Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,921 to 15,940 of 58,960
  1. War Office and successors: registered files (general series), WO 32. Selected records.

    Contains selected records relating to operations in Palestine, disturbances, and the formation of a Jewish Brigade. Materials were copied from record group WO 32 at the National Archives, United Kingdom. This series comprises registered files of the War Office dealing with all aspects of the administration of the departments and the armed forces.

  2. Herman Löwenberg family papers

    The Herman Löwenberg family papers include correspondence files, property exchange files, KKL debenture files, and restitution files documenting the family’s exchange of their property in Görlitz for property in Portland, Oregon, their immigration to the United States, the efforts of their family members to emigrate from Germany as well, and their efforts to recover or receive compensation for assets expropriated from them, particularly debentures in Palestine that the German government blocked when the family abandoned its Palestinian emigration plans in favor of the United States. Corresp...

  3. Hitler at HQ Ukraine, Generals, General Oshima, Ribbentrop, Goebbels

    Hitler's headquarters (FHQ) in the Ukraine. VS, EXTs, Hitler, Ribbentrop, Himmler, Goering, Speer, Doenitz, etc. greeting each other and other German Army officials. Includes Japanese ambassador Oshima, Sepp Dietrich. VS, supplies, airfields. VS, village, men line up and shoot rifles over a fence. VS, CUs of the soldiers faces.

  4. Archives of the Villers-Cotterêts

    Contains publications and correspondence related to discriminatory actions against Jews.

  5. German naval officer testifies about Doenitz's orders at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 505) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 14, 1946. MSs, the witness, former German naval officer Karl Heinz Moehle, relates the orders of Doenitz, that, in particular, U-boat commanders should not save survivors of vessels that sunk and that U-boats should not sink ships too close to the shore as that would enable many crew members and passengers to be saved. LSs, rear views, Doenitz's attorney Otto Kranzbuehler questions witness and makes a statement to the Tribunal.

  6. Rosary beads with cross given to Jewish child baptized as Catholic while in hiding

    Rosary beads with a gold cross given to 12 year old Lida Kleinman upon her baptism as a Catholic in 1942. She was living in hiding in the Lomna orphanage under the assumed name of Maria Woloszynska. Lidia, her mother, Aniuta, and her father, Mendel, a physician, struggled to stay together after the German invasion of Poland in September 1939. They fled to the Soviet controlled eastern sector and when the Soviets began to deport Jews, they moved to Turka nad Stryjem. Jewish persecution escalated with the sudden 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union. In 1942, Lidia’s mother learned that al...

  7. Communist female prisoner testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 528) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 28, 1946. Continuation of Marie-Claude Vaillant Couturier's testimony. French prosecutor Dubost interrupts occasionally to ask a question. The witness talks about the wife of Georges Politzer, Hélène Solomon (wife of physician Jacques Solomon) and Danielle Casanova (surgeon), who launched a resistance movement among the women prisoners (49 of them made it back to France). One woman aged 67 had kept the rifle of her husband as a "souvenir," she died within two weeks in Auschwitz. She names and describes more women, all of whom died i...

  8. World War I fighting, Verdun, France

    World War I scenes. In trenches, smoke blowing, figures moving. Communications in trenches. Explosions. Cannon. Short shots. Could be anywhere, anytime. Aisne -- October 17th. Troops on road, very short. Plane taking off for front. Confronted with enemy "combat". Intercut. Falling enemy plane. Artillery.

  9. Hygiene

    Propaganda film about hygiene with good graphics. 01:31:31 Animated text is on fire and exclaims, "Aus Not Geboren!" A picture of a city is slowly covered with black smoke and overlying text refers to a nutrition problem. Title card states, "Abgeschlossen von Luft und Sonne verbringt der Großstädter sein dasein." Different apartment buildings and big city streets show crowded conditions. Men and women work in dirty factories (modern life). Text reads, "Das ist der Tag des Großstädters." [This is the day of the urban dweller] 01:33:02 An illustration shows how factory workers spend a majorit...

  10. Prosecutors and defendants at Nuremberg Trial; Patton's funeral

    02:38:03 (Paris 460) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945. MS, counsel for defendants in courtroom during the trial. CUs, Hermann Goering and Joachim von Ribbentrop taking notes. MS, rear view, US prosecution counsel Robert G. Storey speaking. MS, Judges Birkett, Lawrence, and Biddle on the bench. 02:39:53 (Paris 461) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945. HAS, defendants and their attorneys during session. HAS, portion of courtroom during the trial. MS, Rudolf Hess speaking to his attorney, Dr. Gunther von Rohrscheidt. LS, members of the Tribunal enter the court. MS, Justice R...

  11. Funk testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 359) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 15, 1946. Walther Funk testifying under questioning of his lawyer, Dr. Fritz Sauter.

  12. Discussion of mechanical equipment used at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 348) Nuremberg Trial (Dry Run), Nuremberg, Germany. In a statement to the court, an American officer tells of the perfection of the mechanical equipment and the most talented interpreters being made available for the Nuremberg trial. Statements are made in French, Russian, and German to show how the interpreters will operate. Note: Action is staged before the attendants to accustom them to the processes and procedures that will follow.

  13. Schwab family papers

    Contains letters written by Levi and Selma (Sara) Schwab in Büdesheim, Germany, to their children Karl and Lilly, in Chicago. Also includes documents related to Karl and Lilly's unsuccessful efforts to help their parents emigrate from Germany.

  14. Testimony about Buchenwald and priests at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 531) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 29, 1946. French prosecutor Dubost addressing the Tribunal. Justice Geoffrey Lawrence speaking to the prosecutor. 08:29:37 MS, Dr. Alfred Balochowski testifies in French. Balachowski testifies that Block 50 in Buchenwald was really a "factory" for the production of the vaccine against typhus. He was taken there by the Germans because that was his area of specialization. The Head of this block and the experimentation block (Block 6) was Obrfuehrer Mugrowski of the Waffen-SS. 08:33:22 MS, French witness Francois Boix is questioned by ...

  15. Landsberg (Dachau) hangings

    (Munich 193) Landsberg (Dachau) Hangings, Landsberg, Germany, May 29, 1946. Scenes showing condemned men marching to the gallows and being hung. An officer reading the charges. Capt. Felix Freeman discussing hangings with Swiss newspaperman, Karl S. Wick. Some of the condemned men making statements. Civilian workmen fastening coffin tops. Condemned men are hung. 04:22:21 Former Dachau commandant, Martin Gottfried Weiss, is hung.

  16. Irena Bloch papers

    The Irena Bloch papers primarily consists of photographs documenting the Hecht and Bloch families before the war in Żółkiew, Delatyn, Orlow, Sopot, and Gdynia, Poland as well as Rachela Hecht’s marriage to Dziunek Dawid Zimand in Warsaw, Poland. The papers also include a marriage permit, ketubah, false work papers, school certificates, a diploma, and a letter Irena’s best friend Ruth Zeimer Czaczkes wrote on February 27, 1943 while in hiding with her son Rysio in Tarnow, Poland prior to their denunciation and subsequent murder. Photographs document the Hecht, Zimand, and Bloch families' pre...

  17. Slovakian newsreel: Bratislava; Eternal Jew exhibition

    Slovak Sound Weekly: Normal life in Bratislava after the bombing. Anti-Soviet traveling exhibition ("Eternal Jew" art exhibition?) displayed in railroad cars.

  18. Oral history interview with Miklosne Sipos

  19. George Stein papers

    Contains one document from the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, six photographs from the Admont displaced persons camp, and three black and white Israeli army photographs.

  20. Selected records of the Départmental Archives of the Loiret

    Local administrative records concerning the two internment camps for foreigners in the Loiret, near Orléans, France: Pithiviers and Beaune-la-Rolande. From May 1941, these camps were reserved for Jews. Records of the regional headquarters of Loiret: health, administrative, internments, regulations, and orders. Records of the regional health department of Loiret. Records of headquarters 10, concerning Spanish refugees. Records of the Pithiviers internment camp. Records of the Montargis sub headquarters. Records of the Pithiviers sub headquarters. General administrative and police records co...