Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 52,401 to 52,420 of 58,960
  1. Danish Red Cross

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Dansk Røde Kors
    • Danish, English
    • 1939-1955
    • 42 parcels
  2. Ministry of Social Affairs

    • Kontoret for Offentlig Forsog
    • Office of Public Social Welfare
    • Rigsarkivet
    • 2. Kontor
    • Danish, English
    • 5 parcels

    Handled the relief aid to deported Danes in Germany (emergency food parcels, etc.). The information is found in special records in the Journals Files. The information are found in special records in the Journal Files: - File no. 820: Internees. - File no. 850: Communists. - File no. 880: Jews, political prisoners.

  3. Оперативный штаб Рейхсляйтера Розенберга по делам оккупированных областей (Берлин-Шарлоттенбург)

    • Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg fur die besetzten Gebiete (ERR) (Berlin-Charlottenburg); The Reichsleiter Rosenberg Task Force for the Occupied Territories (ERR) (Berlin-Charlottenburg)
    • Operativnyi shtab Reikhsleitera Rosenberga po delam okkupirovannykh oblastei (Berlin-Sharlottenburg)

    The collection includes a photocopy of G6ring's directive establishing headquarters in German-occupied territories for the confiscation of valuables from Jewish and Masonic organizations, Rosenberg's orders establishing the Task Force and laying out its objectives, as well as memoranda and correspondence of the ERR special headquarters in the Ukraine and Croatia. The collection further includes logs of searches carried out in Zagreb and Ragusa (Dubrovnik) among Jews and members of Masonic lodges; lists of Masonic lodges in Yugoslavia and lists of Jewish writers; inventories of Jewish belles...

  4. Документы концентрационных лагерей и лагерей военнопленных в Германии

    • Documents of Concentration Camps and Prisoner of War Camps in Germany
    • Dokumenty kontsentratsionnykh lagerei i lagerei voennoplennykh v Germanii

    The collection's contents are described in two inventories. The inventories are arranged structurally and by document type. The collection contains documents of concentration camps and POW camps (arranged for the most part in alphabetical order by camp name. regulations, instructions, daily reports on the prisoner population, lists, summaries, journals, personnel files, card files, questionnaires, registers, and correspondence. The collection includes fragmentary compilations of documents of the Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Wewelsburg, Gross Rosen, Dachau, Lublin (Majdanek), Natzweiler, Neuen...

  5. Имперское министерство просвещения и пропаганды Германии (г. Берлин)

    • Reichsministerium für Volksaufklarung and Propaganda (Berlin); Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (Berlin)
    • Imperskoe ministerstvo prosveshcheniia i propagandy Germanii (Berlin)

    The collection's contents are described in seven inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type and contain circulars, instructions, and directives of the Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda; minutes of conferences held by Joseph Goebbels; reports, questionnaires, announcements, staff personnel files, personnel lists, correspondence, texts and overviews of radio broadcasts, articles (including articles by Goebbels), informational bulletins on the "Jewish question," pamphlets, and lists of German-language newspapers published in the occupied eastern territories. Ther...

  6. Имперское министерство по делам временно оккупированных восточных областей (г. Берлин)

    • Reichsministerium für die besetzen Ostgebiete (Berlin); Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Berlin)
    • Imperskoe ministerstvo po delam okkupirovannykh vostochnykh oblastei (g.Berlin)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in four inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type. Among the collection's documents are orders, edicts, directives, dispatches, reports, briefings, job descriptions, accounts, overviews, memoranda, summaries, bulletins, employee directories, certificates of commendation, questionnaires, official documentation of employees' business trips, and ministry correspondence with the Reich Security Main Office and with Reichskommissariats in the occupied eastern territories. Documents in the collection reflect the policy of the Nazi occupatio...

  7. Полицейские и административные учреждения Германии и временно оккупированных ею территорий

    • Deutsche Polizeieinrichtungen in den okkupierten Gebieten; German Police and Administrative Offices in the Temporarily Occupied Territories
    • Politseiskie i administrativnye uchrezhdeniia Germanii i vremenno okkupirovannykh eiu territorii

    The collection's contents are described in three inventories, which are arranged by structure. Within the structural divisions, files are catalogued for the most part by document type. The collection is a consolidated archival collection. It consists of heterogeneous documentary materials of police offices in Germany and the German-occupied territories of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, and the Soviet Union. The collection also includes documents of German police services in the occupied territory of the Soviet Union, including the Ukraine and Belorussia. The collection contains minutes of...

  8. Министерство на труда и социалните въпроси

    • Ministerstvo na truda i sotsialnite vŭprosi
    • Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

    Contains agreements between the Bulgarian Government and Soviet military representatives regarding passports for Jews and Turks; assistance for Jews after World War II; correspondence with the National Committee of Liberation regarding homelessness and destitution, persecution of Bulgarians by Nazis, and immediate relief after liberation; correspondence with the Central Jewish Consistory regarding assistance with coal; appeals from Jewish organizations for restitution of property and money confiscated under the Defense of the Nation Act; appeals (arranged by geographical place) from politic...

  9. Segreteria di Stato

    • Secretariat of State of the Holy See

    The fonds contains documentation produced by the Secretariat of State and its different departments.

  10. Еврейски документи и старопечатни издания

    • Jewish Documents and Old Print Publications
    • Evreĭski dokumenti i staropechatni izdaniya
  11. Archivio della Commissione d'inchiesta per i criminali di guerra italiani secondo alcuni stati esteri

    • Archives of the Inquiry Commission on Italian War Criminals according to Foreign Countries

    A certificate delivered by the head of the Jewish community of Nice to the director of the Italian civil police during the Italian occupation can be found inside the file n.118, sub-file n.1.

  12. Commissione parlamentare di inchiesta sulle cause dell'occultamento di fascicoli relativi a crimini nazifascisti

    • Parliamentary Inquiry Commission on the Causes of the Concealment of Records concerning Nazi-fascist Crimes

    Il fondo contiene gli atti prodotti dalla relativa commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta.

  13. Catecumeno

    The Opera Pia del Catecumeno offered help to baptised Jews and Jews converted to Catholicism.

  14. Ente gestione e liquidazione immobiliare beni ebraici di Mantova

    • EGELI - Mantova
    • Management and Liquidation Office of Jewish Real Estate Properties in Mantua

    La documentazione comprende complessivamente 296 pratiche inerenti l'amministrazione dei beni ebraici confiscati. Il fondo contiene: - verbali di presa in consegna e di riconsegna dei beni; - decreti di confisca; - decreti della Prefettura di dissequestro; - lettere tra la banca, le Istituzioni (es. Intendenza di Finanza - Ufficio danni di guerra; Prefettura; Capo della Provincia di Mantova; Comando germanico), gli ebrei interessati, la Comunità ebraica, EGELI (Ente di gestione e liquidazione immobiliare); - inventari dei beni sequestrati; - schede di valutazione dei beni sequestrati; - fat...

  15. Gabinetto della Prefettura di Venezia

    Contains acts and files produced by the cabinet of the prefetto concerning public security in the province of Venice.

  16. Gabinetto della Questura di Venezia

    • Cabinet of the Venice Police Direction

    Contains personal files about criminals and dangerous elements.

  17. Nachlässe