Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,081 to 15,100 of 58,960
  1. Libstug family collection

    Consists of 71 photographs, some in duplicate, of the Libstug family's time in the Föhrenwald Displaced Persons camp, and one magazine in Hebrew, entitled "Bamidbar" (1947).

  2. Felicia Bryn collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Felicia Bryn (born Felicja Braun) who survived the war as a hidden child. Included are photographs depicting Felicia, her father Dawid Braun, her younger brother Jurek Braun, and Kazimierz and Leokadia Sroka, whom hid her during the Holocaust; a postcard written while in the Warsaw ghetto from her aunt Frajdla Frania Gliksmanher to Frania’s brother in Nusyn Gliksman in the United States; and two identification documents issued to Nusyn Gliksman when he lived in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1934-1935.

  3. Helenowek, Poland, Jewish Orphanage photographs

    Consists of thirteen photographs showing the donor, his brother and other Jewish orphans in the Jewish orphanage in Helenowek, Poland.

  4. Mitten

    The mitten was used in the mountains during World War II in Italy.

  5. Joseph Titlebaum collection

    Consists of six black and white photographs depicting Ohrdruf concentration camp immediately following liberation; all are captioned "Ohrdruf" on verso, dated April 1945.

  6. German educational film: the codfish industry in Iceland

    VS, views of a port in Iceland. Fishermen along the shore in a small schooner. VS, CU's buckets of fish (presumably cod fish) men cleaning and sorting fish. CUs, men deboning and skinning the fish, Once the fish are cleaned, several are laid out and salted. and left to dry/cure in the sun. CU, layers and layers of dried, salted fish. Man carries the dried fish away in a wheel barrow. Women working at the docks cleaning fish, scrubbing the skin with water and brushes. VS, of vast amounts of fish laid to dry on the rocks near the shore, several people, mostly men and some women, sorting and l...

  7. Dienststellen Rosenberg-Aussenpolitisches Amt (NS 43)

    Contains materials from the branch or department of the Alfred Rosenberg organization that dealt with foreign affairs.

  8. WW I, Russian Revolution

    Fox Movietone Newsreel excerpts. Yanks parade in NY. The first volunteers march on Fifth Ave. Troops load into transport, crowded decks. Wilson selects first draft number. VP Marshall selects second. Troop ships pull away. GIs with dog mascots. AEF lands, marches in Paris. Crowds cheer, flowers thrown. Yanks march in London. "Last Pictures of the Czar" with family before Palace. Russian army in snow. Wounded soldiers return from front. Kerensky. Bolsheviks parade in streets. Trotsky in uniform, briefly reviewing troops. CU, INT Lenin, speaking off camera. Krupskaya writing and frowning. Dom...

  9. Dinu Hervian collection

    Consists of newspaper clippings of published articles and unpublished manuscripts written by Dinu Hervian (David Herscovici), a Romanian Jew who was a writer and editor. The articles were written between 1930-1949 and include those written under Mr. Hervian's pen names: Spiru, Ion Sfetcu, Cristian Tudor, and Daniel Hamer.

  10. Jasenovac Memorial Area collection

    This collection contains records created by the camp memorial administrations of Jasenovac, Lobor-Grad, and Stara Gradiška, including registers of artifacts and documents; testimonies by surviving inmates of the camps; copies of files relating to Croatian war crimes investigations and trials; documents relating to the camps and the activities of the Croatian government ministries during the period 1941‒1945; name lists of people who were displaced, deported, interned, and/or murdered; translations of German documents relating to the activities of German military units in Croatia; testimonie...

  11. Kan family travels to and from New York by ship

    Color. "Transatlantique - Linea Frances" and title: "Le Havre - Southampton - New York - Depart du Mercredi 15 Fevrier." New York City. Camera pans up and down showing city streets and skyscrapers (shot from the top of a building). 01:08:36 Man, woman (Jeanne?), and young boy walk towards the camera - it appears the cameraman knows them although they are unidentified. More scenic shots of New York from street level. 01:09:46 Bridge from inside a car, shots of Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge (driving on Manhattan Bridge?) New York from street level. Camera pans up to buildings. 01:11:07 Po...

  12. Mala Lachman collection

    Collection of 88 photographs from Stryj, Poland, before World War II and from Foehrenwald displaced persons camp.

  13. NSV training; French antisemitic youth rally

    05:31:01 NSV pupils training for employment as Red Cross nurses: caring for babies in nursery, cooking in kitchen, uniforms, classroom instruction on anatomy, giving massages, hospital care, doctor and nurses seen at patients' bedsides. calisthenics, playing chess, medical care, with families. 05:33:32 Women entering Palais du Sports for French youth demonstration against Bolshevism. Military officers in uniform (Nazis?) entering stadium. HAS, crowd. Banner reading "Le Combat Seul." Youth welcoming speaker, heiling, Nazis seated in audience. French safety minister Darnand speaking from podi...

  14. Washington DC in springtime; vacationing at Isle of Shoals

    Title: "Family Shots 1939." Picture of George Washington. Tidal basin in Washington, DC, with the cherry blossoms in bloom. Unidentified man and woman getting out of car. Washington Monument, view from Thomas Jefferson Memorial. 01:01:41 Views looking down on Washington from the monument, White House, and other monuments, views of Pennsylvania Avenue, the US Capitol can be seen in the distance. LS, a blimp is flying overhead. VS, the White House and its surrounding gardens. 01:02:49 Title: "Family Shots 1939, Fall 1939 Dean." CU of unidentified woman holding fall foliage in her hand. VS, co...

  15. Children's playing cards

    Julia Schor played with the cards while she was in hiding during the Holocaust in the Netherlands.

  16. Fred Witt papers

    Consists of photographs, newspaper clippings, phonograph recordings and sheet music, and miscellaneous documents relating to musical composer Fred Witt (formerly Witkowski), the donor's uncle.

  17. Baby Otto Verdoner

    Baby Otto Verdoner, in the winter of 1939-40, around 8 months old, lying in his crib, lifting his head up, etc. Francisca Verdoner playing on wooden rocking horse near Otto's crib. VS, Otto in his crib, laughing, smiling, and moving about. CU, Hilde Verdoner plays with her son.

  18. Ministry of Education (Fond 177)

    Contains a confidential letter regarding a search for Jews and an investigation about teachers who were Communist Party members.

  19. Aftermath of Reichstag Fire

    Day after Reichstag fire. Title: "Das Fanal der Schande. Kommunistische Brandstifter legten im deutschen Reichstagsgebaeude etwa fuenfzig Brandherde an. Die gesamte Berliner Feuerwehr war eingesetzt, sie rettete das Gebaeude in merhstuendiger aufopfernder Arbeit: Der Plenarsitzungssaal ist vernichtet, das Reichstagsgebaeude ist auf Monate unbenutzbar." Night photographs of the Reichstag dome with fire. Title: "Das Bild der Verwuestung am naechsten Morgen" Fire-brigade. Remainders of small fire. Panes of glass in rooftop are shattered. CU of rooms. Detailed photographs of the burned-out plen...

  20. March of Time: Nazi Germany

    Info from the MOT story card: Hitler has given every man a job and new-found security, but at the expense of freedom. Demands of the Nazi state, glorified by Goebbels, are extremely exacting. Nothing must be wasted, "collections" are actually compulsory, youth is regimented, Jews and Communists are blamed for everything. In the US, Fritz Kuhn and his Bund flourish openly. But one American town, surfeited, refuses to allow a Bund camp to open. However, the shadow of the future lies not only over Germany but the whole of Europe. What will it bring forth?