Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,841 to 17,860 of 58,960
  1. Jacob Mosberg collection

    Contains one identification card for Jakob Moszberg indicating that he had been a prisoner in Sachsenhasen and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps, one notice to Jacob Moszberg (now Mosberg) from the Ministry of Interior of Lower Saxony, a photocopy of Jacob Moszberg and Charlotte Moszberg's marriage certificate from the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp, and one identification card for Jakob Moszberg issued by Dr. Solomon Barash, Director Emigration Service AJDC Bremen.

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. The Judges say they are ready to hear the summing up by the Defense. Dr. Servatius says that the accusations of the Attorney General Hausner, if true, would be worthy of a monument to Jew-haters, saying that Eichmann was some superman able to commit all of these atrocities. Instead, he says, it was the top brass that decided that Eichmann would be the scapegoat for their actions (duplicate footage from Tape 2232). 00:04:18 Tape jumps, and the Judges enter the courtroom and tell Dr. Servatius to continue his summing up. Servatius comes to the main count of the case, the charge o...

  3. George Lee photographs

    Contains seventeen copies of black and white photographs of the Föhrenwald displaced persons camp.

  4. Box

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 108 -- Evidence regarding Hungary's anti-Jewish legislation

    Session 108. Dr. Servatius reads from the affidavit of Vessenmayer, examined on May 23, 1961 before the Court of First Instance in Darmstadt. He says that there was a plan to decentralize the Jews in Hungary into different camps to prevent any kind of uprising. 00:05:45 Servatius finishes reading passages, and Hausner decides not to cite any passages from that testimony. Dr. Servatius submits extracts from the Nuremberg judgment in the case of Veesenmayer. Hausner insists that Servatius submit all of the documents rather than just the few passages that he chooses to read. This is discussed ...

  6. Medical kit

  7. "Determination, courage, destiny"

    Contains several stories, totaling 179 pages, compiled by Esther Gastwirth about the fate of Holocaust survivors and their families in Eastern Europe.

  8. Swedish Foreign Ministry records

    Contains diplomatic correspondence and other records relating to ethnic minorities in Sweden. Many of the volumes contain reports on the situation of Jews. Volumes 1094 through 1101 contain reports on Raoul Wallenberg's work in Budapest. The records date from 1920 to 1964.

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 113. Attorney General Hausner is interrupted by the President of Court asking about the Lidice Children. Hausner begins describing the deportation of these children. He retells the testimony of Krumey, who was remorseful about his role. He continues to refute the statements of Eichmann saying that he had no role in this, that there were multiple meanings of special treatment, and that he knew nothing . 00:10:00 The exact wording of the law concerning membership in illegal groups is read, condemning Eichmann. Precedents are discussed. Hausner emphasizes that the law makes no distinct...

  10. Anna Lewis papers

    The papers consist of an identification card issued to Geza Ottai in Cinecittà, Italy, dated November 1948; a photograph of Anna M. Ottai, Geza’s daughter; a registration certificate issued to Geza Ottai by the International Refugee Organization Italian Mission in Rome, Italy, dated May 1949; and a Stewart Times newsletter, dated January 1, 1952.

  11. Photograph of school children in Senec, Czechoslovakia

    Contains a copy print of 48 children standing and seated in four rows; a teacher is seated in the middle. The photograph was taken in Senec, Czechoslovakia (Slovakia), in 1944, but the copy was created in 1945.

  12. Lonnie E. Linderman photographs

    Consists of fourteen photographs taken or received by Lonnie E. Linderman in either Buchenwald or Dachau concentration camp immediately following liberation.

  13. Leaflet

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 52 and 53 -- Testimonies of Pinhas Freudiger, Martin Foeldi, Ze'ev Sapir

    Session 52. Footage begins in the middle of the session with testimony from Pinhas Freudiger identifying Eichmann and relating the circumstances under which he first met Eichmann in Budapest. He notes that he had wanted to speak to Krumey and Eichmann's deputy Dieter Wisliceny about stopping the deportations. Eichmann takes notes. There is some confusion about the translation of a German phrase (00:05:15). Various shots of Eichmann, the judge's bench and both the prosecution and defense lawyers. A portion of the proceedings is missing and footage resumes with Freudiger testifying about his ...

  15. Medical kit

  16. Propaganda filming of the Warsaw Ghetto: arrivals; Jewish Council; police; prison

    ***This footage is from a roughly ninety-minute propaganda film that was never finished or shown publicly. It was created by a German propaganda camera team in the spring of 1942.The Nazi regime created these ghettos and imprisoned Jews within them, subjected them to these conditions of starvation and disease and overcrowding. And yet, with a film like this, they hoped to suggest that these conditions were chosen by the Jews, that they were natural Jewish living conditions. This film is considered propaganda because it is heavily staged, omits selective information, attempts to establish gr...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 102 and 103 -- Cross-examination of the Accused re: Operation Units

    This tape begins near the middle of Session 102, during a discussion about a meeting held in a cinema pertaining to the issuing of orders to the Einsatzkommando/Einsatzgruppen. Eichmann is cross-examined by Attorney General Gideon Hausner about the number of people who attended the meeting and his own role. Eichmann talks of his personal ambitions to be the commander of an Einsatzkommando, which he claims he thought were military units operating at the Eastern Front, and his disappointment when this did not come to pass. 00:09:08 Later in session 102: Hausner questions Eichmann about his in...

  18. 101st Police Battalion photo album

    Contains a photograph album from a member of the 101st Police Battalion. Contains 170 photos/photo postcards.

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 102 -- Cross-examination of the Accused re: Sassen Document

    Session 102. Eichmann reads a document of the Sassen memoirs. The tape resumes just a few minutes prior to the end of Tape 2176. Eichmann reads his answer to Sassen concerning his role in the concentration camps, saying that the Gestapo was in charge of all of it. He explains, using as many hypothetical terms as possible, what would happen with the camp, especially with insubordination and problems with the Jews. He also describes the transfer of control from the Archives department to the Gestapo. When asked if these were the words of Eichmann, he says he cannot remember, but it was partia...

  20. Hrvatski Povijesni Muzej Zagreb. Arhivska Grada o Zidovima

    Collection consists primarily of published material pertaining to the Holocaust in Croatia. There are a few antisemitic and anti-Masonic brochures or propaganda pamphlets that were published in Croatia in 1941, and one that was published in German-occupied Serbia in the same year. There is also some material from the 1942 antisemitic exhibition entitled “The Jews,” which was organized by the Ustaša government’s propaganda office. The collection also contains some documents dealing with the arrest and deportation of Jews in Croatia in 1941-42, and copies of placards announcing that Jews had ...