Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,541 to 4,560 of 58,959
  1. Emigration of Jewish displaced persons to Palestine

    Consists of copies of reports and memoranda relating to the emigration of Jewish displaced persons from the British Zone in Germany to Palestine. Included is information about the emigration of orphans during operation "Grand National Junior," the emigration of Jewish displaced persons during operation "Journey's End," emigration restrictions on Jewish men of military age, and the acquisition of exit permits for the British Zone and entry visas for Palestine.

  2. 257th German Infantry in Krakow region

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. German officers pacing along a dirt road, likely just outside of Krakow. 10:00:15 A German officer and a soldier smoke near a stone quarry in Krzeszowice, Poland (25 km outside of Krakow). Officers walk in front of Wawel, an architectural compound and center of Christianity in Krakow that overlooks the Vistula River. A row of bronze statues surround the perimeter of a church. Soldiers and officers of the 257th Infantry and some civilian...

  3. The Nazi Rise to Power film on display in the USHMM Permanent Exhibition

    4.08 The Nazi Rise to Power (with and without English subtitles/captions)

  4. Tokyo; lost airmen; Metz falls to Allies

    Release 134. Newsreel release date 22-Dec-44. "B-29’s Over Tokyo" "Sixth Army Advance On Leyte" "Plane in Full Flight Rescues Lost Airmen" 08:02 "Metz, Strasbourg, Belfort Fall to the Allies"

  5. Postwar Antwerp

    Misc. film, no. 1286. Reel 1 shows views of Antwerp, its street railways, harbor and dock area, war ruins, burning German vehicles, German POWs, truck convoys, and a V-1 bomb in flight. Planes bomb the city. People cheer as allied tanks enter the city and war material is unloaded from ships.

  6. Oral history interview with Isaac Goodfriend and Betty Goodfriend

  7. Dachau camp, postwar

    Munich and Dachau circa 1947. Title. Pan of several dozen dump carts- carts have two wagon type wheels and are numbered, made of wood planks. (0:57) Large sign: ‘WAR CRIMES ENCLOSURE DIRECTORY’ listing several areas including the West gate, War Crimes Court Area, Post Hospital, Officers Club and others. Directory for the Main Gate area which includes the Post Headquarters, Post Library, Crematory, Billeting Office and others. (1:03) EXT of Dachau camp showing the main gate, a wall with barbed wire, empty streets. (1:20) P.W. Discharge Center, a two story building with a watch tower. Sign po...

  8. Oral history interview with Anonymous

  9. Contemporary footage of Treblinka

    Contemporary film showing a transport to Treblinka. Point of view given by a passenger from the train, over which a woman sings. Arrival at the former death camp.

  10. Oral history interview with Sergei Petrovich

  11. Di hoyfzinger | Di Wanderer

    Radio Leon / Yiddish recordings published in Buenos Aires in 1950. Side A = Di hoyfzinger. Music and text: unknown (repertoire probably from "Ararat" theater, prewar Lodz). Side B = Di Wanderer (Di vandere; AKA Tango fun geto). Music: Sholom Secunda (parody of "Mayn yidishe maydele"); Words: Unknown. Performers: Elvira Bochcovska, Shimon Nussbaum, Max Neufeld, instrumental ensemble. The Bochcovska/Nussbaum/Neufeld revue "'Di freylekhe vanderer" oder 'Nisht dos vos geven'" (the happy wanderers or not what it used to be) toured Latin America in the 1950s, and may have recorded under the group...

  12. Damaged German planes

    Cameraman sets tripod on airfield. Hamilton inspects damaged plane. Shots at damaged bridge on river side. Stevens and Moffat in front of sign that reads: "Captured intact March 7, 1945 by the 9th Armored Division, III Corp." LS, men get into jeep Toluca. Panning shots of planes at abandoned airfield, and various CUs.

  13. Track and field events at DP camp

    Track and field events at DP camp: javelin, high jump, track races, shotput.

  14. Oral history interview with Lilly Lynder-Luftman

  15. War Crimes Trial: Dostler testifies

    LT GEN ANTON DOSTLER, GERMAN WAR CRIMINAL TRIAL, Palace of Justice, Rome, Italy. Continuation of Dostler's testimony in which accuses the next higher in command of issuing the orders to shoot fifteen American soldiers.

  16. Fishing boats; African woman

    Pan of land along canal, young children and men fishing- all are dressed in white with scarves/head wraps. Locals on fishing boats and at dock/shipyard. Palm trees are visible. MCU of a North African woman, scantily clad and wearing heavy face makeup and large earrings. She is seated by herself on a chair, near a doorway and speaking to the person behind the camera. Possibly a prostitute.

  17. UJA officials in Israel

    Private footage taken on a trip to Israel by Julian Venezky. Venezky worked with Henry Montor and others on fundraising activities for the United Jewish Appeal. Together with Samuel Rothberg, Venezky also raised substantial funds for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A man sits on a lawn with a young girl on his knee and she kisses him on the cheek. He gets up and waves as he walks away. Panning shots of ocean, beach and boardwalk. Underexposed shots of a woman walking out of a restaurant and a sign reading "Hotel Gat-Rimmon." Middle-aged men stand by a car and talk. Julian Venezky walks ...

  18. British Pathe Newsreel -- Auschwitz

    Liberation of Auschwitz, showing atrocities. Survivors, soldiers, pit of corpses. Hair in paper bags ready to be shipped. Piles of teeth, utensils, eyeglasses, children's clothing, shoes, brushes, suitcases. Pit of corpses.

  19. Facsimile of the Israeli Declaration of Independence

    Facsimile of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, commissioned by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for installation in the museum’s permanent exhibition. The facsimile was reproduced, with the State of Israel’s permission, from the original document, which is housed at the Israel State Archives in a custom-designed, silver storage case. The Declaration was proclaimed by the Va’ad Leumi (Jewish National Council or Jewish People’s Council) and was delivered by Zionist statesman David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973) on May 14, 1948, at the Tel Aviv Museum in Mandatory Palestine. The Coun...

  20. Calisthenics; German refugees; Hitler walking his dog; German troops advance; wounded

    Reel 1, Part 1 shows tuna fishing off the Spanish coast. Part 2, youths dig irrigation channels in Serbia. Part 3, athletes participate in mass calisthenics and sports events in Breslau. Part 4, wrecked U.S. bombers. Part 5, German refugees eat at a field kitchen, are given clothing, are evacuated by boat and train, and are cared for at a hospital. Part 6, Hitler walks his dog and stops to talk with Himmler and Mannstein. Shows Hitler, Jodl, Goring, and Keitel in conference. Part 7, German troops move up on the Russian front. A Russian attack is repulsed with artillery, rocket launchers, an...