Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,601 to 6,620 of 58,959
  1. Selected records of the Staatsanwaltschaft Lyck Prokuratura w Ełku (Sygn.1206) : Wybrane materialy

    Prosecutors' files of cases of sabotage, assault with arms and murder of a gendarme.

  2. Albert Einstein letter to Maja Winteler-Einstein

    A hand-written letter from Albert Einstein, addressed to his sister Maja Winteler-Einstein, dated December 14, 1938, in which Einstein encourages his sister to visit him in America on a visitor’s visa and describes the relief work he is undertaking on behalf of persecuted victims of Nazi Germany.

  3. Col. Curtis L. Williams collection

    The collection consists of letters, reports, affidavits, memoranda and other documents compiled by Colonel Curtis L. Williams as a member of the Interrogation Division of Office US Chief of Counsel for the International Military Tribunal in Paris, France and Nuremberg, Germany, August-December 1945. The bulk of the documents regard German anti-partisan activities in Italy, including a massacre of 335 Italian men in Rome on 24 March 1944. Other reports include organizational charts, “The Kesselring file,” and “The development of the German Navy since 1933.” Interrogations, affidavits, report...

  4. Luger P08 pistol, holster, and magazine captured by a Yugoslavian partisan

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn709051
    • English
    • 1920-1922
    • a: Height: 5.500 inches (13.97 cm) | Width: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Depth: 8.500 inches (21.59 cm) b: Height: 5.500 inches (13.97 cm) | Width: 1.875 inches (4.763 cm) | Depth: 9.250 inches (23.495 cm) c: Height: 5.500 inches (13.97 cm) | Width: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) | Depth: 1.125 inches (2.858 cm)

    Luger P08 pistol, holster, and magazine captured by Shmuel Mizrahi from a German sergeant during a battle in the fall of 1944, near Zvornik and the Drina River in Yugoslavia (now Bosnia and Herzegovina). The Luger P08 was first designed in 1898 by Georg Luger and manufactured by Deutsche Waffen und Munitions Fabriken (DWM). Production of P08 Lugers would last until 1942, with a total of approximately two million units produced. Shmuel Mizrahi lived in the North Macedonian region of Yugoslavia, and was active in the communist party and Hashomer Hatzair, a Zionist youth movement. On April 6, ...

  5. Buessing factory; parade in Braunschweig

    People in front of a sign: “Barenberger Hof Goethe Haus.” Ethel with a shawl sitting on the grass next to Hans. They paddle in a canoe. He waves. INT, men in white coats study a metal cylinder. Board with measuring tools. Another man looks through the cylinder. Procession through the streets, led by a man with a sign: “BUESSING NAG.” Buessing was a German bus and truck manufacturer in Braunschweig. Military band marches, followed by others. A man carries a large swastika flag; hand raised in salute in FG. Concessions with signs advertising “Waffel; Butter.” Men in suits stand side-by-side, ...

  6. Oral history interview with Nathan Burzinski

  7. LTC John V. Riche collection

    Contains photographs documenting the D-Day invasion of France by Allied forces; the liberation of a concentration camp; and the execution of a German spy. Includes an essay titled "Sixty-Five Years of Service: My Military Experience."

  8. Meyer family collection

    The Meyer family collection consists of documents, photocopies, social reports, and a photograph illustrating the experiences of Lotte (née Weil), Ernest (Ernst Meijer), and Bob Meyer (b. 1939) during the Holocaust in the Netherlands and their subsequent immigration to the U.S. in 1948. Original U.S. Naturalization Certificates for Ernest and Lotte Meyer conferred on 4 May 1953 are included as well as restitution claims, a medical evaluation regarding Lotte Meyer, and a social worker report regarding Bob Meyer that requests recognition and assistance as a victim of persecution under the Net...

  9. Help Keep U.S. Out of War pin back buttons on display board

    Help Keep U.S. Out of War pin back buttons on cardboard display board. The board and buttons are dated 1939.

  10. Breisacher family photographs

    The collection consists of three photograph albums documenting the Breisacher family of Breisach am Rhein, Germany. The photographs depict the family's pre-war lives in Breisach am Rhein and their wartime and post-war lives in the United States after emigration from Germany in 1938. Wartime photographs include depictions of Walter Breisacher with the United States Army.

  11. Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Danish Refugee Administration in Sweden Central Register (Group A-Ø)

    Consits of the alphabetical (phonetic) register of refugees with detailed information about an each refugee, including both Jews and resistance fighters and their families. There are no related files to the register, but the information on the cards is quite unique. This collection contains the most detailed and systematic overview of Danish refugees in Sweden.

  12. Gestapo Düsseldorf Geheime Staatspolizei-Staatspolizeileitstelle Düsseldorf (RW 0058)

    Case files of individuals arrested by the Gestapo in the Rhine Land region, consisting of questionnaires, protocols, internments and dismissals, Schutzhaft orders, arrest orders, flyers, photographs, and biographical information with particular focus on the Communist Party in Germany and associated political organizations (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD), Kommunistischer Jugendverband Deutschlands (KJVD), Kampfbund gegen den Faschismus, Roter Frontkämpferbund (RFB), Revolutionäre Gewerkschaftsopposition (RGO), Rot Sport, Aufbruch-Arbeitskreis, Ringbolschewisten); the Communist move...

  13. Presentation by Ed Silverberg

  14. Cimmerman family papers

    The collection contains prewar photographs of the family of Bronia Cimmerman Bronkesh in Sarny, Poland (Sarny, Ukraine), including the Cimmerman and Passman families; postwar photographs in the Neu-Freimann displaced persons camp; and a "Certificate in Lieu of Identity" issued to Elka Zimmerman by the American Consulate General in Munich, March 7, 1947.

  15. Gray wood and metal ladder used while in hiding by a Polish Jewish concentration camp inmate

    Ladder used by Michael Goldmann (later Goldmann-Gilead), Chanan Ansbacher, and Eli Heilman to hide in Konrad and Regina Zimoń’s hayloft in January 1945, in Rybnik, Poland. The men had escaped from a forced march after Auschwitz concentration camp was evacuated. They hid for a week, during which time the Zimoń’s oldest daughter, Stefania, regularly brought them food. In summer 1939, fearing a German invasion, Michael’s family left Katowice, Poland, and went to stay with relatives in Bircza. In September 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland, and Bircza fell under Soviet control. ...

  16. Selected records of the Voivodship Office of Warsaw Urząd Wojewódzki Warszawski (Sygn. 475) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected records of the Department of Public Security (1926-1939): weekly, monthly, quarterly situation reports on the activities of political parties, social organizations, nationalities, denominations, trade unions, political organizations. Contains also records on Jewish associations (1920), exemptions from the military service of emigrants to Palestine (1926), regulation on the election of authorities of Jewish religious communes and on rabbis (1930-1931), as well a register of associations and organizations (1920-1935).

  17. Judenrat in Zwierzyniec Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Zwierzyniec (Sygn. 271)

    Records of the Judenrat in Zwierzyniec. It contains card files of persons employed by the firm Vowinckel & Richtberg in Zwierzyniec as a notification to the Social Insurance Institution in Zamościu.

  18. Trials against Germans in the foreign countries of Europe: Reference files of Counselors

    The collection consists of 390 file volumes with documents from defence lawyers from trials against German defendants in court in Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Soviet Union, and Czechoslovakia. The largest proportion of the documents is from trials in France and Luxembourg. The trials took place between 1946 and 1960. About 90 % of the files come from law firms of the following lawyers: Dr. Kurt Behling, Berlin (148 volumes), P. H. Gordan, Gießen (8 volumes), Prof. Dr. Carl Haensel, Freiburg (11 volume...

  19. Romeo G. Boudreault photograph collection

    Contains eight photographs of the liberation of Landsberg concentration camp taken by Romeo G. Boudreault, a soldier in the US Army's 142nd Infantry Division. All photographs bear inscriptions on the verso.

  20. Selected records of the Der Landrat Des Kreises Litzmannstadt Starosta Powiatu Łódzkiego (Sygn.2122) : Wybrane materialy

    The collection contains: announcements and orders of superior authorities, personal files of employees, reports on the escape of Poles from works and prosecution of fugitives, information about deceased Poles in concentration camps, population traffic statistics, lists of taken over Polish and Jewish property by communes, requests of Poles for return of property, taking over church property and general matters of the Civil Registry Office, rules and regulations regarding entries and granting DVL groups, statistics according to the assigned groups, minutes of management meetings, issuing cer...