Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,221 to 5,240 of 58,959
  1. Belsen: Kramer; corpses

    CUs, camp commandant Josef Kramer under armed guard. Canadian military soldier with a cap, Jack Marcovitch, on Kramer's left side. SS men unloading naked corpses (women) from truck into a pit. SS women on truck with corpses, dragging naked corpses to pit. CUs of bodies.

  2. Liberator clips

    Video clips compiled for screening at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Days of Remembrance activities in April 2010 commemorating the role of liberators. The videos were displayed in the classrooms on the concourse level of the Museum during the Collections Open House activities. Contents include: Zabin Collection - Omaha Beach in color, b/w (USHMM Film ID 2612, 01:04:49 to 01:12:45) Zabin Collection - Liberation of Dachau; medical unit in color, b/w (USHMM Film ID 2460, 01:00:00 to 01:09:30)

  3. Stephen J. Schweitzer diary

    The Stephen J. Schweitzer diary is a small pocket diary Schweitzer maintained secretly and hid in his socks while he was a POW in Stalag IXB and as a forced laborer in the Berga forced labor camp. The diary contains brief entries describing events and conditions in the camps, the moods of his fellow prisoners, and his thoughts of his family.

  4. Rosalie Herman and Max Honigsberg family papers

    The Rosalie Herman and Max Honigsberg family papers include biographical materials and photographs documenting the Honigsberg family’s prewar life in Poland and Germany. The collection also includes a digital copy of Max Honigsberg’s self-published memoir, Maxie: An Autobiography (2013).

  5. Saturday Evening Post

    Includes an issue of The Saturday Evening Post with the illustration "The Hitler Wallpaperer"by Kenneth Stuart on the cover

  6. Lepehne family papers

    Includes identification documents such as two Reisepass, or passports, for both Max Georg (Georg Israel) and Caecilie (Fran Georg) Lepehne that names their daughter, Renate Lara Lepehne, before they fled Cologne, Germany in 1939. There are also two Kennkarten, or identification cards, for both Caecilie and Renate. Also included are notarized copies of Max Georg's German Medical degree and certificate of his position as a medical doctor.

  7. Unger family papers

    Consists of a letter and its translation written by the donor's grandmother-in-law, Toni (Seckel) Flatow, and her husband, Max Flatow, right before they were both deported to Auschwitz in 1942. The letter was addressed to the donor's wife, Ruth Altman (nee Unger), and her family in the United States after they left Germany in 1938. Also included is a copy of a photograph of young Ruth at the Berlin Zoo.

  8. Krisnapoller family papers

    Consists of postcards from Stanisławów, Poland (Stanislav, Ukraine) and family correspondence addressed to Nathan Krisnapoller (later Kriss) from Stanisławów and the Warsaw Ghetto, in addition to photocopies of documents.

  9. School Inspectorate in Kielce Inspektorat Szkolny w Kielcach (Sygn. 321)

    A survey on the state of legal and underground education during the occupation - schools by locality. Pupils' handwritten essays on occupation and their drawings on the same topic. In addition, information about the losses of libraries and other cultural institutions in the Kielce county during the war.

  10. Więzienie w Jędrzejowie (Sygn. 697) Prison in Jędrzejów

    Personal files of prisoners of Jewish origin convicted of various crimes, e.g. theft, fraud. In addition, other materials, e.g. lists of prisoners, statistic data. Personal files contain the prisoner's personal data and characteristics, as well as an accusation and official correspondence.

  11. Primo Levi correspondence

    Includes a series of handwritten and typewritten letters from Primo Levi to his cousin Anna Foa Yona between 1963 and 1986

  12. Yvette Farnoux collection

    Consists of clippings from Le Combat newspaper of an article written by Yvette Baumann Bernard Farnoux with a cover page in Yvette's handwriting and an English translation of the article. There are also copy prints of Yvette and her family during the war, as well as post-liberation, when she reunited with her second cousin Rene Bine, Jr, MD (the donor's father) in Paris in 1945.

  13. Sicherheitsdienst photograph

    A photograph of the Sicherheitsdienst, or SD, with a typewritten caption en verso that references the "Jodenjager" or "Jew Hunters" in the photograph.

  14. Oral testimony of Severin Fayerman

  15. Adler family papers

    Consists of correspondence received by the Adler family while they were residing as refugees in Switzerland. The letters, primarily addressed to the donor's parents, Camillo Adler (1905-1985) and Martha Kraus (1901-1969), were from other refugees and forced laborers from refugee and labor camps.

  16. Oral history interview with Frances Irwin

  17. Music booklets

    Comprised of two music booklets "Chants Judéo-Espagnols de Tétouan à Oran/Le Trésor conserve et chanté par Henriette Azen" and "Musiques et Chansons” featuring Ladino songs and French songs and sheet music by Isaac Pougatch

  18. Provincial Land Office in Kielce Wojewódzki Urząd Ziemski w Kielcach (Sygn. 188)

    Information on agricultural land and its owners, including Jews.

  19. Drawing,"Because They Were Jews" created by David Friedman

    Pencil drawing by David Friedman.

  20. Loschner and Klein families collection

    Includes documents that illustrate the experiences of the Loschner and Klein families in Vienna and France during and after the war, including a German passport issued to Ruth Loschner (1924-1942), the donor's maternal aunt, who was deported Pithiviers and then sent to Auschwitz in 1942 where she perished. Also included are the written testimonies of Hedy Loschner Kelin, the donor's mother, from the 1990s, regarding her experiences in hiding in France, and a typewritten transcript of an interview with the donor's father, Emil Klein, for a school project.