Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,021 to 16,040 of 58,960
  1. Jerry Gotkin collection

    Consists of a letter; written by Peretz Shkolnik, donor’s mother’s cousin, who survived the Holocaust in hiding near Jody, Lithuania, his hometown. In the letter, written in a displaced persons camp in Cremona, Italy, Mr. Shkolnik relates his experiences during the war.

  2. Soviet Camp for Romani Kids

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 2, No. 104, Part 4. Release date, 12/24/1930. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: News Paragraphs: Moscow, USSR "Establish first junior Soviet!" New Roma community controlled and run by children. A Soviet camp (genuine summer camp) for Roma children. MS, children playing, eating. CU, faces. Little boys, shirtless, running out of cabin with shovels. CU, eating outside at benches/tables from enormous bowls/spoons. Boy washing his cup. CU smiling boy, bashful. Little boy dancing inside circle of seated, clapping. MCU woman with turban in white dress with t...

  3. Robert Jackson, US Prosecutor, at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 16) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 28, 1946. MLS, front view, US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson speaking. Jackson states in part that the six criminal organizations to be tried in these proceedings were not selected without considerable study by the prosecution. They were the most vicious and membership within them was entirely voluntary. Those to be indicted are: the Reich Cabinet; the top policy makers of the German Nazi Army; the military police elements of the Gestapo and SD; the Nazi party leaders; and their staff officers on a high level. MSs, Justices Bid...

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- GI tour of Holland

    First GI tour to Holland, part 2. Sightseeing in Bremen, Germany, Amsterdam. Ships, diamonds, flower market.

  5. Leonard Lauder collection

    The Leonard Lauder collection consists of materials documenting anti‐Semitism in Germany in the first half of the 20th century, particularly during the Nazi era, that Lauder acquired from private vendors. The collection includes the Georg Hirschberg papers, Helmrich Heilmann correspondence, Hugo Simon correspondence, Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara materials, printed materials, photographic materials, banknotes, a proof of Aryan descent document, and commemorative stamps. The Georg Hirschberg papers contain professional credentials, military papers, correspondence, announcements, and notices doc...

  6. "Shanghai Jewish Chronicle" collection

    Consists of copies of the "Shanghai Jewish Chronicle" dated: May 10, 1942; Sep. 11, 1942; Sep. 28, 1943; Sep. 29, 1943; May 7, 1944; Sep. 2, 1945; and an undated issue entitled "Ein Jahr Aufbau."

  7. Tribunal, Hess's amnesia at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 398) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 30, 1945. LS, Tribunal consisting of Robert Falco, Henri Donnedieu de Vabre, John J. Parker, Francis Biddle, Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence, Justice Birkett, Maj. Gen. I T Nikitchenko, and A F Volchoff. They enter courtroom and take their seats. Dr. Gunther von Rohrscheidt, counsel for Rudolf Hess, addresses the court about Hess' alleged amnesia. MS, Hess seated in prisoners' dock. LS, Lord Justice Lawrence requests that the medical report be read. The Lord Justice goes on to say that the only thing wrong with Hess is his forgetful...

  8. Paul Koerner testifies re. Goering at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Paul Koerner testifies under interrogation of a defense counselor. MSs, rear views, correspondents listening at trial. LSs, rear views, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson cross examines the witness. Discussion of events in Goering and Thaelmann, in German. Break at 06:05, questioning beings in English. re. Thaelmann and Reichstag Fire. Koerner replies in German. Refers to Thaelmann in Buchenwald camp and complaints to Goering about conditions or treatment in concentration camps. 06:09:01 Would you tell us...ab...

  9. Kyiv (Kiev) does not surrender

    Women with shovels, working, men erecting barricades and makeshift fortifications. VS of soldiers working. A newspaper headline reads: "The Fascists shall not be allowed to take the capital of Soviet Ukraine. Everything for the defense of our home, of all we love!" A sign (possibly at a movie theater) reads "Showing: Reports from the Front of the Patriotic War". People stand in street, looking at the sky. German planes. Soviet guns aimed at the sky. Another intertitle reads "Helios Pavlovich Mykhailyuk: a participant in the defense of Kiev". Street life. It would seem that this footage was ...

  10. KZ Bildberichtaus funf Konzentrationslagern = Story of Five Concentration Camps in Photographs

    Rectangular form constructed of paper cover and 27 pages.

  11. Ukrainians working for the German war economy

    A documentary that shows pictures of the Kiev office of the "Generalbevollmaechtigter fuer den Arbeitseinsatz" [General Commissioner for Employment of Labor]. Ukrainians board a train towards Germany and enjoy music, food, and cigarettes. German cities, industrial plants, and freeways are shown to the delight and astonishment of the Ukrainians. Later on they are examined by a doctor and instructed about their work in industry and agriculture by a foreman. A canteen and a grocery store are shown. The workers receive letters from home. For evening entertainment, there are folk music events. T...

  12. Kiev during the first days of war, 1941

    Based on the paper documentation from the Central State Archives, translated from Russian: This is Kyiv [Kiev] during the first days of war (more precisely it's June 28, 1941). CU of a crowd gathered on a street to listen to the radio report. VS of people in the crowd: soldiers, civilians. [The footage was shot on Mitskevich Street]. Military vehicles with Soviet soldiers are rolling through the streets. CU of a street calendar that reads "June 28th, Saturday" and shows 11 a.m. CU of two Jewish men sitting and talking. CU of a young man talking to a young woman. AV of a square in Kyiv. VS o...

  13. Goering interrogated at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 54) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 18, 1946. HASs, MSs, front view of Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson (US) interrogating Hermann Goering. (Goering is not visible in these shots.) Subject of the cross examination is the plan to overthrow the Weimar Republic and break the opposition. Goering says that, yes, they had been in opposition long enough and were eager to get to power. MS, pan, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, and Walther Funk seated in the prisoners' dock. MS, Justices Francis Biddle and John J. Parker. A point is made to the Tribunal that defendants answer ...

  14. Deutsche Arbeitsfront-Splitterbestande (NS 5-I)

    Contains records of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF) related to Jewish property, aryanization, the Jewish economic situation, economic value of forced labor, and antisemitic discourses.

  15. Nuremberg Trial; War Crimes Trials in Tokyo

    14:15:00 (Munich 366) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 20, 1946. (English and German) MS, Justices Francis Biddle and John J. Parker at bench, Biddle is dozing. MS, Hermann Goering and Joachim von Ribbentrop. MS, Erich Raeder, Fritz Sauckel in dock. HAS of Fritz Sauter questioning witness. HAS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd cross-examining Walther Funk (not in scene). 14:20:18 War Crimes Trials, Tokyo, Japan, August 12, 1946. (English) . Mr. John Goetee, a US newspaperman who spent twenty years in China, continues describing his education, background, and work involving politica...

  16. Handcrafted commemorative coin medallion created for a US crew member on an illegal immigrant ship

    Small medal commissioned by Paul Kaye to memorialize the imprisonment of the crew and passengers of the illegal immigrant ship, Hatikvah, on May 18, 1947, after their capture at sea by the British on May 17 during a voyage to Palestine. It was carrying nearly 1500 Jewish refugees, mostly Holocaust survivors. The medal was made from a hand flattened Cyprian piaster coin by an artist, name unknown, that Paul met in the internment camp on Cyprus. It is etched with the names, Hatikvah and Cyprus, an image of the ship, and an image of the detention camp; the initials of Paul’s nephew, Joseph Ros...

  17. Doenitz testifies at Nuremberg Trial; Reichsbank gold

    (Munich 173) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 17 and 20, 1946. LS, MS, Adm. Karl Doenitz in prisoners' dock speaking to his counselor Dr. Otto Kranzbuehler. MS, Alfred Toms, Frankfurt Reichsbank employee, taking the oath. LS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd questions Toms about his conversation with Emil Johann Rudolf Puhl. Pan from Hjalmar Schacht to Walther Funk to Toms testifying. Puhl is seated just right of Toms. MLS, Dr. Fritz Sauter, counselor for Funk, listening and taking notes. MS, Toms testifying about SS deposits of gold, silver, and dental gold in the Frankfurt Reichsbank.

  18. Workers deported to Germany

    Workers of Donbas (Ukraine) region deported* to Germany. VS, men being transported by bus to Germany. They are escorted off the bus by uniformed military personnel. They are escorted to their new living quarters and then to the factory. MS, several workers in an open rail car in what seems to be a miners' tunnel, the car exits the tunnel and the men jump out of the car, they are all carrying flashlights and wearing work clothes. Men being escorted around the grounds of a factory by soldiers, the men are dressed in suits and almost all are wearing caps. Workers and a man in uniform seated ar...

  19. Allied Invasion

    Part 1: Winston Churchill and Jan Christian Smuts wish luck to Allied troops boarding landing craft. General Eisenhower broadcasts to the French people. Shows street scene in London. Airborne troops board planes. The Navy and Air Force blast Normandy shore positions. Part 2: U.S. troops enter Rome. Shows General Clark. Stalin and Marshal Zhukov review Russian troops. Part 3: The 9th Air Force bombs German positions and airborne troops land in Normandy. General Eisenhower and General Montgomery inspect the beach positions.

  20. History of Kaltenbrunner presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 474) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 2, 1946. LS, Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence states that it would be better to hold Ernst Kaltenbrunner's case because of his absence. MLS, rear view, US prosecutor Robert G. Storey asking the Tribunal to proceed with the evidence as the case against the Gestapo and Kaltenbrunner are linked. Rear view, defense counsel for Kaltenbrunner speaking to the Tribunal on behalf of his client. Defense counsel says that he has been appointed for the defense of "criminal organizations" summarily, and as such has no immediate client to be r...