Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,561 to 6,580 of 58,959
  1. Inspector of the uniformed Protectorate police in Moravia Inspektor uniformované protektorátní policie na Moravě (B 300)

    Includes daily orders and reports from 1943 to 1945; records pertaining to the fight against partisans and paratroopers including lists of anti-partisan volunteers; arrest records; records pertaining to American, British, French, Italian and Russian POWs, forced laborers, black market profiteers, the use of convicts for the removal of unexploded ordinance, the setting up of detention camps, and other relevant records pertaining to the daily activities of the uniformed police and gendarmerie in the Protectorate under German control.

  2. Oral history interview with Günter Cordier

  3. Selected records of the Voivodship Office in Lviv Urząd Wojewódzki we Lwowie (Sygn. 1185)

    Periodic reports on the state of security, national minorities, social and political life, communist movement, communist organizations., e.g. Communist Party of Western Ukraine (In Polish: Komunistyczna Partia Zachodniej Ukrainy, KPZU), Polish unions and associations, also includes a list of organization located on Lwów voivodship.

  4. Weiss family collection

    Contains a Ketuba (marriage license) for Imre and Elizabeth Weiss (donor's parents), Hungarian birth certificate, Hungarian marriage license, copies of photographs, and a copy of a handwritten biography of Margit Gluckman (donor's aunt).

  5. Ostwald family collection

    The Ostwald family collection consists of biographical materials, correspondence, diaries and memoirs, photographs, photo albums, and negatives related to the Ostwald family of Dortmund, Germany; the Strauss family; the Tendlau family; and the Weinberg family. The biographical materials series includes genealogy materials, family trees, and research files regarding various branches of the Ostwald family. The file on August Niemeyer (1887-1938), Martin Ostwald’s favorite Latin teacher, includes Niemeyer’s obituary and copy prints of the Dortmund school Martin attended. Materials relating to ...

  6. Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, Office for the State of Moravia situated in Brno Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren, Dienststelle für Land Mähren in Brünn (B 251)

    Administrative records of the Brno office of the Reich Protector for Bohemia and Moravia. Contains material on the persecution of the local Jewish population, anti-Jewish measures and decrees, Aryanizations and expropriations of Jewish properties and assets, arrests of Czech individuals, Germanization efforts, Czech collaborators and informants, Gestapo, reports on the various Landräte, German and Czech police and gendarmerie, schools, theatre and cultural events, forced labor, and other subject matters.

  7. Selected records of the Amtsgericht Zichanau Sąd Obwodowy w Ciechanowie (Sygn. 653) : Wybrane materialy

    Two criminal cases of Poles and Jews accused of illegal trade. They were sentenced to fines and prison.

  8. County Jewish Committee in Tarnów Powiatowy Komitet Żydowski w Tarnowie (Sygn. 365)

    This collection contains materials refering to the everyday life of members of the Jewish committee in Tarnów and the functioning of the committee, including correspondence, a list of Jews living in Tarnów in 1949, a list of items in clothing store from 1947, as well as numerous financial documents regarding assistance provided.

  9. Robert Kaldeck papers

    The collection consists of documents and correspondence regarding the experiences of Dr. Robert Kaldeck, including his emigration from Vienna, Austria in September 1938 with the intention of going to Mexico, where he had been granted asylum; his denial of entry into the United States and Mexico; his stay in Havana, Cuba, where he was given refuge after meeting with Cuban leader, Fulgencio Batista in February 1939; and his immigration to the United States in September 1939. The collection also documents his medical career in Austria and the United States, his efforts to rescue his parents Mo...

  10. Joseph Greenblatt family photographs

    Consists of three photographs depicting the sisters of Joseph Greenblatt, formerly Josel Narachinsky (Naruszczynski), who perished in the Holocaust.

  11. Justice Ministry : State Court Linz-Criminal cases against illegal Nazi Party members Justizministerium : Landesgericht Linz-Strafsachen gegen illegale NSDAP Mitglieder (AT-OeSta /AVA Justiz)

    Court cases against illegal Nazi party members in Linz and surrounding localities in Upper Austria before annexation to Nazi Germany.

  12. Police headquarters in Jihlava 1932-1942 Policejní ředitelství Jihlava 1932-1942 (B 74)

    Aryanization and anti-Jewish measures in Jihlava. List of Jewish-owned firms and companies in Jihlava; list of Jewish-owned apartments and houses in Jihlava; report of a boycott of German products by the Jewish community in Jihlava.

  13. Amtsgericht Praschnitz Sąd Obwodowy w Przasnyszu (Sygn. 649/III) : Wybrane materialy

    A criminal case of Poles and Jews accused of illegal trade. They were sentenced to fines and prison.

  14. Photograph of a deportation action in Łódź

    Consists of a single photograph depicting a deportation action in Łódź, showing Jewish men, women, and children wearing star badges and carrying bundles as they are forced to the Fabryczna railway station under armed guard. Buildings on Składowa street as well as towers of the Hotel Polonia Palast are visible.

  15. Scroll

    Scroll given to Kaiser Wilhelm and his wife on the occasion of their Silver wedding anniversary by The Central Committee of the Zionist Organization of Germany in Berlin. Discovered after the war by Soviet Army Sergeant Marc Shapiro, one of the first to reach Hitler's bunker, who discovered the scroll in the Reich Chancellery.

  16. Collection of announcements and leaflets about the social life of the Jewish population Zbiór obwieszczeń i ulotek dotyczących życia społecznego ludności żydowskiej (Sygn. 144)

    A pre-war collection of posters, leaflets and announcements from Poland relating to elections to the parliament (a number of announcements refer to the Bund party), theater events, funeral services, lectures and literary evenings.

  17. Shutters

    Pair of shutters from Taize, France, from the house in which between 1940 and 1942 Brother Roger, founder of the Communaute de Taize, hid refugees including Jews. The shutters served as a sign indicating to the refugees after police visits to the premises, the point at which the refugees could come back to the house without danger.

  18. Shames family collection

    The collection consists of pre-war photographs of the Shames family in Warsaw, Poland and post-war photographs in Lwów, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine), Siberia, Berlin, Germany, Israel, and the United States. Includes two photographs of the family on a ship during their immigration to the United States. Some of the photographs are copy prints.