Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,761 to 18,780 of 58,960
  1. Ingrid Kalanj Lyras collection

    Contains a biographical sketch, written as a letter, describing the experiences of the donor's great grandmother, Marija Obradovic Kalanj, a Bosnian Serb, who, with her family, lef tBenakovac (Bosnia) in 1937 to farm land they had purchased in Serbia. In 1941 they were forcibly expelled by ethnic Albanians and returned to Benakovac. Over the next two years various members of the family were murdered by the Nazis or Croatian Ustaša (Ustashi); Marija was shot by the Ustashi in 1943. A color photograph of a portrait of Marija and Mileta Kalanj, a color photography of the Kalanj family headsto...

  2. Rose Ackermann Weissman postcard

    The postcard was sent by Rose Ackerman Weissman to her brother, Imre Ackermann. She claims she is well and asks for news.

  3. Zeev Rebhun collection

    Collection contains information regarding Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen concentration camps, including lists of Jews deported, maps of the camps, and official reports; videotape entitled "The final solution." The name lists are from the Sachsenhausen archives, NARA, and Yad Vashem archives.

  4. Irma Gideon collection

    The Irma Gideon collection consists of a handwritten memoir in German by Irma Gideon. The memoir described her experiences during Kristallnacht in Oberlustadt, Pfalz, Germany, 1938 and her emigration to the United States. The collection also includes a photocopy of a newspaper article titled "Lustadter Synagogenbrand vor dem Richter" and a copy of a trial in the Strafkammer des Landgerichts Landau in der Pfalz in April 1948, of those people responsible for the violence on Kristallnacht. There are also biographical notes regarding the Gideon family written in English, likely created by museu...

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    Working Girls Hostel, women reading magazines in the rest room. EXT of building. Hand weaving, chair caning. Sign on door, "Beth Hachalutzoth" (built in 1936). 01:34:18 INT, bank in Tel Aviv where immigrants receive loans, people applying for loans, receiving money. 01:34:54 EXT, street, laborers gathered outside main entrance of Labor headquarters building in Tel Aviv where registration and distribution of work to all laborers gets processed. 01:35:19 Construction for housing project/cooperative in south Tel Aviv, land provided by the Jewish National Fund. Children crossing street. Sign at...

  6. Hapag-Lloyd Collection

    The Hapag-Lloyd collection consists of a published map and cabin plan of the MS St. Louis, February 1937, and a copy print of a black and white photograph of the MS St. Louis.

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Ruins/statues in Warsaw

    LS, MS Polish sculptor Xawery Dunikowski carving clay for a monument to the Silesian insurgents. 02:25:57 CU, the number 744 tattooed on his left arm (from Auschwitz). 02:26:20 Dunikowski chiseling marble with a cigarette. 02:26:38 LS, MS Monument to the Unknown Warrior with guard parading, some ruins in BG. MS, grave covered with flowers. MS, a marble slab fixed on a pillar with the names of the great battles in which Polish soldiers took part in the West. MS, another slab with the names of the German-Russian campaign. MS, soldier parading. 02:28:03 LS, Warsaw with people, trams. LS, Russo...

  8. Selected records relating to the Holocaust in Romania

    Contains records of the Federation of Union of Jewish Communities and the O.S.E. Bucharest branch relating to its relief and aid activities for Jews who were deported to Transnistria and those in Greater Romania. Also contains name lists of Jews originally from Transylvania and interned to the USSR, lists of orphaned children and the victims of the Iasi pogrom, the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Romania information forms on families in Vaslui, Iasi and Burdeni, registration cards of deportees, newspaper clippings, album and documents containing photographs of Pogrom of Bucharest, registrati...

  9. "Diary of Robert Lichtblau"

    The "Diary of Robert Lichtblau" consists of a typed copy, with English translation, of the memoir of Robert Lichtblau, written in 1945. The text, which is entitled "The Diary of Robert Lichtblau" (though it seems to have been written as a narrative) contains information about the Lichtblau family before the war; the expansion of the family's pipe-making business; life in Vienna after the Anschluss; and their immigration to England.

  10. Copy of the diary of Felix Landau, Vienna

    Contains information regarding Felix Landau, who was employed by the Gestapo and was assigned to secure Jewish property, volunteered to report to an Einsatzkommando in the area of Milnicle. Descriptions of executions, taking of property from prisoners and corpses. Diary covers the month of July 1941.

  11. Emily Myriam Saul collection

    Consists of a photocopied registration form issued to Emily Myriam Saul (Emilia Kounio Saltiel) while in Auschwitz concentration camp in 1943 after her arrest in Saloniki, Greece.

  12. Lila Cohn Chudy memoir

    Consists of a handwritten memoir in the form of a three-page letter to the Museum, dated October 9, 1994, from Lila Cohn Chudy (born Lieselotte Cohn), originally of Berlin, Germany. In the memoir, she describes her childhood in Berlin, her deportation to the Theresienstadt (Terezin) concentration camp, and her postwar emigration with her husband, Herszel, to the United States. She includes a list of family members.

  13. Dvora Rosenholz collection

    Consists of one photographic print created circa 1930.

  14. Recollections from the Holocaust odyssey to freedom

    Contains information regarding Holocaust experiences from Wuppertal (Elberfeld) Germany,1933; escaping to Belgium in 1938; after Germany invaded Belgium, Henry Berg [donor] and his family fled to France in 1940 only to return to Brussels, where the family lived in hiding for the rest of the war.

  15. Pamphlet

    Booklet depicting Nazi atrocites in the former concentration and slave labor camp Dachau.

  16. Book

  17. Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons collection

    The Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons collection consists of material created by the Committee in support of legislation concerning displaced persons in Europe. Editorials and press releases inform readers on the progress made on said legislation, while memorandum updates members and coordinating organizations of the Committee. Internal information consists of a variety of lists and news useful to members of the Committee. Also included is a report on immigration of European displaced persons to the United States. The Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons collection contains materia...

  18. Susan G. Schoenenberger collection

    German documents: Bescheinigung der Eheschliessung, 28 November 1932; Heiratsurkunde, 7 October 1948; Auszug aus dem Familienregister, no date; Geburtskunde, 8 October 1903; documents for immigration visa; letters, photocopies and originals.

  19. Lilly Gliksman Zaks collection

    Consists of seven photographs from the Lilly Gliksman Zaks collection; includes pre-war photographs of her brother, Chaim Gliksman, a banker from Bedzin, Poland, who was a member of the Sonderkommando in Birkenau and perished there in 1944; and post-war photographs of Lilly Zaks, her husband Szajo, and their son Jerry, who was born in 1947 in the Stuttgart hospital. Notable is a copy of a false ID card for Szajo Zaks as a Pole, Jan Byczek, and photographs of Zaks while he was posing as Byczek. Szajo Zaks escaped from a deportation to Auschwitz and hid as a Pole for the remainder of the war.

  20. Memoirs

    Contains a testimony, photocopy of typescript and manuscript, eight pages.