Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,121 to 15,140 of 58,960
  1. Exterior scenes, Nuremberg Palace of Justice; Judge Birkett reading part of judgment at Nuremberg Trial

    Judgment of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Germany, 30 September 1946. (Mute) Exteriors, good atmosphere in streets. MS of MP checking pass of soldier on a motorcycle. Shots of guards in truck, armored cars and on foot, around the palace. Scenes of MP directing traffic, and civilians having passes checked 04:12:20. CU of sign: " STOP, DETOUR". Shots of the facade of the Palace of Justice. (Mute) MS, Herman Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Hjalmar Schacht, Albert Speer, Karl Doenitz and Erich Raeder. 04:15:57 All stand in court as justic...

  2. Russian Justice talks about Rosenberg at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MS, Justice Kravenchenko (Russian) speaking about the defendant Arthur Rosenberg. LS, of Tribunal as one of the Russian Justices speaks. Pan, from Tribunal to prosecution tables and press section. MS, Justice Volkhoff speaking.

  3. Sentencing Sauckel and von Papen at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. HMS, Fritz Sauckel, German Labor Leader, listening to Justice Francis Biddle giving a resume of his career. Justice Biddle says that Sauckel is responsible for the deportation of some 5 million people into labor camps, and he was informed about the dire conditions there. He seems not to have taken any initiative to alleviate the situation for these workers. HS, MS as Biddle reads the tribunal's verdict on Sauckel: guilty on counts three and four in the indictment. HMS of Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence (British) declar...

  4. Coin purse with a beaded peacock design with the year 1943

  5. Torah scroll fragment from Poland

    Fragment of a torah scroll from Poland.

  6. Trotsky and other Russian leaders

    Russian Revolution. "Russian Republic" Bolsheviks. Opens with MS of an unidentified man in Russian army jacket speaking; then a group of Bolshevik leaders sitting at a long table in a meeting, Leon Trotsky among those present. Shot of 4 men standing outdoors, wearing uniforms in various states.

  7. Apron

    The apron was made for Julia Schor while she was in hiding as a child in the Netherlands during the Holocaust.

  8. Germany Navy; World War I

    Large steamships docked in Ösel. VS of cargo, including military supply wagons and cannons being loaded onto freighters/warships by German naval personnel (in uniform). Sailors in uniforrm operating hoist. Horses are also being loaded onto the ship. Sailors pose alongside the ships, smoking, walking, socializing, smiling for camera. Overhead shot, hundreds of men boarding the ships with their gear on their backs. Horses and more cargo go on with them. Tracking shot of ship leaving harbor, in the foreground the image is a teaming sea of sailors' hats on deck (viewer can only see the tops of ...

  9. Kan family on vacation in 1936

    Newspaper clipping: "22 Maart 1936 BEGIN VAN DE LENTE Dit jaar meer dan een symbolische datum. - Ook voor heden gunstige vooruitzichten." Betsy, Robert, and their grandfather (Jeanne's father) on a sidewalk. Betsy jumps rope and looks at the camera while Robert holds his grandfather's hand, skipping. The children, Jeanne, and her parents walk towards the camera down a different sidewalk. Trees/park; elderly man with cane. 01:00:18 Driving on road; people walk and bike on either side of the car. Several shots. 01:00:44 At the beach, Betsy digs in the sand with a shovel. She smiles and looks ...

  10. The New York Times (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

    Headline reads, "Roosevelt Acts Here To Put NRA Into Full Swing." Photograph of the "First Faculty of the University-in-Exile"

  11. Denazification

    (LIB 6854) Military Government, Cologne, Germany, May 3, 1945. SEQ: Civilians remove records and money from wrecked bank vault. LSs, walls of bombed building are torn down. CU, boy smears poster of "Hitler Jugend" so as to obscure lettering. LS, workman using acetylene torch removes Nazi emblem from atop building entrance. SEQ: Emblem crashes to ground; two workmen destroy it with sledge hammers. Also tackle bust of Hitler. Sledge hammer breaks before the bust. 01:09:28 LSs, children burn propaganda leaflets, posters, and flags.

  12. Rysia Bialostocka collection

    Collection consisting of four photographs of class portraits for school, one photograph of group of girls and a boy seated at table, and one photograph of men and women seated at table; all photographs have text written in ink on verso.

  13. Goebbels speech; Anniv. of German-Japan agreement; Invading China; Oath swearing-in ceremony

    06:00:40 Goebbels speaks theatrically and confidently at an orchestra concert celebrating the fifth anniversary of the "Reichskulturkammer" and the "NS-Gemeinschaft KdF." Civilian crowd, well-dressed, and Nazis. Ley and Funk in the loge seats. Goebbels speech (original sound, close-up): "Der Ausdruck, Wir danken unserem Fuehrer sei ein Zeichen der tiefsten Verpflichtung, das die Nation der Fuehrung gegenueber empfinde. Auch der deutsche Kuenstler habe diesen Ruf aufgenommen. Er beneide die anderen Voelker nicht mehr Verantwortung dem Staat gegenueber mitbeteiligt zu sein und seine Teil mit ...

  14. Sentencing Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. NOTE: Here, the actual sentences for the defendants are read, but there was a court ruling that no filming and photographs were allowed during the announcement. So the voice of judge is heard, no pictures, white screen,. SOUND ONLY. Sentences pronounced by tribunal: Arthur Seyss-Inquart: Death (02:08:54) Albert Speer: 20 years (02:08:18) Constantin von Neurath: 15 years (02:09:45) Martin Bormann: Death in absentia (02:10:06) 02:10:27 British Justice Geoffrey Lawrence registers dissent of the Soviet Justice on the ver...

  15. Arthur Szyk print

    Multi-colored image of a woman standing at the open door of a building holding a dish with children standing in front of her; inside the building are a man and woman seated at a table

  16. Tarot cards

    Julia Schor played with the cards while she was in hiding during the Holocaust in the Netherlands.

  17. Papers of Dr. Nikola Sakarov (Fond 366)

    Contains correspondence, clippings, articles, appeals, statements, and memoirs relating to foreign policy, public health, education, regulations for the liquidation of Jewish businesses and properties, and the Jewish question. Also includes an open letter to Stalin and Hitler from Hristo Dimitrov, political articles by Dr. Sakarov (born 1881), and notes regarding brochures by Pdarev, "Jews in Bulgaria and the World" and "Real Situation of Jews in Bulgaria."

  18. Selected records from the Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria

    Contains selected files from the following collections: Ministry of the Interior and Public Health; Administration of Police; Sofia Police; Regional Ministry of the Interior Offices in Burgas, Pleven, Plovdiv, and Sofia; Police administration in Belo More; and general staff of the Ministry of Defense. Topics include Jews in Bulgaria, Thrace, and Macedonia; reports on Jewish groups and Communist groups; KL Krestopole, St. Nicholas, and Gondavoda; reports on the situation in various regions of Bulgaria; resettlement of Jews; and postwar documents including correspondence with the Allied Milit...

  19. Justices summarize Nazi Party at Nuremberg Trial

    Judgment delivered at Nuremberg IMT, Nuremberg, Germany, 30 September 1946. MHS, British Justice Birkett, British Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence, US Justices Francis Biddle and John J Parker reading statement about the formative days of the Nazi Party, including the failure of the first Munich Putsch, etc. CU, Justice Lawrence. MS, Franz von Papen, and Arthur Seyss-Inquart in dock. MS, Justices Biddle and Parker. HS, CU, Birkett reading about the beginning of the NSDAP in Germany.

  20. Fritz and Fratz cartoon of the North country

    Cartoon with German subtitles. Title on screen: "Die lustigen Streiche von Fritz und Franz... Winterfreuden [the comical escapades of Fritz and Franz... Winter Joy]. Various adventures of the two characters (they are children) on sleds in the snow.