Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,641 to 6,660 of 58,959
  1. Selected records of the Prison in Łódź Więzienie Łódzkie (Sygn. 197) : Wybrane materialy

    Contains the personal files of prisoners: admission order, prisoners description, a visit permit, an exemption order, a list of penalties, petitions and complaints. The prisoners were convicted mailny for crimes like as: organizing illegal border crossing, distributing communist materials, polygamy and financial fraud, belonging to the Communist Union of Polish Youth, and organizing bomb attacks on Jewish enterprises.

  2. Sightseeing in Washington, DC

    The Lindemanns visit Washington, DC. US Capitol building. The White House with autombile traffic and visitors by the fence. Fountains at the Washington Monument. The reflecting pool and the Lincoln Memorial. More sightseeing. Pan of the Union Station. A friend approaches the camera coming down stairs. Cherry trees in full bloom at the Tidal Basin, train passes by in the BG.

  3. Judenrat in Przemyśl Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Przemyśl (Sygn.264)

    Records of the Judenrat in Przemyśl. It contains the IDs of Dawid Haupt (born in 1891) and his family: Alicja (born 1894) and Izabela (born 1921)

  4. Nicole Denier Long papers

    The Nicole Denier Long papers include a family book, divorce papers, marriage permissions, a personal narrative, and photographs documenting the family of Nicole Denier Long in Paris before, during, and after the Holocaust and her marriage to American serviceman John Vanderford Long. Nicole’s photocopied seven-page personal narrative remembering her brother describes their childhood and their survival in France during World War II. The photographs depict Nicole in France and Switzerland, her husband’s return trip to France, and their marriage.

  5. Concentration camp uniform worn by Mihaly Borsa

    Two-part prisoner uniform, a jacket and pants, worn by Mihaly Borsa in Dachau concentration camp during the Holocaust.

  6. Curtain that was used as a towel found by a Polish Jewish forced laborer

    Curtain found by Paula Dash while she was a forced laborer in the city of Bremen, Germany, from 1944-1945. Paula found the curtain in a basement, hid it in her bosom and used it as a towel in the mornings. Later, while living in Bergen-Belsen displaced person’s camp, she used it as a table cloth. Paula was living in Łódź, Poland, with her family when Germany invaded on September 1, 1939. A week later, German forces occupied the city and quickly established an enclosed Jewish ghetto in the city. Paula, her parents, and three siblings all lived in one small room. Her younger brother Henry, be...

  7. Naomi Waldman collection

    Contains four photographs depicting young people, including Holocaust survivors, in Anvers and Brussels, Belgium, dated 1944-1945; all captioned on verso, some with personal inscriptions.

  8. Archive of the City of Moravské Budějovice Archiv města Moravské Budějovice

    City administrative records, registers of employees, registers of livestock, death books, correspondence; included are decrees against Jews and records of the expropriation and aryanization of Jewish properties in Moravské Budějovice (German: Mährisch Budwitz).

  9. Trencin county II Trenčianska župa II

    Administrative records of Trenčín county, with its seat in Žilina. Included are lists of Jews residing in Trenčín district, and in the district and city of Žilina as well as other districts; lists of Jews employed in various businesses; anti-Jewish regulations, circulars and decrees issued by the Ministry of the Interior and local authorities; and records pertaining to the expropriation of Jewish property and assets. Most of the records are for the period between 1940 until the mass round-ups and deportations in 1942.

  10. British Pathé Newsreel -- Austrian and German refugees take part in an Americanization program at a Quaker camp

    RKO-Pathe News. Titles read: "HAVEN - QUAKERS ESTABLISH NY REFUGEE FARM". At West Park American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), several shots of Austrian and German refugees of various ages sitting on steps and chairs outside a building and learning about the American way of life in 'Americanization Classes'. Adults and children work together in picking fruit and vegetables in fields on the Quaker camp. Commentator says the program is designed to re-establish the refugees socially and spiritually. Several shots of young people diving into a lake and swimming about.

  11. Nechama Safira photograph

    Contains a photographic postcard, with inscription on verso, of Nechama Paleszek Safira, who survived the Holocaust and then immigrated to Israel (Palestine) in 1947. Nechama was born in 1915 in Kowel.

  12. Oral history interview with Ruth Neray

  13. Koplowitz and Shlafer families papers

    Consists of pre- and postwar photographs of Michael and Dina (née Schlafer) Koplowitz and relatives, formerly of Łódź, Poland, as well as documents relating to the couple's experiences while living as displaced persons in Germany and their later immigration to Israel. Included are IRO documents, a copy of Michael Koplowitz's birth certificate, Michael and Dina's marriage certificate, a statement of witnesses attesting to the identity of Dina Koplowitz, a letter in Yiddish, and an Israeli identity document issued to Michael Koplowitz. The collection also includes a photocopy of Dina's sist...

  14. The Pilberg family collection

    Collection of documents of the Pilberg family relating to immigration from Poland to Argentina. Includes photographs, passports, certifications and letters.

  15. Jewish Community in Tarnopol Gmina Wyznaniowa Żydowska w Tarnopolu (Sygn. 110)

    Documents concerning charity foundations of: Abe Eberman, Feiga Chaja Königsberg, Dawid Francoz, Abraham Kittner, Milka Karpf, Majer Weissglas, Jakub Czosnowski, Jakub Eberman, Salomon Eberman, Sina Fröhlich, Ester Brüner, Mojżesz Parnas, S. Marmorka, Mojżesz Katz, Złata Raisa Dudak, Horowitz, Kurfürst, Markus Eliasz Günsberg, M. Weissglas, Rudolf Gall, Melchior Axlerad, Saul Parnass, Rywka Peller, Józef Perl, Jakub Schmierer, Ozjasz Kaminker, Łukaczer, Jekl Luftig, Hersz Lille, Pasia Ruchla Safier, Mariem Kammerling-Hirschorn, Samuel Schulbaum, Izydor Weissglas.

  16. Handstreich gegen Kowno

    Contains the cover of a German propaganda booklet entitled "Handstreich gegen Kowno" [Coup Against Kovno] about the German invasion of Kovno.

  17. District Authority Valašské Meziříčí Okresní úřad Valašské Meziříčí

    Administrative records of Valašské Meziříčí (German: Wallachisch Meseritsch, colloquially Valmez), a town in the Zlín region. Features records pertaining to the Jewish community in Vsetín, police matters concerning Jews, anti-Jewish measures, the expropriation of Jewish properties and assets including the appointment of commissioners, the treatment of refugees, and other relevant records.

  18. Hilbert Margol papers

    The Hilbert and Howard Margol papers consist of Margol family wartime correspondence and German postcards acquired by Howard and Hilbert Margol after VE Day. The Margol family correspondence consists of a letter with envelope sent to Mrs. Sarah Margol from US Army Major General Edwin M. Watson, Secretary to the President, in response to her letter sent on June 8, 1944 with concerns about the assignments of her twin sons. The letter is written on White House stationary and dated June 12, 1944. Also included are photocopies of two letters sent to Mrs. Margol in response to her June 8, 1944 le...