Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,981 to 16,000 of 58,960
  1. Ethnic groups of Trancarpathia - Travelogue of Czechoslovak Travel Agency

    Silent with Czech intertitles. Opens with MCU of water wheel and river. VS water wheel and its mechanisms. MLS peasant family standing in front of a thatched roof house. VS, LS, countryside, hills and valleys, trees and the river running through the valley. MLS, log cabins, some may form part of a dam that harnesses the water power from the river. Title: "Vychodni' hranice Czeskoslovenska tvori' pohranicni pas cernohorsky." LS, pan, snow capped mountains. 00:12:24 MLS, a group of Jews and Roma-men women and children. Several women in traditional peasant costumes at Czech border. MS, Roma wo...

  2. Ulla Knowles photograph collection

    Consists of photographs taken in the Swedish Red Cross hospital in Lübeck, Germany, where staff cared for the sick and emaciated liberated prisoners from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Count Folke Bernadotte is depicted in one of the photographs. Ulla Knowles was a volunteer at the Swedish Red Cross hospital.

  3. Walking stick with a knob shaped as the head of a Jewish man in a yarmulke

    Wooden walking stick with a brass knob handle in the shape of the head of a Jewish man. European artisans commonly adorned everyday items such as ceramics, toys, and even walking sticks, with caricatures of Jewish faces. These walking sticks are examples of racial antisemitism becoming part of everyday life.

  4. Bodenschatz questioned by Jackson at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 35) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 8, 1946. Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson cross-examines Karl Bodenschatz, former member of the Reich Air Ministry (this is a continuation from 111 ADC 5865). Hermann Goering in prisoners' dock makes notes as testimony is presented. MSs, left side of defendants' box, Goering mutters something to Hess. MSs, Bodenschatz answering questions relative to Goering's influence in the Nazi government and his concern over the bombings of Germany and its people.

  5. French publications collection

    Contains an issue of the newspaper "Guignol" of Lyon, with articles ddiscussing rationing and restrictions during German occupation of Lyon. Also contains a four-page brochure published by the Légion française des combattants et des volontaires de la Révolution nationale.

  6. Feature film about a Russian army officer: soldiers going to war

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 2: (badly scratched). Parade at train platform, train station, waving goodbye as soldiers board train. Views of countryside fr...

  7. Prosecutors, Keitel testifes at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 86) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 6, 1946. CU, Dr. Otto Nelte, Wilhelm Keitel's attorney, addressing court. CU, British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe taking notes. CU, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd. MS stenographers at work in the courtroom. CU, Justice Henri Donnedieu de Vabre (France). MCU, British Army men in courtroom. MS, Keitel testifying. Pan to Russian prosecutor Gen. Rudenko at stand. Pan to US prosecution table, back to Keitel. LS, Rudenko questioning Keitel. Pan from court stenographers to witness. MS, Justices Lawrence, Biddle, and Parker on bench. MS, ...

  8. Paternity suit; genetic testing

    Dramatized propaganda film with actors explaining a paternity suit and testing. Reel 2: The boy, "der kleine Georg" [Little George]. Blood test on slide under microscope. Microscopic view of slides and explanation by doctor. Blood is not the only factor analyzed. Eye color. Illustrates eye colors of both boys (in disputed baby case) and their parents. 01:18:39 Hair color. The doctor knows from the analysis the mother is really a dark blond, though her hair is bleached. Hair form and texture. 01:20:23 Ears. CU photos. Nose holes. CU : 'Are you beginning to trust us now?' Hand prints. 'Frau W...

  9. Porunca Vremii

    Porunca Vremii was one of the leading Iron Guard newspapers in Romania. This number was published seventeen days after the Iron Guard coup led by Gen. Ion Antonescu. The article, "Un asn dela Pedepsirea lui Armand Calinescu," (One Year after the Punishment of Armand Calinescu), concerns the former Minister of the Interior and Prime Minister under King Carol of Romania, Armand Calinescu, who was executed by the Iron Guard as revenge for the reprisals (especially the extrajudicial execution of C.Z. Codreanu, the leader of the Iron Guard) against the Iron Guard.

  10. Cigarette cards

  11. Abraham Alweiss documents

    Contains identification papers for Abraham Alweiss indicating that he was of Polish and Jewish descent and a prisoner in Mauthausen.

  12. German Hygiene Museum, Dresden; Transparent Man

    Film featuring the "world-famous" transparent man and the Deutsches Hygiene Museum [German Hygiene Museum] in Dresden. Dresden scenes, general views, Baroque architecture, river. 01:26:09: exterior: Deutsches Hygiene Museum. Interiors. 01:26:19 CU Poster 1911 Exhibition : "International Hygiene-Ausstellung Dresen" with large graphic eye. Bust of Karl Adolph Lingner, foiunder of the museum. A visit to the museum is shown. Visitors and exhibits, sculptures, models, visitors. Interactive exhibits on physiological aspects of the human body. 01:28:15 Cross sections of the human body on display. ...

  13. Rick Willgerodt collection

    Consists of ten photographs of Ebensee concentration camp at the time of liberation. Sgt. Wilbert Miller, the donor's great uncle, took the photographs while serving with the 80th Infantry Division, United States Army. Also includes a postcard: recto, black and white image of group of men in uniform loading weapon; verso, handwritten text addressed to "Mr & Mrs. R. Mosher," Wilbert Miller's sister, notifying her that he would be released from the Army in the near future.

  14. Parade; US Gens meet; Press Conference with Goering

    20:20:45 (LIB 6607) WAC Dress Parade, London, England, May 14, 1945. WACs in formation pass in review at 3rd anniversary ceremony. Short scene, Brig. Gen. Koenig, UK Base Commandant, gets out of sedan. SEQ: Queen Elizabeth steps from car and is greeted by Gen. Koenig. The Queen enters Supply Room and inspects five WACs wearing various types of WAC uniforms. WACs in formation on parade ground. NOTE: There are scratches in this part of the reel. 20:26:26 (LIB 6608) American Generals Discuss Boundaries, Austria, May 12, 1945. SEQ: US Brig. Gen. Holmes Dager of the 11th Armored Div meets Lt. Ge...

  15. Dienststelle Rosenberg - Kanzlei Rosenberg. Records from Bundesarchiv, NS 8 (Germany)

    Contains lectures, essays, articles, and newspaper clippings relating to Rosenberg's personal and political activities. Records pertain to the Rosenberg's roles as the editor of the Völkschen Beobachter and the NS-Monatshefte; in the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei (NSDAP) foreign office, in the Kampfbund für Deutsche Kultur; the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, the NSDAP Hohe Schule in Vorbereitung, and in the other activities in the NSDAP. Collection also contains some correspondence from the Reichsministerium für die Besetzten Ostgebiete.

  16. Nemirov, Ukraine. Fifth anniversary of The October Revolution

    NEMYRIV (Nemirov): Fifth Anniversary. Pioneers. 250 children, some homeless, survivors of pogroms. Shtetl view, VS, children painting and drawing with an instructor's guidance. Images of metal tools, furniture, paintings and drawings, clothing. The children's work is displayed on walls in a makeshift gallery type setting. There are also sculptures in stone, in the round and in relief. Several framed drawings, portraits of historical figures. Sculpture of Lenin with young man posing next to the statue. Title in Ukrainian: "Nemyriv. The fifth anniversary of a Jewish children's colony of 250 c...

  17. Hannover's Landesgericht records

    Selected records relating to the Jewish population in Hannover (Germany).

  18. Dr. Sievers on the stand at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 345) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 8, 1946. Dr. Wolfram Sievers charged with perjury is again put on the stand and questioned by Mr. Jones, a British assistant prosecutor. Sievers is questioned about his earlier given testimony, that he cannot name figures of dead since he had no insight in that. He said that he did not play a part in the creation of the skeleton collection at the University of Frankfurt, but he admits that the skeletons were expected to come from Auschwitz.

  19. Slovakian newsreel: Hlinka Guard; Tiso

    Slovak Sound Weekly: Hlinka guard swearing-in ceremony. Inspection of the first Bratislava regiment upon the celebration of the anniversary of the Slovak state. Jozef Tiso, president of the Slovak state, at the inspection of the Hlinka Youth, awards ceremony, inspection.

  20. Petain's Trial; Military parade

    21:18:36 (NR 361) Trial of Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, July 23-24, 1945. German film of Petain and Hitler meeting and shaking hands at Montoire. Petain and Goering meeting and shaking hands. MLS, Petain arrives by car, steps out, and lifts his hat. Petain and wife arrive by car and enter Fort de Montrouge prison building. INT views of cells in which Petains will live. Crowds attempting to enter court building. INT courtroom, Marshal Petain enters and sits down. Justices of the Court, President Mongibeaux, and Solicitor Gen. Mornet enter courtroom. Great excitement as Prosecuting Advocate...