Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,921 to 6,940 of 58,959
  1. Anti-Bolshevik propaganda poster

    Antisemitic poster; "Minden a miénk!" [Everything is ours!]; dated circa 1919-1920

  2. Moshe Shertok ticket

    Ticket for reception in honor of Moshe Shertok of Jerusalem, at Carnegie Hall in New York City in 1943. Text: “Reception in honor of Moshe Shertok/of Jerusalem/Chief of Political Department of the Jewish Agency for Palestine/Wednesday evening, March 17th, 1943…Carnegie Hall….Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Chairman/Auspices: American Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs…(This will be Mr. Shertok’s only public address in this Country)”

  3. Selected records of the Voivodship Office of Warsaw Urząd Wojewódzki Warszawski (Sygn. 500) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected records of various departments of the Voivodship Office of Warsaw: the Technical Department: records relating to the Treblinka camp measurements; the Department of War Compensation: registration of war damages, lists of losses, testimonies of witnesses; the Department of Reconstruction: materials related to war damage (lists, correspondence, graves and war cemeteries, exhumations, list of assets abandoned in Węgrów); the Social-Political Department: materials regarding the Jewish religious congregation and Jewish organizations from the Warsaw region.

  4. Obschatko family papers

    Photographs of the people gathered at the Monument of Remembrance for the Victims of the Shoa, Argentina.

  5. Municipal National Committee of Velké Meziříčí Městský národní výbor Velké Meziříčí

    Records pertaining to the post-war restitution of Jewish property.

  6. Oral history interview with Helen Laks

  7. Judenrat in Piotrków Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Piotrków (Sygn. 263)

    Records of the Judenrat in Piotrków. Consists of Polish identity card and German Registration Card for Jews (Meldekarte für Juden) issued for Jojne Chaskiel Tarkowski vel Tarko in 1942.

  8. Stanisław Dobosiewicz collection

    Private collection of Stanisław Dobosiewicz. Includes various materials mostly collected by Dobosiewicz among the former prisoners of the KL Mauthausen-Gusen: biographical materials, studies and own texts by Stanisław Dobosiewicz, letters and correspondence, memories and accounts of former prisoners of the Mauthausen-Gusen camp relating to resistance movement inside the camp, attempts to escape and ways to preserve life and dignity; comments of former prisoners to Stanisław Dobosiewicz's books, archival materials relating to the cultural, artistic and self-educational activities of prisoner...

  9. John Weitz collection

    Contains John Weitz’s historical research for the books "Hitler's Diplomat: The Life and Times of Joachim von Ribbentrop" (published in 1992) and "Hitler's Banker: Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht" (published in 1997). Includes copies of primary and secondary source material, newspaper clippings, personal papers, as well as Mr. Weitz’s handwritten notes.

  10. Georg F. Duckwitz private collection (Group 5344)

    Papers of Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz, an attaché for Nazi Germany in occupied Denmark. This collection consists of papers relating to the action against the Jews in Denmark, 1943, records of Duckwitz's conversation with Hans Kirchhoff, a Danish historian in 1968, as well as a travel reports, private letters and correspondence, and calendar, 1943-1944. Note: Records are restricted until 2048, access only by the permission of the Danish National Archives. Access is granted by application and must go through the Danish Data Protection Agency since the material contains personal information.

  11. Photographic postcard

    Consists of a photographic postcard depicting Jewish men and boys, with armbands, seated with hands on their heads. Armed guards are visible in the background. The postcard was acquired by survivor Chaim Fuchs. Chaim, born 1923 in Krosniewice, Poland, was a survivor of Auschwitz and other camps. An inscription on the reverse of the postcard reads, "Bürkenau," though its relationship to the scene captured is unclear.

  12. District Office in Třebíč Okresní úřad Třebíč

    District administrative records including decrees against Jews and expropriation and aryanization of Jewish properties in Třebíč (German: Trebitsch).

  13. Broadside from Tel-Aviv announcing closures to mourn the sinking of the refugee ship "Struma"

    Broadside issued by the Municipal Corporation of Tel-Aviv and mayor, Israel Rokach, announcing closures and a day of mourning in response to the sinking of the refugee ship, Strumah, in the Black Sea off of Istanbul, Turkey, in February 1942. The Strumah (Struma) was an illegal immigrant ship that left Constanta, Romania, on December 12, 1941, with 767 Jewish refugees fleeing policies enacted by the German-allied, Romanian government. The ship was headed for Istanbul, where the passengers hoped to get visas to enter Palestine (now Israel). The old cargo barge was unsafe and overcrowded. The...

  14. Judenrat in Kobierzyn Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Kobierzyn (Sygn.259)

    Records of the Judenrat in Kobierzyn, Poland. Consists of blank banking forms of the Staatliche Irrenanstalt in Kobierzyn (State Mental Institution) used as the proof of payments for particular people. Name of people are handwritten on the top of the forms: Salomea Gdańska, Estera Goldbrrim vel Spitzberg, Rozalia Mendel, Paula Messner, Antonina Mink vel Adler, Szwajer Munk, Filip Rieger, Chaja Schwarz, Laja Szwajcer, Siegbert Tichlauer, Elsa Wechsberg.

  15. Visiting Berlin

    Hans Lindemann stands by the garden in front of The Reichstag in Berlin. Berliner Dom. Altes Museum. A man speaks from the passenger seat of a car. The Preußisches Staatstheater in Gendarmenmarkt. “Markgrafen Str.” Busy streets of Berlin. Trolleys and cars drive past. Double-decker bus. The corner building, “HACIFA.” A man standing near factory. “PATHEX”

  16. Blake and Anna Schiff papers

    Documents, correspondence, identification papers, and photographs regarding the Holocaust-era experiences of Blake and Anna Schiff in the Warsaw Ghetto, Grodno, and in hiding in Novosiolki. Biographical material includes documents regarding Blake’s education and employment in the United States, Blake’s false identity card under the name Stephan Podolski used in post-war Poland, and social security cards. Correspondence includes letters sent by Blake to Mary and Helene Daily, his aunt and cousin in the United States, regarding his efforts to immigrate to the U.S. in 1939 as a student, and sc...

  17. Dreyfuss, Reutlinger and Pollack families collection

    Contains documents and photographs related to Wilhelm (William) and Recha Reutlinger, as well as documents and photographs related to Leo Dreyfuss and his family (both the Dreyfuss and Pollak families). includes a Swiss identity card; Zeugnis and other documents about Leo Dreyfuss as a young refugee in Switzerland; correspondence regarding U.S. immigration paperwork including affidavits; a death certificate from Rivesaltes; and academic documents and credentials regarding Wilhelm Reutlinger.

  18. Prosecutor's Office of the District Court in Siedlce Prokuratura Sądu Okręgowego w Siedlcach (Sygn. 2065)

    Prosecutor's files on Jews suspected or accused of communist activities as: spreading communist slogans and brochures ("Holiday of Communism"), anti-Polish proclamations and banners, and to be members of the communist associations and parties.