chief of the Civil Administration in Brno (Chef der Zivilverwaltung in Brünn) from the period of March 15, 1939 to April 15, 1939. Includes reports and correspondence relating to Aryanization of Jewish owned property in Ivančice, Moravská Ostrava, and in other rural area. of Brno.

  4. Photograph of Yishuv parachutists

    A group photograph of 21 people, 12 parachutists from the Yishuv, about six months before they were parachuted into occupied Europe. The paratroopers are identified by numbers on the photograph and the names index on the back of the photograph. Photographed on April 23, 1944. The names on the back are on a sticker affixed to the back of the photo, on the back side are glue residues from an album in which the photograph was glued.

  5. Lindemann family at home in Mascherode in 1942

    In Mascherode, Oda rides a bike, passes her baby sister Karin. Lindemann family walks down an avenue (repeat from earlier). Children on a residential street. Ethel walks with the two children. Sleds on the snowy street. Houses. Man on bicycle. The family in a different part of town. Large hall, Field. More rows of homes, mostly identical. “ENDE”

  6. Albert Henry Aronson collection

    Contains a "Programm fur die Ausländischen Ehrengäste des Führers," for an event dated April 20, 1939; the pamphlet was brought back to the U.S. after WWII by serviceman Albert Henry Aronson. Includes a letter written by Albert to his sister Emelia (Mitzi) Aronson Rosenberg (donor's mother) explaining how he found the brochure.

  7. District National Committee Velké Meziříčí Okresní národní výbor Velké Meziříčí

    Administrative records of Velké Meziříčí, a town in the Vysočina region pertaining to the post-war restitution of Jewish property. Features citizenship lists and post-war records pertaining to the restitution and confiscation of expropriated Jewish properties under Act 108/1945.

  8. Henry Green papers

    The collection consists of Holocaust survivor Henry Green's (born Heniek Gruenbaum, nicknamed Chaim) Declaration of Intention (1951) and naturalization certificate (1956); pre-war family photographs of his family including his parents, Fishl and Sara Gruenbaum, brother Joseph, and sister; post-war photographs of Henry; and a personal narrative by his cousin Henry S. Newman entitled "Budzyn (and the "Show of Shows")."

  9. Franz Reisz painting

  10. Wooden hearse used to bury Jews in the local cemetery of Piatra Neamt, Romania

  11. Gendarmerie County of Ciechanów Żandarmeria Powiat Ciechanów (Sygn. 499)

    Reports on activities and functions of the gendarmerie, regulations and other documents.

  12. Selected records from collections of the Neamt branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains records from the Mayorship of the town of Piatra Neamț (Reels 1-7), including correspondence relating to elections within the Jewish community, subsidies for Jewish schools, revision of Romanian citizenship, and various requests relating to citizenship of Jews, lawsuit between the Jewish community and town relating to the exchange of land, goods and belongings of Iron Guard organization, expropriation of Jewish goods, anti-Jewish measures, confiscation of Iron Guard properties, lists of Jews for forced labor in Piatra Neamt, orders of the Ministry of Interior relating to awards for...

  13. Yolanda Engel collection

    Contains photographs documenting the experiences of the Helen and Ezra Lebovics and their children Yolanda and Harry [born in Verece, Hungary] and Bela [born in Budapest]. Ezra performed forced labor and when Bela only was 2, Helen was deported in 1944 to Bergen-Belsen Concentration camp. The children were reunited with Ezra in January 1945 and in 1946, Helen, who had survived, came back to Budapest where the family tried to rebuild their lives.

  14. Gaumont British Newsreel (Reuters) -- Czech Jewish refugees arrive in Britain

    Appeal for Czech Jewish refugees who have arrived in Britain following the occupation of Czechoslovakia by Germany. The appeal was broadcast by Earl(?) Baldwin. Footage shows Baldwin at his desk, refugees at a tent camp, INTs mess hall, girls cleaning barracks, and young men writing letters.

  15. Jewish Community in Bydgoszcz Synagogen-Gemeine Bromberg Gmina Żydowska w Bydgoszczy (Sygn. 104)

    This collection contains protocols and reports on the meetings of the Commune Management and Council of Representatives, documents regarding elections to the Council of Representatives, donations and foundations for the benefit of the commune. In addition, also included are financial documents such as tax books, revenue and expense ledgers, payment orders for specific persons and correspondence on financial matters. Files 27-30 contains correspondence of the commune on various matters. The last part of the collection consists of documents regarding investment plans and technical works in th...

  16. Sarina and Jacques Colonomos photograph

    Photographic postcard: black and white image of studio portrait of woman wearing print blouse under dark jacket next to man wearing dark suit with polka dot tie; inscribed in red ink on verso "Souvenir / affectouzo al caro / oncle Ely de / Sarinai Jacov Colonomos" and "Skopje 1946" in dark ink in lower left corner. Pictured are Sarina Colonomos (donor's maternal aunt) and with her husband Jacques.

  17. Antisemitic propaganda handbill warning Americans that Jews are against serving in the military

    Handbill, printed in New York City, with fraudulent quotes on the front and an antisemitic cartoon on the back. The cartoon shows two men with stereotypical Jewish features outfitting a Christian American man for combat, while the radio broadcasts Jewish pro-war messages. The Talmud quote is ripped from its original context and used to legitimize the antisemitic canard that Jews sought exemption from military service, while simultaneously advocating American intervention in World War II. The handbill’s purpose was to provoke anti-Jewish sentiment in the United States by perpetuating the myt...

  18. Gisela Rosenthal Tucker collection

    Contains materials related to the Holocaust experiences of Gisela Rosenthal and her family. Includes birth certificates in German and Czech issued for Gisela Rosenthal in 1926, 1927 and 1935.; correspondence from the US Department of State to Samuel Rosenthal in London, where he fled with his wife Regina where they were awaiting US visas; a letter from Eleanor Roosevelt, dated March 21, 1945, thanking Samuel for a gift he sent; a naturalization certificate for Gisela Tucker, dated 1948; and photographs of Gisela as an baby and toddler with, potentially, her parents in Germany. Copy drawing ...

  19. Gertrude Basinger Oppenheimer papers

    The collection consists of documents related to Gertrude Basinger Oppenheimer's emigration from Bruchsal, Germany to the United States in 1936. Included are affidavits of support, German emigration documents, an immigrant identification card, anda naturalization certificate. Also includes a handmade book illustrated and authored by her brother, Paul Basinger and sent to her in Bruchsal prior to her immigration to the United States.

  20. Judenrat in Opatów Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Opatów (Sygn. 249)

    Records of the Judenrat in Opatów, Poland. Consists of financial documents of the Strassenbaugesellschaft Oemler-Opatów, the German road construction company. Documents relate to payments for employed Jews between December 1942-January 1943.