Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,001 to 16,020 of 58,960
  1. Refugees in Italy

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 17, No. 287, Part 3. Release date, 04/20/1944. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Italian Refugee Problem" The Allied Control Commission humanely handles the thousands of pathetic refuges who require clothing, food, and bivouac until the tides of war roll by. Italian refugees mill around courtyard/piazza with duffel bags. Little kids are dressed. Children and adults are fed. Mostly CUs. MLS courtyard/square. People stand around with bundles. CU kids with bandages and scarves wrapped around head. Baby bounced. CU little girl. MS people enter building, ...

  2. Communist female prisoner testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 528) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 28, 1946. Marie-Claude Vaillant Couturier, Communist member of the French National Assembly, testifies. The witness speaks about being a prisoner of the Germans and the maltreatment of Jews in concentration camps. She describes the procedures of selection etc. at the arrival of transports in the camp. Women in good health conditions in their 20s and 30s, as well as twins, were taken aside for experiments. She says she does not know what they did with them, apart from taking blood and measuring them. She says that the people were ver...

  3. Netherlands occupation discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 535) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 2, 1946. LS, defense rising. Pan to center of courtroom as those in attendance are seated. LS, officer announces that defendants Seyss-Inquart and Kaltenbrunner will be absent due to illness. Rear view of French prosecutor Faure addressing the court. MSs, Koos Vorrink, Senator of Netherlands and President of the Socialist Party in 1940, is sworn in and interrogated by Faure. Vorrink discusses the situation in Holland before and during the German occupation.

  4. March of Dimes drive; War Crimes Trials: Buchenwald

    16:10:46 The March of Dimes Drive in the 88th Infantry Div, Italy, February 7 (6?), 1947. MS, enlisted man and officer counting money received for drive. CU, Major's hand handling script. Thermometer showing Division progress in drive. Group at American Red Cross: One enlisted man drops money into wishing well. Maj Gen Bryant E. Moore, Commanding General, 88th Inf Div, receiving check from Maj Chirico. CU, sign: "Blue Devils" showing March of Dimes campaign. 16:13:48 (Munich 541) Buchenwald Trial, Dachau, Germany, April 12 (11?), 1947. LS, MS, war crimes courthouse at Dachau. CU, sign: "War...

  5. Lvov; POWs

    Lvov, scenes of corpses on the ground. Frozen corpces tended by relatives, they are taken out of mass graves. VS, railcar on fire, scenes of fighting, soldiers in the field, artillery fire, MS of a soldier with a camera, shooting the war around him, he is kneeling down, protected by a large piece of stone. Another shot of the cameraman, filming in the grass beside the railroad tracks, the railcar behind him has been destroyed. POWs, some with their hands raised above their heads, walking through the city streets. VS of Jewish prisoners, panning large group of Jewish male prisoners who are l...

  6. Opava records

    Selected records relating to the persecution of Jewish communities by Nazi and other authorities in Opava, Czechoslovakia.

  7. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Hermann Goering testifies that the Nazi Party came into power legally: 1) Because of the 30 elections held in the years between 1925-1932; and 2) If Germany had a type of government similar to the US and Great Britain, power would have been theirs immediately. LS, several American and British prosecutors seated at table during trial. Goering testifies that after Hitler came to power, he suggested to Goering the formation of a government along the same lines as that of the US. More generally, Goering talks about how he saw hi...

  8. Pogroms in Ukraine, 1919-1920

    Silent with English intertitles. "Ataman Grigorieff's pogrom in Elisavetgrad 15-17 May 1919." "The corpses in the mortuary." MS of corpses on the ground. "A common grave (men)." Still photo of men, many wrapped in prayer shawls. "A common grave (women)." Still photo of women's corpses laying on the ground. "A group of massacred brought to Poltava...egam Joseph, Aguz Jacob, 5 September 19." Still, MCU of four corpses laying on the ground, INT. "The pogrom by Ataman ... in Rzhistsheff*, Governm. Kieff, 14 June 1919." Still, MS, bodies lined up outside, on the ground, alongside a brick buildin...

  9. Typhus - Propaganda associating Jews & Poles with the disease and its spread by lice

    Nazi instructional (propaganda) film about measures to contain typhus, indicating the Polish-Jewish population is responsible for spreading typhus. Wehrmachtslehrfilm #347 [Army Instructional Film #347]. Reel 1: Narration/voiceover, maps of Poland, Russia, incl. Bialystok, Lublin, Warsaw, Łódź, Pinsk. 00:34:54 Jews, seen closeup, with and without clothes. Ghetto scenes. Crowd on rail platform, threatening German soldiers, etc. Farm, thatch, geese. 00:35:54 INT, dwelling with filthy conditions, Jewish. Woman in bed, with child. Cartoon portrayal: KRANKE LAUS. An infected louse, goes onto inn...

  10. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 7)

    Part 2 (repeats some of Reel 7, part 1). Invasion of Czechoslovakia. A faked-looking photo of Stuckart and Globke at a conference relating to the future of the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Film of a Jewish family of three as they leave their home, presumably to be deported. The narration says that this scene was filmed by an SS troop and discovered in Prague. The suitcases carried by the family are echoed in the next shot, which shows the piles of suitcases at Auschwitz. Spotlight on a document that purports to prove, by virtue of the fact that he was exempted from military service,...

  11. Soldiers celebrate

    EXT, soldiers clowning around outside of their barracks. Soldiers eat, sing, dance, pretend to be bull fighters, and generally have a good time.

  12. Sterilization; marriage health law

    Propaganda for sterilization (15m10s); "Kampf ums Dasein" [struggle for life] (2m12s); enactment of the marriage health law (4m30s); positive Nazi goals (1m50s). Nazi racial propaganda film about mentally and physically disabled people and the danger and drain they are on the Aryan nation. This film (like "Erbkrank") shows footage of men, women and children who have been placed in hospitals, asylums, etc. There are CUs of sad, destroyed people. Footage of their behavior (i.e., a man standing in a field of daisies "whipping" the air with an imaginary whip, another man angrily beats his hand ...

  13. War Crimes Trials: Tokyo; Einsatzgruppen Case

    17:42:38 War Crimes Trials, Tokyo, Japan, January 14, 1948. MS, Mrs. Yasuko Konoye is sworn in. After asking Mrs. Konoye to identify herself, British prosecutor Mr. Comyns-Carr reads the witness's statement. Brooks and Logan makes objections to the document being presented. 17:47:14 (Munich 673) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case), Nuremberg, Germany, February 13, 1948. Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor reading his summation. (Very pale image; very brief. No views of defendants)

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- MacArthur's speech to Allied Control Council, part 2

    General MacArthur's speech to Allied Control Council, continued. MacArthur speaking, praises proposed new Japanese constitution for its renunciation of war, respect for dignity of individual, freedom of speech and religion, lasting peace...

  15. German surrender; denazification

    US propaganda film about "The German personality" and its national psyche and history. Reel 6 describes the unconditional surrender of Germany. Shows prisoners and industrial ruins. Contrasts "lackadaisical" occupation in 1918 with the more complete occupation, the trial of war criminals, and denazification processes in 1945.

  16. Liberation of Kharkiv (Kharkov), Ukraine

    Newsreel produced on the first anniversary of the liberation of Kharkiv [Kharkov]. Clouds of billowing smoke. CU cross (grave marker). CU barbed wire fence, behind the fence are more grave markers. MS, wall through barbed wire, on wall the word "Lager" is written. EXT of building, CU, shot from low angle, angle up to sign above entrance to building that reads: "Ortskommandantur-West". MLS of the same building, from across the street. VS, destruction of city, crumbled buildings, rubble and dead body in the streets. Still of several men hanging from a balcony (location and victims unidentifie...

  17. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case

    (Munich 617) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 6 (I.G. Farben Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Shots of defendants pleading "not guilty" to the indictment. The defendants rise and plead to charges in the following order: Carl Krauch, Hermann Schmidt, Georg von Schnitzler, Fritz Gajewski, Heinrich Hoerlein, August von Knierien, Fritz ter Meer, Ernst Buergin, Paul Haefliger, Max Ilgner, Friedrich Jaehne, Hans Kuehne, Walter Duerrfeld, Heinrich Gottineau. The other defendants standing trial but not answering to pleas are visible in the prisoners' dock: Christian Schneider, Otto ...

  18. War Crimes Trials: Pohl Case

    (Munich 531) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 4 (Pohl Case), Nuremberg, Germany, March 10-12, 1947. Conclusion of preceding sequence (111 ADC 6439): Pohl to Klein pleading "not guilty" to the indictment. HAS, Tribunal, as one of the judges asks the defendants whether they plead "guilty" or "not guilty." Judge states: "The Secretary General will enter, on behalf of each defendant, a plea of "not guilty"." Pan of attorneys' tables. HAS, pan of courtroom as audience rises.

  19. Soviet prosecutor's summation at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 327) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 29-30, 1946. Continuation of Lt. Gen. R A Rudenko's summation. MLS, MS of MP guards standing at the prisoners' dock. Pan of courtroom as Gen. Rudenko sums up. LS, rear view of Gen. Rudenko bowing to the court and walking off.