Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,741 to 18,760 of 58,960
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    EXT, main entrance to Labor headquarters in Tel Aviv. Filing paperwork. Laborers present passbooks, CUs, pass. Reading notices in hall. Entering labor restaurant, eating, CUs, typical dish in labor restaurant. 01:48:59 INT, Tel Aviv city hall, meeting of Executive Committee of Labor Federation in Tel Aviv following the attack on Hanuta. David Remez, one of labor leaders in Palestine, presides at the meeting. At his left is Mereminsky, in charge of labor disputes. Eliahu Golumb, veteran labor leader, reports on the attack. Other meeting scenes, speaker, chairman, showing woman member of the ...

  2. Flier

  3. Maria Gunsberg and Gustav Engel collection

    The Maria Gunsberg and Gustav Engel collection consists of a photocopy of a diary, in Polish, describing Maria Engel Gunsberg's life from 1939-1945, including time spent in hiding in Eastern Poland. Also includes a photocopy of the diary of her father, Gustav Engel, also written in hiding. Engel's diary gives extensive information about the events of the Holocaust near Tarnopol, Poland. The original diaries are located at Yad Vashem.

  4. Charles Talmazan papers

    The Charles Talmazan papers consist of correspondence, photographic materials, clippings, and a family tree documenting Talmazan’s experiences as a hidden child in Belgium during the Holocaust, his father and sister’s deportation to Auschwitz, his efforts to receive reparations from the German and Belgian governments, and his participation in the erection of a monument in Cornemont, Belgium.

  5. Basic documents of concentration camp Auschwitz

    Contains Häftlingspersonalbogen for Auschwitz concentration camp prisoners and other camp records dating from 1942 to 1945.

  6. Eva Frank collection

    Contains letters about Jewish emigration to the Dominican Republic 1938-1939.

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Orchestra; art gallery; press conference in Tel Aviv

    Men and women going to see "The Palestine Orchestra." CU, poster with date January 25, 1945. 05:40:01 Woman at piano, talking to man. CU pianist, her hands. 05:41:56 People arriving outside Katz Art Gallery. CU, poster advertising sculpture exhibition by S.C. Stutzer. Busts in the gallery. 05:43:14 Men in workshop, printing. Newspaper printing machine. Men in office. EXT, press building, vendors leaving with newspapers on their bicycles. 05:46:50 Conference of Arab-Jewish press in Tel Aviv. Jewish and Arab journalists of Tel Aviv and Arab journalists from Jaffa meet with Dr. W.M. Clyde, adv...

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- Copenhagen

    LS, Christiansborg entrance (Parliament and Foreign Ministry building). Amalienborg Palace, residence of the King. 05:08:14 Armed guards. CU, insignia with King's initials. 05:08:52 Oil tanks in Copenhagen harbor (Shell, BP, etc.) 05:09:24 Danish and German boats in harbor. 05:10:14 In Copenhagen, on street outside "Prwatbanken". Bicycles, cars, horse and cart, modern apartment blocks. 05:11:08 EXT, Shell Centralen petrol building. Street, City Hall, automobiles. 05:12:14 Train, station. Copenhagen power plant. 05:13:08 EXT, NSDAP headquarters, swastikas. Power plant. German freighter flyin...

  9. Jan Dubsky letter

    The letter was written from Jan Dubsky as a child in the ghetto in Terezín (Theresienstadt), Czechoslovakia, in 1941 to his grandmother in Slovakia. recto: in pencil, rough translation, "Dear Grandma/Thank you for your letter and kisses. We are waiting to see you. Grandma come to us./Jenda"

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Ship en route to South America

    On board the SS Brazil (tendered by the US Maritime Commission to North and South American diplomats, bankers, and businessmen to initiate the "Good Will Service" to South America), leaving New York. People on shore waving. New York city skyline. Small boat spraying water, more boats. 01:12:20 People on board, painting, sunbathing. 01:13:12 Officer navigating, looking at route (chart of South America), Capt Harry Sadler at desk. 01:14:58 Engine room. 01:17:20 At sea, captains. 01:18:40 Seaman with gadget. Steam. 01:20:19 Seamen winding up rope.

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Arrival of Romanian Jewish refugees in Palestine

    Arrival of 600 Romanian Jewish refugees (liberated by Russians) near Haifa [coming from concentration camp in Trans-Dniestrie]. LS ship docked. 05:21:27 MS refugees wave handkerchiefs. Authorities go aboard. LS ship with soldiers carryng arms; ambulances in FG. Unloading baggage with Commandant Morgan, Sea Transport Naval Officer, in FG. 05:22:35 Refugees exit ship down gangplank; elderly, mothers with children. 05:25:08 Filled baggage wagon passes in front of ship. Young refugees dance the "Hora" on the bridge of the ship. Refugees pass crowded train and board another. Arrival of train in ...

  12. Un prisonnier de guerre ecrit a sa maman

    Contains an undated printed pamphlet, in French, which includes a letter from an unidentified French prisoner of war, addressed to "little darling mommy" describing his conditions of imprisonment; exhortations from the National Committee of Prisoners of War and directed to friends of liberty, and wives and mothers of prisoners of war; and a report on prisoners of war from the Red Cross.

  13. Juedische auswanderung: korrespondenzblatt fuer auswanderungs- und siedlungswesen, 1936-1938

    Publications: "Juedische Auswanderung," two publications, dated September 1936 and Summer 1938, subtitled "Korrespondenzblatt fuer Auswanderungs- und Siedlungswesen," published by the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland.

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    01:05:52 In Jerusalem, Government House, residence and office of High Commissioner. 01:06:13 Sentry at guardhouse of Residence. View from guardhouse tower. 01:06:43 Courtyard of the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem. Scenes of the Old City from roof of Museum showing walls around Damascus. 01:07:01 Italian General Consulate in Jerusalem. Jaffa road, looking north in Jerusalem. Changing Army guard inside Old City gates, Banco Di Roma in BG. Street scenes in Old City, praying at the Western Wall. 01:08:16 Market scenes at Bethlehem. CUs, Arab peasants at market, buying fruit. 01:08:57 Western W...

  15. Tag

    Tag worn by Rita Buchholz as a child on a transport sponsored by the US Committee for the Care of European Children. She sailed from Lisbon on August 20, 1941, aboard the Mouzinho, arriving in New York on September 2.

  16. Kristina Singer essay

    Contains an essay by Kristina Singer describing her meeting with Holocaust survivors Kuba and Helen Beck in 1991. Kuba and Helen Beck were deported from Kraków, Poland, in 1943 and interned in Płaszów concentration camp where they encountered Amon Goeth and worked in Oskar Schindler's enamelware factory. Helen Beck was transferred to Auschwitz concentration camp but was released three weeks later due to the efforts of Oskar Schindler. Kuba and Helen Beck now live in the United States.

  17. William F. Angen collection

    Collection contains eleven slides of Dachau presumably taken in 1945; a one page memoir describing William F. Angen's experiences of liberating Dachau; and a photocopy of a permanent pass to Dachau concentration camp issued to William F. Angen.

  18. Ivano-Frankivsk State Oblast Archives records

    Contains correspondence, financial records, questionnaires, applications, list of residents, House Registry Book, census documents, inventories of confiscated Jewish property, autobiographies, list of people confined in ghettos, Ukrainian police lists and reports, and other documents pertaining to Holocaust-related issues in the district of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine (Stanisławów, Poland). Records include documents of the Kolomyia District Chief, Snyatin City Administration, Zaluche District Administration, Stetseva District Administration, and Ivano-Frankivsʹk City Administration.

  19. Surviving hell by Holocaust survivor Livia Szamosi (aka Lili Pollak/Lili Spielberger)

    Contains her typewritten memoir describing conditions in the ghetto in Budapest, Hungary; her escape from the ghetto first to a Catholic school where priests were sheltering several otherJews in the basement and later to friends' homes; the Soviet occupation of Budapest; and her reunions with family and friends. Lists of relatives and friends who perished during the Holocaust are included.