Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,161 to 15,180 of 58,960
  1. Liberation of Dachau; Folk Festival in Czechoslovakia

    EXT, U.S. Army medical unit loads supplies onto trucks for transport. Snow on the ground; soldiers in winter gear, VS loading large wooden crates. VS, the convoy of medical unit trucks travels over difficult terrain, dirt and mud roads, etc. MS, a truck dumps a large amount of rubble onto a dirt road, soldiers [and possibly locals] shovel and level off the roads. LS, underexposed, supply trucks move along a road, mountains in BG. MS, captured German soldiers stand in line with their belongings, receive rations, interviewed by the liberating U.S. Army unit. Pan, several German soldiers look ...

  2. Verdoner family at the beach

    VS, Yoka frolicking in the water at the beach. Yoka playing with her mother in the water, as well as a man (relative or friend?). VS, Yoka and her father, Gerrit, she is on his shoulders and they are running around the beach. VS, sunbathing, collecting shells, eating ice cream, walking along the water's edge.

  3. Book Lieder der Bewegung

  4. Doll wig

    Julia Schor played with the wig while in hiding during the Holocaust.

  5. Labor Ministry and Social Services selected records (Fond 490)

    Contains agreements between the Bulgarian Government and Soviet military representatives regarding passports for Jews and Turks; assistance for Jews after World War II; correspondence with the National Committee of Liberation regarding homelessness and destitution, persecution of Bulgarians by Nazis, and immediate relief after liberation; correspondence with the Central Jewish Consistory regarding assistance with coal; appeals from Jewish organizations for restitution of property and money confiscated under the Defense of the Nation Act; appeals (arranged by geographical place) from politic...

  6. Book

    Selected Short Stories by Thomas Mann (#L-28) published for the Armed Services by a non-profit organization established by the Council on Books in Wartime. It is intended for exclusive distribution to members of the American Armed Forces and is not to be resold or made available to civilians.

  7. Magyar Kiràlyi Honvèdelmi Minisztèrium, Elnöki A osztàly-elnöki sorozat Records of Hungarian Royal Home Defense Ministry, Presidential department A-Presidential series

    The collection consists of reports, decrees, correspondence, memoranda, and other records of the Presidential Section of the Ministry of Defense, pertaining to its efforts to respond to the requirements of the Second Anti-Jewish Law and other regulations that discriminated against Hungarian Jews. Files include documents pertaining to how to identify Jewish personnel, disciplinary actions taken against them, and the transfer of Jewish military personnel to the labor service system. In addition to Jewish personnel, however, the records also contain files regarding disciplinary actions taken a...

  8. Doll purse

    Julia Schor played with the doll purse while in hiding during the Holocaust.

  9. Verdoner children eating and playing

    Yoka and Francisca Verdoner, with their mother Hilde Verdoner. The story begins with the two children playing in their backyard, followed by a series of interior shots, in medium close-up of Yoka and Francisca eating chocolate pudding. Several good closeups of the children feeding themselves and each other (and making a mess), particularly Francisca. Closeups of Hilde eating as well. Closeup of father, Gerrit Verdoner feeding Francisca, both wave to the camera. Closeup, Gerrit, Francisca and Yoka hamming it up for the camera.

  10. Book

  11. Photographic postcard

    Photographic postcard: black and white image of a man (Szmuel (Sam) Szkop) wearing military uniform; verso, "Carte Postale/ Correspondance Adresse." Szmuel Szkop died in 1942.

  12. Betty Drury collection regarding the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars

    The Betty Drury collection regarding the Emergency Committee consists of documentation on individuals who successfully or unsuccessfully sought the Committee’s aid. In all, some 6,000 displaced scholars and professional persons from Europe appealed to the Committee. Of that number 335 were granted assistance through the Committee. Series 3 is particularly notable and contains biographical information about Emergency Committee grantees and account ledgers detailing payments to the grantees’ employers. Series 1: Subject files contains a variety of administrative records generated by the Emerg...

  13. Chana Waserman collection

    Consists of a letter, dated 4 December 1944, written on pre-printed concentration camp stationery by Chil Laks (donor's husband) in Buchenwald concentration camp to Chana Laks (donor).

  14. Kan family ice skating; at home in Amsterdam; Betsy at school

    Title card: "1934" EXT shots of an ice rink with people skating in Amsterdam. 01:00:31 Side view of a house. Betsy and Robert exit the house and walk down the steps towards the camera. Jeanne exits the house behind the children and closes the door. 01:00:44 Tall fence with the number 66. Children run down the walkway towards the camera. 01:00:53 EXT, wooded area. Children run towards the camera. Ice rink in BG. EXT of ice rink and people skating. 01:01:05 Betsy skates while holding Robert's hand. More shots of the ice rink including two swans swimming in a patch of open water. 01:01:38 City...

  15. Honig family papers

    The Honig family papers consist of Jack Honig’s passport and Jules Honig’s birth certificate, correspondence, a memoir, and restitution papers documenting the Honig family from Alsenz, Germany, Jules and Jack Honig’s immigration to the United States in 1939 and 1940, their mother’s death in the Holocaust, and their efforts to receive compensations from the German government for Nazi-era losses. Correspondence primarily consists of wartime letters among Jules and Jack Honig and their mother, Rudolfine Honig, including four letters during Rudolfine’s internment at Gurs. Letters describe daily...

  16. Nazis advance in Montenegro; Serbian POWs

    Nazis continue their push Eastward. Nazis fighting partisans in rugged terrain of Montenegro. Nazi soldier setting up a telegraph machine. Soldiers on trucks on road. LS, mountain range. Nazis advance, fire artillery, scramble up mountainside. Firing. Very rugged terrain. Small forest, cavalry troops. Firing, bombing housing. Pan of "partisan" Serbian POWs, bedraggled, Asian features, swarthy skin, wearing turbans. CUs, weapons. POWs marching. Serbian villagers handing eggs to Nazi soldier as welcome gift, swastika flag visible. Farming, MS oxen plowing field. (Commentary: "The Volk thanks ...

  17. Justices provide summary, judgement and verdicts at Nuremberg Trial

    Judgments rendered on Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg IMT, Nuremberg, Germany, 30 September 1946. Pan of courtroom from tribunal to prisoners' dock. LS, prisoners' dock and their attorneys sitting in FG as Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence reads from the Nuremberg Charter. MSs, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Karl Doenitz, Erich Raeder. MS, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg. Albert Speer and Fritz Sauckel sitting behind them. MS, Alfred Jodl, Hans Frank, Franz von Papen, Wilhelm Frick. Pan, von Papen, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Julius Streicher, Speer, Walter Funk...

  18. German educational film: Alfred Wegener and The Greenland Expedition

    This is part two of a three part film of which the USHMM has all three parts. (Film IDs 2587, 2591, and 2602). Footage of Alfred Wegener and his crew during his expedition to Greenland. VS of crew, dogs, and sleds, travelling across and charting this seemingly endless frozen tundra. VS of crew carrying equipment up snowy, icy mountains in order to set up their work station, majestic views of the mountains and struggles to get sleds loaded with equipment to the work station. Horses are also used to help pull carry cargo. There are several good CUs in this story of the faces of the people of ...

  19. Records from the Jewish Democratic Committee of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party

    Contains reports and correspondence including memoranda of the Jewish Democratic Committee of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party.

  20. German educational film: Alfred Wegener and The Greenland Expedition

    This is part one of a three part film of which USHMM has all three parts. (Film IDs 2587, 2591, and 2602). Footage of Alfred Wegener and his crew as they embark on the first phase of their journey (via ship) to Greenland to explore the island. CU of Wegener, smoking a pipe, and another crew member on the ship's deck. VS of the cargo being loaded and unloaded from the ship, the cargo included supplies, food, horses, etc. MCU of the ships helm, the ship is named the Gustav Holm. VS of the icy waters that the ship encounters. The natives of the island come to meet the ship at its port of call,...