Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,721 to 18,740 of 58,960
  1. Book

  2. Oral history interview with Theodore Kessler

  3. NSDAP pin

    National-Sozialisteische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("N.S.D.A.P.") National Socialist German Workers Party membership pin worn by Nazi SA man.

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- War Crimes Trial: "Butchers of Auschwitz"

    "The Trial of Forty German Butchers of Auschwitz Camp," November 24-26, 1947. LS, building in which the trial of Auschwitz takes place. Market scene. 02:36:45 MS, crowd listening to loudspeaker on steps of building. MS, crowd outside of building listening to prisoners' examination. 02:37:05 VS, German prisoners jumping out of lorries and marching into the Court of Justice. 02:37:22 VS, Maria Mandl, head of women's camp at Auschwitz, between two Germans. 02:37:58 LS, old women jumping out of lorry and going to the Tribunal. CU, President of the Tribunal, Alfred Eimer, verifying identity of t...

  5. Leon and Sara Fajgenbaum collection

    Contains "Struggle & Sacrifice, The Oral History of Leon & Sara Fajgenbaum," copyright1995, an English-language edited oral history based on the Spanish-language oral testimony given by Leon and Sara Fajgenbaum; a translated oral history transcript from the Spanish language oral testimony of Leon and Sara Fajgenbaum; and a copyprint of Noam Lupu's grandparents and uncle taken in 1948 in Ulm (Germany).

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    Black Watch Regiment troops reviewed by the High Commissioner for Palestine, Sir Harold MacMichael. Regiment lines up, arrival of the colors, inspection by MacMichael and Gen. Wavell. Black Watch troops march. High Commissioner and General salute. 02:44:11 On the road from Jerusalem to Jericho to the Dead Sea, Black Watch Troops put on a demonstration to let a military convoy through. Soldiers look though binoculars and record planes flying above in a book. Prisoner being searched (scene staged by military). 02:45:18 Brief scene (unrelated) of men smoking cigarettes. 02:45:26 Troops get off...

  7. Oral history interview with Frances Goldman Nightingale

  8. Oral history interview with Judith Swimmer

  9. Burdowski family photographs

    Consists of mainly pre-war photographs of members of the Burdowski family, originally of Klodava, Poland, in various group portraits; includes photographs of David, Moshe, and Hersch Burdowski.

  10. Flight and submersion Flucht und "Untertauchen"

    Contains a compilation, in German with English translation by Justin J. Mueller, of reports, correspondence and a questionnaire relating to the flight and life in hiding of Martin Bier's mother, Ellen Bier-Feitler, from March 1944 to May 1945. Included are an uncompleted memoir by Ellen Bier-Feitler, a Swiss Justice and Police Department questionnaire dated March 18, 1944, and a letter and reports, circa 1983-1993, by family members written at the request of Martin Bier.

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees; Jewish shelter; London, England

    Jewish shelter on Mansell Street, Whitechapel, London, England. Permanent institution for helping poor Jews, housing approximately 120 refugees (mostly Austrian). Dining hall, crowded, free meals. Adolph and Sarah Michaelson, the Superintendant and Matron of the shelter from about 1912 until 1940, appear in this sequence (Adolph is the gentleman with the mustache standing at 04:00:05 and at right at 04:00:26. Sarah wears a lace collar in the doorway at 04:01:31. Their daughter, Esther (known as Elsie, b. 1915), is the third serving person in a white coat who comes into the dining room at 04...

  12. Selected records from the National Archives of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

    Records relate to the Fünfbrunnen concentration camp. Included are name lists of Jews deported from Luxembourg to Poland, Sipo reports on arrested Jews and resistance members, investigation files and survivor accusation statements against Gestapo man Fritz Hartmann, and excerpts from the trial of Gestapo man Klöker and many others charged with war crimes in 1948.

  13. Telegram ordering the confiscation of the films "Desparados" and "You Were Never Lovelier,"

    Telegram, dated May 14, 1944, from the Reichssicherheitshauptamt Amt VI to the head of the Sicherheitspolizei and SD in France, SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Hensel, stating that the head of the Film Department wants to know if the films "Desparados" and "You Were Never Lovelier" have been confiscated.

  14. Oral history interview with Marianne Schwarz

  15. Laure Grandmaison Najman collection

    Contains seven documents relating to Laure Grandmaison Najman's work to hide Jews in her guest house in Brussels, Belgium, during World War II. Included are three requests to Laure Grandmaison from internees at Kaserne Dossin (Malines), who she had previously sheltered at her hostel, asking her to send foodstuffs and clothing to them in the camp, 1942-1943. Also included is a receipt from the "Aide aux Israelites Victims de la Guerre, Sectino Enfance," 1946, showing the receipt of payment of 500 francs for the housing of Marion Adler in the month of March-April 1946; and an oath signed by L...

  16. Kobrinski and Chrystowska family photograph collection

    Consists of pre-World War II photographs of the Kobrinski family of Wilno (Vilna), Poland, and of the Chrystowska family of Pabianice, Poland. Many of those pictured perished during the Holocaust. Also includes one displaced persons identification card issued by the IRO (International Refugee Organization) in Austria to Emanuel Kobrynski on September 29, 1948.

  17. Book

  18. Aus meinem Lebenslauf: Aus der faschistischen Hoelle in sibirische Verbannung

    Contains a memoir about Albert Kretschmer's deportation from Mannheim, Germany, and life in various labor camps in Siberia.

  19. Giselle Kurz papers

    The papers consist of postcards, letters, identification cards, and other documents relating to the Holocaust in several countries in Europe.

  20. Fred Steven collection

    Collection contains both original correspondence and photostat copies of correspondence between numerous individuals affiliated with the NSDAP.