Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,881 to 6,900 of 58,959
  1. Prison at the Daniłowiczowska Street in Warsaw Więzienie przy ulicy Daniłowiczowskiej w Warszawie (Sygn.210)

    Records of the Centralny Areszt w Warszawie-"Centralniak" at the Daniłowiczowska Street in Warsaw. Includes a register of persons detained in the prison, the book of prisoners, lists of arrests, prisoners' index, file of Janina Serafin and Noech Lejba Troper.

  2. Selected records of the City Aleksandrów Akta Miasta Aleksandrowa (Sygn. 2133) : Wybrane materialy

    Records of the City Aleksandrów, Poland. Consists of documents of the permanent population of the city of Aleksandrów, like as: lists of properties along with the ethnic division (1937-1939), statistics and reports on industry and commerce in the city, lists of companies in the city, including their Jewish owners; population books; passports and IDs (1926-1931), the census of 1931, files of issued ID cards (1929-1939), applications for the personal ID with photographs (1933-1939), registration books (1915-1932), documents regarding the Jewish community and execution of taxes, reports on rel...

  3. Protectorate Police Batallion "Mähren" Prapor protektorátní policie Morava (B 303)

    Consists of the Kriegstagebuch (war diary) of the Protektoratspolizei-Batallion "Mähren," May 11, 1943 to January 29, 1944 and the Arrestbuch (prison log book) of the Protektoratspolizei-Batallion "Mähren," March 8, 1943 to February 6, 1944.

  4. Personal papers of Holocaust survivors in Argentina

    Contains four small collections of personal documents, photographs, correspondence of survivors to Argentina: 1. Klippel-one file from the office of Jose Moskovits pertaining to Leon Klippel and his sister Bella Scner (geb. Klippel) consisting of 60 pages & photos. (See also RG-72.006M & RG-72.035) 2. Vogel: documents donated by Maurizio Vogel's family consisting of about 200 pages documenting the efforts by Mr. Vogel, who had fled from Nazi Germany to Argentina with his son, to rescue his wife who remained behind in Germany in order to take care of her ailing mother. Includes perso...

  5. Drawing of a man with a Star of David badge on the back of his jacket

  6. District Office in Moravské Budějovice Okresní úřad Moravské Budějovice

    District administrative records including a register of Jews living in Moravské Budějovice (German: Mährisch Budwitz), decrees against Jews and records of the expropriation and aryanization of Jewish properties.

  7. Anton Kozlowski photograph collection

    Consists of photographs of Buchenwald at liberation, a photograph of Ohrdruf at liberation, and a photograph of a German soldier standing among casualties on the Eastern Front. The collection is attributed to Anton Kozlowski (1924-2002) who served in the European Theater after enlisting with the U.S. Army in 1943.

  8. Emil Engl collection

    Contains a Deutsches Reich Reisepass issued to Emil Engl (donor's father); marked with red "J" stamped on first page; issued in Vienna, Debruary 27, 1939. Emil fled Vienna and immigrated to Palestine in 1939, where he joined the Haganah.

  9. Faber family collection

    Contains letters and documents related to the Faber family, from WWI-era to 1957. Also contains two postcards, one dated January 7, 1935, addressed to Karl Faber of Warsaw; the other dated June 27, 1939, from Hermann Israel Wolf of Frankfurt am Main, addressed to family in Tel Aviv, Palestine. Also includes WWI-era military photos of Jakob Kallmann; a photograph of a tombstone for Jakob Faber; and a photo of a house. Also includes a photographic postcard and a 1915 German military identification book (Militarpass) for Otto Guenther.

  10. Esther and Robert Born papers

    The collection primarily consists of a diary kept by Esther Born (née Wittlin), originally of Żółkiew, Poland (present-day Zhovkva, Ukraine), who survived the Holocaust in hiding. The diary is handwritten in Polish on loose sheets of paper, and included is a typed English language translation. It describes in detail the family’s flight from Żółkiew and their experiences while in hiding. Also included in the collection is Esther’s autograph book from Bytom, Poland, and the Memmingen and Wegsheid DP camps, 1945-1947; a 1953 essay about her arrival in the United States; a Wittlin family tree; ...

  11. Kirstein family photographs

    The Kirstein family photographs contains two photographs of a Zionist rally at an unidentified displaced persons camp, likely in Germany. The photographs show Jewish children sitting in front of banners and posters with Hebrew slogans and images of Zionist leaders. Sara Kirstein, later Sara Scolnick, and her parents Abraham and Manya Kirstein are likely pictured in the photographs, circa 1947-1949.

  12. Friends and family in prewar Germany

    Friends walk past the camera outdoors. Children pose for the camera and play. Baby cries. The girl smiles and waves. Ethel Lindemann (?) holds the toddler and waves. More shots of the group walking in a park, well-dressed, laughing, man with hat and cane carries a camera. 01:01:21 Pan, family home with parked car, the family exits their home, smiling and waving and smoking. CUs, girl plays, some snow on the ground. Adults and toddler take a walk.

  13. Visiting Berlin and Potsdam

    Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church and the Gloria Palast theatre. Cars drive under the overpass as a train moves across it. “HEILIGE FLAMME” Woman stands in a park by a lake. She walks on a small bridge. Four people on horses. Boat on the lake. Hans Lindemann. Men row in a small harbor. Two classical sculptures. Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam. Terraced gardens on the palace grounds. Intertitle [mistranslation]: “‘Sans souci’ means ‘I should worry.’” People walk through the Sanssouci gardens. The Orangery Palace, Grand Colonnade of the Palace, Neues Palais with two great curved staircases leading u...

  14. Marcel Zauberman collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of Marcel Zauberman, originally of Lens, France, who fled German-occupied France and survived the war from 1943-1945 in Hôme de la Forêt, a Swiss boys home in Geneva. Included is Marcel’s Swiss-issued refugee identification document (Flüchtlingsausweis) and photographs documenting his time at Hôme de la Forêt. The photographs are numbered by the donor and he has provided the following descriptions (descriptions run left to right): 1. Kneeling: Jean Levy-Loeb, Michel Levy-Loeb, Rudolph; Standing: Annie (staff), Leopold, Victor (staff), Simon...

  15. Portuguese letter of protection

    Contains a letter of protection issued to three members of the Herczog family; prepared by Alberto Carlos de Liz-Texeira Branquinho of the Portuguese consulate in Budapest, dated August 24, 1944, with his stamped signature and the endorsement of as Consulado de Portugal em Budapes; three photos of bearers affixed.

  16. Albert Ehrlich collection

    Collection of a document and photographs which were acquired and captioned by Staff Sgt. Albert Ehrlich (donor’s father) during his service with the US Army in Europe during WWII. Includes documenta from the hotel they stayed in, a photo of SS troops, a SS troop’s wedding photo, image of the atrocities at Gardelegen, and a photo of Albert Ehrlich sitting on an Army jeep.

  17. Selected records of the Provincial Office in Brest on the Bug Urząd Wojewódzki w Brześciu nad Bugiem (Sygn.1183)

    Monthly and weekly reports on socio-political and professional life of national minorities and security issues. Included are reports on the communist movement, the conference: Zjazd Pionierów Zonistycznych, 1924 (Congress of Zionist Pioneers), which took place in 1924 in the voivodships Polesie and Białystok, activities of Polish trade unions and associations, and activities of Jewish organizations and associations, as the "Agroid." It also contains correspondence regarding Samuel Gomberg, director of the firm "Agahell", suspected of anti-government activities, etc.

  18. Hilert family collection

    The Hilert family collection consists of documents, correspondence, and identification cards pertaining to the Hilert family and their postwar time experience in the Stuttgart West displaced persons camp (DP camp) in Germany and their immigration to the United States. The collection contains an affidavit from Avrom Hiller and Senator Harry Byrd and smallpox vaccination certificates. The documents pertain to Rabbi Samuel Hilert, Rose (Rosa, Raizel) Gutkind Hilert, and their son, Moses Baruch Hilert (Michael, Mike).

  19. Kruger family collection

    Contains letters from Kolomyia, Vienna, and elsewhere, primarily dated 1938, including several addressed to Moritz Fahnin Brooklyn, NY.

  20. Earl Browder and James Ford 1940 campaign button

    1940 election campaign button with images of Earl Browder and James Ford and the words "For a Free, Happy Prosperous America/Browder for President Ford for Vice Pres./Vote Communist."