Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,521 to 4,540 of 58,924
  1. Burning buildings, probably in Saarland

    Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. German soldier walks toward the camera. Caravan of military vehicles. 10:08:05 Several fires destroy buildings, probably in the Saarland, a region along the southwest French-German border where the 257th Infantry was positioned after their time in occupied Poland. Their post in the Saarland was unusual as few battles between the French and German armies occurred along this Western Front between October 1939 and April 1940. Destruction was likely caused by Frenc...

  2. Claude Lanzmann, Ziva Postec, and Yael Perlman editing SHOAH, 1983

    "Visiting Yael at Work" Inside the cutting room, Yael Perlman, Ziva Postec, and Claude Lanzmann edit sequences for the film SHOAH. David Perlov narrates his visit to his daughter as Lanzmann describes his approach in French. The voice of interviewee Simon Srebnik in German can be heard in the background. "Yael is working on Claude Lanzmann's film, SHOAH. It is a hard, almost unbearable confrontation for her. Like myself, Yael admires this man who had devoted already years to this project with untiring persistence, no compromise. His approach is dry, unemotional, like that of a legal prosecu...

  3. American military moves through Germany

    Reel 13: (1945) Germany; Air trip to England; Remagen Street scenes, soldiers marching, gathering in the road amongst crowds of civilians. Church. Planes landing in a field, soldiers conversing next to trucks in the airfield (possibly, the Frankfurt airstrip). Soldiers at leisure outside a home (temporary HQ?), play with a small dog, open a metal trunk, and wave to the camera from trucks. Nice CUs of men. Street scenes and views from moving vehicle. In town, soldiers talk with civilians and children, and hang a sign, "534 QM GP". They pose for the camera. Two soldiers in front of the home p...

  4. Assassination plotters' HQ; Mussolini; military vehicles; burning villages; American POWs; V-1

    Reel 1: (1) INT bomber headquarters where attempt was made on Adolf Hitler's life on July 20. (2) Hitler meets Benito Mussolini's train in Germany, converses with him and Heinrich Himmler outside headquarters, and with Hermann Goring bids Mussolini farewell at train station. (3) Albert Speer decorates German engineers and escorts Hitler and German officers through steel plant. Comparing the performance of the German "Panther" and U.S. "General Lee" tanks, and antiaircraft weapons ""Panzerfaust"" and ""Panzer-schredk."" (4) Animated map of Eastern front along Estonian-Lithuanian border. Germ...

  5. Oral history interview with Dorothy Finger

  6. Refugees at Fort Ontario in Oswego, NY

    16mm film. Title card: "The National Refugee Service: A Constituent Agency of the United Jewish Appeal presents" Title card: "Over the Rainbow Bridge" Title card: "William S. Gailmor Narrator" Relates the story of one thousand Jewish refugees who were brought to the United States under special orders from President Roosevelt in 1944. Once in America, they were transported to the Fort Ontario Emergency Refugee Shelter in Oswego, New York. At the fort, the refugees led somewhat peaceful lives but were unable to travel beyond its boundaries. They remained in the shelter for about a year and a ...

  7. Levy family visits spa in Baden-Baden

    In Baden-Baden, Germany, Robert and Clara Levy walking. Children and the family visiting the gardens and the spa where they spent a week. 01:26:46 CU, Carl Henry Levy. 01:27:04 CU, Emilie Jane and governess. LS, Europaeischer Hotel where the family stayed. Drinking hall with columns. 01:27:30 CU, Clara Levy.

  8. 1936 Olympics special exhibition oral histories master tape

    Oral history monitor exhibited as part of "NAZI OLYMPICS, Berlin 1936" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from July 19, 1996 to July 27, 1997.

  9. St. Lo in ruins; German prisoners

    Opens with shot of sign that reads: "St. Lo." LS of city in ruins. Series of shots of remnants of buildings. GI directing traffic at sight of Ortslazarett Red Cross. Sign reads: "St. Lo Bridge repaired by 148th Engineer Battalion 4th August 1944. Equipment furnished by 631st Engineer Light Equipment Company." Remnants of cathedral at St. Lo. Army vehicles including Red Cross trucks driving down road in front of bombed out buildings. Water filled craters in FG. Jeep goes by named "Hocus Pocus Focus." Men around their pup tents in a soccer field surrounded by barbed wire. Shot of machine gun ...

  10. Lodz District Office Starostwo Powiatowe Łódzkie (Sygn. 2121)

    The Lodz District Office records include Security and Order Department records, administrative and military records, construction reports, welfare records, industrial reports and statistics, and information on foreign residents. Security and Order Department records document political parties, elections, social organizations, confiscations, employee reviews, natural disasters, foreigners, foreign passports, emigration, gun permits, and entertainment venues. Administrative records including certificates of loss or granting of citizenship and records about consular services, population moveme...

  11. London

    Pan, front of soot covered building, a couple walks by, camera pans up. 01:00:41:05 Large crowd gathered in front of building, man walks in front of the camera, pan up. 01:01:26:06 Pan, “The Old Curiosity Shop. Charles Dickens” (13-14 Portsmouth Street, Holborn, London), groups of people in front, van passes by, “T.H. Bull & Sons Ltd.” 01:01:51:09 Pan, tudor style building. 01:02:04:15 Pan, ornate building. 01:02:47:08 Pan, private garden. 01:03:24:20 Pan, Same ornate building.

  12. The story of Gerda Weissmann Klein

    Coproduced by the U.S.Holocaust Memorial Museum Research Institute, this Academy Award-winning documentary relates the harrowing story of Gerda Weissmann Klein and her journey of survival and remembering both before and after the war.

  13. Public television feature on the USHMM

    WETA's program on the development and construction of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum broadcast on public television in 1993.

  14. Airplane takes off; destroyed German plane

    Hamilton and other GI in uniforms with service caps. A silver B26 taxis on a dirt runway and takes off. Jeep alongside DC3. Destroyed German plane, MS and CU. CU of German markings on plane. Aerial shots from interior of DC3.

  15. Fiction film about a German immigrant becoming a US citizen

    16mm film "This is America" Part of a series produced by Frederic Ullman Jr. in the 1940s. This episode, "New Americans," which dates from around the late 1940s, focuses on a German immigrant (or refugee) and his quest to become a United States citizen. Depicted are his arrival in the city via Ellis Island, meetings with immigration officials, and attempts to find housing and a job. He is led to the National Refugee Service where he finds friendly assistance. He perseveres and is eventually sworn in as a United States citizen.

  16. Jewish family vacations in southern France

    The Dutch-Jewish Bed family (Meijer, Kaatje, Elly (Jetje) and John) enjoys their vacation in a beach resort town in southern France, probably Juan les Pins. Beachgoers on the sand, under rows of sun umbrellas, and in the water. Jetje and John row a paddleboard/boat. Sand sculpture in the shape of a reclining woman. Sunbathers perform gymnastics. 03:43 Sign that says Hollywood in the BG. Kaatje (in plaid swim dress) walks into the surf while smiling at the camera. Meijer wades in the water. Kaatje rides a bike then sits at an outdoor bar (blurry). WS of a hilltop town. Waterfalls and a strea...

  17. Trims of Russian scenes: bucolic mountains; city street scenes

    TRIMS depicting a variety of activities in daily life throughout Russia. HS, boats on lake in mountains, bucolic atmosphere. 01:10:02 Pedestrians walking in city, street scene.

  18. Oral history interview with Antonia Paulavicius

  19. Oral history interview with Edith Lande

  20. Postwar destruction; German occupation in Bulgaria

    Reel 1 Bulgarian intertitles. Contemporary footage of a man singing a song in Bulgarian and playing the guitar (the song is performed other times over the duration of the film). Footage of postwar Sofia and Nazi atrocities - ovens, corpses, children showing their tattoos after the liberation of Auschwitz. Denmark, bicycles. CUs memorials, tombstones. Train. Hitler in mountains, meeting with Bulgarian official. Star of David patch. Antisemitic propaganda leaflets. CUs, newspapers. Nazis marching, flags with swastikas. CUs, documents and telegrams. Still photographs of Jews, synagogue. Contem...