Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,541 to 6,560 of 58,959
  1. Sydney Asher collection

    Photographs in envelopes of the Pedescala Massacre which took place between April 30th and May 2nd 1945 in Val d’Astico, Italy north of Vicenza in three municipalities, Pedescala, Forni, and Setteca`. The images were acquired by Donor’s husband, Sydney, who was in the 5th Army and who was a lawyer so given the task of investigating the atrocities. Includes an envelope labeled “Vittime di Pedescola” or Victims of Pedescola.

  2. Ministry of Interior Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych (Sygn. 9)

    Passports of Jews who emigrated to Palestine in 1938-1939 and lost their Polish citizenship [Files 1423-1490]. Their passports were returned to Poland by the Polish Consulate as invalid. Passports include personal data and photos, sometimes it is a photo of the whole family. The collection also contains official correspondence. Note: See also related materials located in the USHMM Archives: RG-15.133M: 2007.253. Kolekcja polskich paszportów żydowskich emigrantów do Palestyny zdeponowanych w polskim konsulacie w Haifie (Sygn.123): Collection of the Polish passports of the Jewish immigrant...

  3. Stonework from Cyprus internment camp

  4. British Pathé (Unissued/Unused) -- Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann confesses to his role in the Holocaust

    Various shots inside the courtroom in Jerusalem, where a tape-recorder is being played. This is playing back the confession of the Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann. Shots of Eichmann, the judges, etc. Note: The confession is heard in German and then translated by the voice-over. He downplays his role in the Holocaust but admits his guilt and offers to be hanged in public as a deterrent to others. He had fled from Germany to Argentina after the war.

  5. Selected records of the General Commissioner of the Republic of Poland in Gdańsk Komisarz Generalny Rzeczypospolitej w Gdańsku (Sygn. 259)

    Selected records of the office of the Komisarz Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Gdańsku (General Commissioner of the Republic of Poland in Gdańsk). Consist of reports, agreements, negotiations of the High Commissioner of the League of Nations in Gdańsk on the situation in the Free City of Gdańsk (Danzig), attacks on Poles and Polish property; records on paramilitary and other German organization, recruitment to NSDAP, Anti-Jewish actions of the National Socialists, attacks on Polish scouts and Polish families in Gdansk; political reports of the General Commissioner RP in Gdańsk on the...

  6. Police Station of the Polish Police of the city of Warsaw Komisariat Policji Polskiej miasta Warszawy (Sygn 1711, XV)

    The collection contains control books of the 15th Police Station of the Polish Police to register reported crimes and record the results of investigations.

  7. Oral history interview with Eleanor Weile

  8. Tania and Mendel Rozmaryn collection

    Contains a Palestine immigration certificate issued by the Jewish Agency for Palestine to Tania Rozmaryn in the Bergen-Belsen DP camp, issued April 30, 1948; and a "Temporary Travel Document in Lieu of Passport" issued to Mendel Rozmaryn, dated November 10, 1951. Tania and Mendel married in the Bergen-Belsen DP camp, where their son Jacob (donor) was born.

  9. Sandra Abbott photographs

    Photographs: Palestine/Israel and the Israeli War of Independance, portrait of donor's great grandfather; digital copies of photos of the Tek and Hebron yeshivot.

  10. Gerald Beigel collection

    Two identification cards issued to Gerald Beigel in Germany in 1946. One identifies him as a former prisoner of Auschwitz, the other as a former political prisoner of Dachau.

  11. Jewish Colonization Association (JCA), Turkey (Sign. JCA/TR)

    The collection consists of 95 files relating to a colony and an agricultural school set up by the Jewish Colonization Association (JCA) in Turkey and Cyprus. The collection is organized according to the regions and colony names in Turkey and Cyprus: Anatolia, Or Yehuda, Maamoure, Sazilar, Messila Hadacha, Fethy Keuy, Tikfour Tchiflik (Cyprus).

  12. Judenrat in Bochnia Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Bochnia (Sygn. 257)

    Records of the Judenrat in Bochnia, Poland. Consists of two certificates issued by the German Criminal Police to Ms. Grubner and Mr. Leib Strum, Argentinian citizens, to allow them to live outside of the Jewish ghetto, July 3, 1943. Both documents have the attached person's photographs.

  13. Registers of the judgments delivered by the court of justice of the department of the Seine Registres des arrêts rendus par la cour de justice du département de la Seine (Z/6/2001-2056)

    Consists of handwritten ledgers relating to the trials of French citizens accused of serious collaborationist crimes: policemen, police inspectors and commissioners who were part of the Special Brigades 1 and 2 responsible for tracking down "terrorists," Communists and Jews, and others. French citizens were accused of espionage, treason and furthering the cause of the enemy. The handwritten ledgers contain a summary of each case tried by this court in chronological order, from October 17, 1944 to January 31, 1951 (File of May 1948 is missing.) The ledgers do not include cases of individuals...

  14. Selected records of the Voivodship Office in Nowogródek Urząd Wojewódzki w Nowogródku (Sygn.1184)

    Monthly reports on the state of security, national minorities, social and political life, population movement, communist movement, activities of unions and associations, includes also confidential reports relating to members of communist organizations (Komunistyczna Partia Białorusi Zachodniej, KPZB), and a monograph of Jewish political organizations operating in the Nowogródek voivodship.

  15. Arrow Cross execution photographs

    Consists of 34 photographs depicting the executions of Arrow Cross leaders. Included are images of Ferenc Szálasi's execution on 12 March 1946 alongside Gábor Vajna, Károly Beregfy, and József Gera.

  16. Orbach family papers

    The collection primarily consists of Holocaust-era photographs of the Orbach family, originally of Częstochowa, Poland. Includes depictions of Elias and Dobra Orbach, their sons Heniek (in the center) and Cadok. The photograph of Cadok (on the left) was taken in France shortly after he was liberated from the Buchenwald concentration camp. Also included is Zeev Orbach’s Association des Anciens Prisonniers Hitleriens Israel card which lists him as a prisoner of the Tschenstochau (Częstochowa) and Buchenwald camps.

  17. Drawing

    Postcard with self-portrait in frame and text by donor's father, Janos Gombosi

  18. Buchenwald negatives collection

    Negatives and corresponding prints depicting Buchenwald shortly after liberation. Includes a color print of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Buchenwald reunion.