Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,581 to 6,600 of 58,959
  1. Oral history interview with Gershon Yelin

  2. Collection of 3831 photographs made by members of the Peasant Movement Zbiór 3831 zdjęć wykonanych przez członków Ruchu Ludowego

    Consists of catalog cards with the photo collection from a grup of records: K4-BCH Lwów-Rawa Mazowiecka. Each card contains the photograph and its description along with the date (not always). Photographs relate to World War II: military actions, Polish Armed Forces in the West (Polskie Siły Zbrojne na Zachodzie, PSZ), prisoners of war, occupant policy, terror, Peasant Battalions (Bataliony Chłopskie, BCH)-Main Headquarters and armed units (partisans), and commemoration events after WWII.

  3. Miksa Eisikovits's Hasidic Jewish folk music collection from Maramures

    Photocopy of Miksa Eisikovits's (Max Eisikovits) Hasidic Jewish folk music collection from Máramaros (Maramures, Romania) documented in 1938-39. The collection consists of four school music sheet booklets with handwritten scores, annotations, and phonetic, liturgic Hebrew and Yiddish texts. Included are four additional sheets. Miska collected 160 songs during his research in Máramaros, but was unable to capture lyrics for all of them. The collection has been published as "És a halottak újra énekelnek ..." : Eiskovits Miksa Máramarosi haszid zsidó zenei gyűjtéses (1938-1939) / szerkesztette ...

  4. Ben V. Codor papers

    The collection consists of letters sent to Ben V. Codor, Director of the Jewish Federation of Delaware, from Albert Einstein, Felix Frankfurter, James H. Meisel (Secretary to Thomas Mann), James G. McDonald, Richard C. McMullen, and Gerrish Gassaway. Also included are letters from Codor to McDonald and Dr. Joseph Barsky, a letter from David Hays Sulzberger to Jacob Billikopf of the National Coordinating Committee, an exhibition label regarding the Einstein letter from the Historical Society of Delaware, and a photograph of Codor with Milton Kutz, assistant general manager of the Electrochem...

  5. Fedde and Albert Gozen Van Terwisga collection

    Contains two death announcements for father and son, Fedde and Albert Gozen Van Terwisga, who were not Jewish but but imprisoned in Herzogenbusch in the Netherlands and then deported to the Dachau concentration camp. Family death announcements stating Albert "died February 9, 1945" and Fedde "died" March 5, 1945, both at the Dachau concentration camp, victims of Nazism.

  6. Watercolor created in Theresienstadt

    Artwork: 'Mizrach' artwork, watercolor created by Hilde Zadikow in Theresienstadt concentration camp. The artist was born in 1890 in Prague, Czechoslovakia and deported to Terezin with her husband Arnold (who died there) and daughter Marianne. While there, Hilde created this Mizrach [a work of art placed on a wall facing Jerusalem] in 1943. Hebrew translates to "The Lord shall grant strength to His people; the Lord shall bless His people with peace" and "For You light my lamp; the Lord, my G-d, does light my darkness." Dictated to her by Leo Baeck. Hilde and Marianne survived and immigrated...

  7. Czerner, Fröhlich, and Porges families papers

    The Czerner, Fröhlich, and Porges families papers contain correspondence, identification documents, immigration documents, school certificates, photographs, and a photograph album relating to the Czerner, Fröhlich, and Porges families living in Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic) before and during World War II and the Holocaust. The correspondence centers on the emigration of Max and Irma Czerner from Prague to the United States with their infant son in 1939. The correspondence relates their efforts to secure visas and transportation for their young daughters, Helga and Raya Czerner...

  8. Broadside against owners of Jewish business in Poland

    Wlasciele firmy Bracia Mund agenci hitlerowscy zmarli śmiercią cywilną dla Społeczeństwa żydowskiego, a broadside denouncing the owners of a Jewish business ("Mund Brothers"), blaming them for cooperation with the Nazis following their participation in a trade show in Leipzig. No note of printer, publisher or date, [Poland, 1930s]. Polish. A broadside denouncing the owners of "Mund Brothers", a Jewish business in Lvov. The notice was printed following their participation in a trade show in Leipzig and blames them for cooperation with the Nazis, "in the most difficult time for the Jewish peo...

  9. Matheus and Frieda Sandisku letter

    Letter written in Yiddish from Matheus and Frieda Sandisku (donor's grandparents) in Kaunas, Lithuania, to relatives in the United States, undated (1930s).

  10. Switzer family papers

    The collection documents the pre-war, wartime, and postwar experiences of the Switzer family, originally of Zagreb, Yugoslavia (Croatia) including their flight from Zagreb to Italy in 1941, their trek from Aprica, Italy to the Swiss border in 1943, and their immigration to the United States in 1949. Included are report cards of Arthur Switzer; identification papers including birth, citizenship, and marriage certificates; immigration and naturalization papers; and travel permits used to leave Zagreb for Italy in 1941. Also included is a photograph of Arthur, Frieda, and their son Steven Swit...

  11. Doppelt family photographs

    Photographs of Felix and Gitla Doppelt in a displaced persons camp in Bari, Italy.

  12. Oral history interview with Eugene Kohan

  13. Hauptgruppe Gewrbliche Wirtschaft und Verkehr in der Distriktkammer fuer die Gesamtwirtschaft in Warschau Grupa Główna Gospodarka Przemysłowa i Ruch w izbie Okregowej dla Gospodarki Ogólnej w Warszawie (Sygn. 496//II)

    Selected records of German industrial factories in the GG. Includes lists of trading companies in Warsaw, statistics on workers, numerous materials regarding the borders of the Warsaw ghetto, relocation of companies from the ghetto area, allocation of premises in the ghetto, various corespondence and reports.

  14. Collection of photo albums Zbiór albumów fotograficznych (Sygn. 1624)

    Two German albums: The first album consists of 140 photos taken in Warsaw, the photographs are documenting the activity of German officials, public celebrations of German events, 1942-1943. The second album contains 50 photographs taken in Warsaw in 1939-1944. It was donated by a citizen of the GDR in 1972, Hermana Nickel from Schoenebeck.

  15. Romanian identity certificates

    Contains an identity card issued by the "District Office for the Jews of Chernovtsy (Czernowitz)" with a yellow Star of David on it, issued to Hermine Euzer; dated 1942; photograph missing. Also includes a certificate of registration of the Jewish community of Czernowitz (now Chernivtsi, Ukraine), made according to a state law from 1942.

  16. Commandant of the order police Moravia Velitel pořádkové policie Morava Kommandanteur der Ordnungspolizei Mähren (B 314)

    Miscellaneous reports, memos, correspondence, registers of police personnel, and administrative records of police regiments in Moravia, including reports of events from commanders of SS of the 21st SS Police Regiment (Polizei-Regiment Mähren) to the Commander of Orpo, and an organization chart of the General Commandat of the Police with a register of personnel.

  17. Prayer book

    Consists of a Tefilat Yiśraʼel (Israels gebete) prayer book, published c. 1943 Basel which includes names and addresses of various contacts inscribed by the donor's father, a Holocaust survivor, while living as a displaced person in Leipheim.

  18. George Jerrold Long, Sr. photograph collection

    Collection of eight photographic prints documenting the Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation; photos brought home by George Jerrold Long, Sr. (donor’s father) after his service with the US Army during WWII.