Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,841 to 6,860 of 58,959
  1. Selected records of the Staatsanwaltschat bei dem Landgericht Zichenau Akta Prokuratur Niemieckich Rejencji Ciechanowskiej (Sygn. 1205) : Wybrane materialy

    This collection contains regulations concerning penalties given to prisoners for the use of weapons, proceedings for escaped prisoners, penalties to Poles for leaving work, execution of sentences against Poles for penalties under 4 months of prison, treatment of prisoners suffering from typhus, health care for prisoners, fight against typhoid epidemic, correspondence from prisoners, individuals sent to labor camps. Other records include name lists of prisoners sentenced by district courts to a labor camp for conducting illegal trade and smuggling. Also included is a criminal case against a ...

  2. Golodetz family papers

    The collection contains letters sent to Alexander Golodetz from his parents Wita and Mendel Golodetz and other relatives in Poland. Alexander received the letters in New York after his immigration there in 1938. The bulk of the letters are pre-war, sent between June 1938 and August 1939. Included with the collection are donor-provided English translations of the letters. There are three wartime translated letters without the originals, including one from Alexander’s uncle Fishel Landau and the last letter received from his father in the Soviet Union dated 11 February 1941. Also included in ...

  3. Kehile newspaper clippings named after Boruch Hager Kehile prese oysshnitn on nomen fun Boruch Hager

    Articles and press clippings organized by Boruch Hager, a Jewish refugee in Argentina. Records relate to antisemitism, the Holocaust, and the arrival of Jewish refugees and survivors to Argentina. Included in the collection are indexes, clippings, photographs, and other materials. The collection shows the strong influence of the survivors and the impact of the memory of the Holocaust in all aspects of community life. From 1952 until the decade of 1980, the material was systematically organized in fourteen categories and arranged in enveloped labeled with category number, month and year. For...

  4. Baranovichi diary

    Handwritten notebook which belonged to a Jewish man from Baranavichy, dated 1941-1945. Records the wandering of the writer through Europe until his arrival in Palestine. Describes the author's impressions of outbreak of the war, the occupation of Baranavichy by the Germans, three roundups ("aktions") in the ghetto, the names of victims, fleeing to the forest, his journey to Italy and eventual arrival in Palestine. The last comment in the notebook is dated 17.11.1945, and it reads (in transliteration): "dukhgefarn [trip through]: Netanya, Kfar Saba, Kibutz Ramat Hakovesh, Ra'anana, Tel-Aviv ...

  5. Oral history interview with Hajzer Bojku

  6. Judenrat in Kielce Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Kielce (Sygn. 274)

    Records of the Judenrat in Kielce, Poland. Consists of a protocol of the Judenrat meeting, Nov. 17, 1941. Includes names of its participants.

  7. Selected records of the Rent Office Urząd Rent w Łodzi (Sygn. 214) : Wybrane materiały

    Files on the granting and the payments of pensions to German invalids and to families of fallen soldiers. The Jews listed on the lists are mostly the veterans of World War I (or their families), staying in the Łódź ghetto.

  8. Baby takes first steps in Dahlem

    Moving train, railroad tracks. Ethel sits by the window next to another woman (Piepers?) and smiles. The family stands by their car and stows their belongings in the vehicle. The residence in Dahlem, Germany. The children play in the yard. A toddler, probably Peter, takes some of his first steps. He occasionally receives help. He falls over and recovers.

  9. Rudy and Hilde Miller collection

    Correspondence and documents of Hilde and Rudy Miller and their lawyer Hans Strauss concerning reparations for materials and business dispossessed of them for being Jewish. Correspondence discusses, in particular, Rudy’s loss of business after the Nazis instigated a boycott on Jewish businesses and forced the Millers, who did not know each other, to flee. Both Rudy (born Windmueller) and Hilde (born Mueller) had to flee and leave behind their immediate families who did not survive. Included in collection is a photograph attached to an identity card fragment for Emma Windmueller, Rudy’s moth...

  10. Judenrat in Pabianice Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Pabianice (Sygn. 262)

    Records of the Judenrat in Pabianice. Consists of two labor cards with photographs issued for Jews by the Judenrat authorities in the Ghetto in Pabianice

  11. Selected records of the city of Warsaw. City Board of the capital city of Warsaw Akta miasta Warszawy. Zarząd Miejski miasta stołecznego Warszawy (Sygn. 3)

    Records of the Social-Political Department of the City Board in Warsaw concerning Jewish associations from the post-war period: Correspondence, registration or refusal of registration, lists of associations, reports on activities, statutes, lists and members and personal files.

  12. Witelson and Laks families collection

    The Witelson and Laks families collection includes biographical materials related to Hela Witelson (later Helen Laks) and Richard Laks. The collection includes the Swedish marriage certificate of Hela Witelson and Richard Laks, February 23, 1949; Helen’s reissued Polish birth certificate which states her given name was Chaja Szajndla Witelson, 1998; and Richard Lak’s R.E.M.E. Record of Service card, 1947. The collection also includes a includes a photograph album and loose photographs related to the Witelson and Laks families of Poland. The photographs include pre-war and post-war photograp...

  13. Selected records from the State Archives of the Mykolaiv Region, Ukraine related to the history of Jewish communities of the Mykolaiv region before and after WWII

    Contains selected records of the Soviet and Communist Party regional bodies related to individual Jews, Jewish families, and Jewish communities of the Mykolaiv (Nikolaev) region before and aftermath of WWII. Included are statistical information about Jewish population of the region, documents about schools and special reading rooms for Jewish population, promotion of literacy and vocational training, bylaws of Jewish religious communities and inventories of synagogues, prayer houses, files on Jews who appealed for the reinstatement of their electoral rights, restitution of the nationalized ...

  14. Felix and Flory Van Beek correspondence

    Collection of documents, correspondence, receipts and papers relating to Holocaust survivors Felix Levi and his wife Flory (later known as Felix and Flory Van Beek) in Rotterdam, Netherlands to friends and family including Felix's brother Hugo and Theo in Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and New York; bound in binder; dated 1946-1948; in German, Dutch and English.

  15. Jewish communities in Mexico

    Consists of records of Jewish communities of Mexico City and Guadalajara. Includes records of Jewish organizations, schools, and also includes periodicals.

  16. Rose Maklan Ross collection

    Consists of prewar photographs, displaced persons camp photographs, immigration paperwork including naturalization papers, displaced persons camp registration, vaccination and an interview on cassette tape. Also includes personal papers such as identification cards and a birth certificate.

  17. Pete Pease photograph collection

    The Pete Pease photograph collection consists of approximately 40 photographs showing the Buchenwald concentration camp shortly after its liberation in 1945. The photographs depict the corpses of victims, the interior of various barracks and camp buildings, the crematorium, gallows, the burial of victims, liberating soldiers, and camp survivors. Many of the photographs were taken by the US Army Signal Corps.

  18. World War I veterans in Braunschweig, 1934

    Flag with the Iron Cross. Barrels of four guns rest together. Cannon. Small planted shrubs, artillery. A crowd gathers in a square. Men in uniform on horseback. German World War I veterans wearing the Pickelhaube, followed by others, such as men with flags and sashes. A man carries a sign: “L.Eskadron Husaren-Regt. 17.” More marching, spectators. Men salute, and soldiers respond. “ENDE” (reverse)

  19. Organization of survivors of the Nazi persecution (She'erit Hapleita) Asociación de Sobrevivientes de la Persecución Nazi en la Argentina. Archivo de Sherit Hapleitá

    Organizational records and publications from the Sheerit Hapleita in Argentina held in Sheerit Hapleita office at Paso Street. The records include correspondence, photographs, office files, press releases, and printed material; project folders related to campaigns, memorialization events and other activities of Holocaust survivors in Argentina.