Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,041 to 15,060 of 58,960
  1. Samuel Insull returns to US to face fraud charges

    "Insull Return Triumph for Uncle Sam," Jersey City and Princeton, NJ. Editor's Note: The return of Samuel Insull after a chase halfway around the world once more demonstrates the power of the federal government. None can long defy its authority or escape its justice. Good LS of the SS Exilona coming into port. CS, Insull, Jr. CU, Insull. Insull leaving car, and coming to camera. CU, Insull saying that he will not grant an interview. CU.

  2. DP Center in Belgium; supplies; Polish DPs; nursery

    (LIB 3385-3390) Displaced Persons, Verviers, Belgium, February 11, 1945. SOUND: MS, INT, Capt Peter Ball, CO Displaced Persons Center receives a call that displaced persons are on their way to the Center. He instructs personnel off-screen to prepare for their arrival. SILENT: Sgt gives clothing to a young man; old couple stands in BG. CUs, bags of German grain which bear the Nazi emblem. CUs, other packages and cartons of captured German food (vegetable soup, etc.). Polish displaced persons around a table, some are smoking and playing cards. A man fills in a form for work detail; the form i...

  3. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Pyrénées-Orientales

    Collection includes records from sources including the departmental committee on the liberation of the region; and the cabinet of the prefecture and the sub-prefecture at Prades. Topics include internment camps; the Rivesaltes military and internment camps; the fortress at Perpignan; correspondence, denunciations, and dossiers on individuals; international brigades returning from Spain; Spanish refugees; staff of internment camps; Polish refugees in France; arrests and detentions; Jewish internees at Rivesaltes; and other internees.

  4. US Army soldiers on Omaha Beach, France

    MS, parade of soldiers in naval uniforms march through city streets (unidentified army) carrying rifles. An awning sign reads: "HAMILTON and BELL." Another store sign reads: "HUINS." To the left, a banner hangs from a window: "SOLDIER TO SOLDIER" with drawings of a marching soldier on either side of the banner. A different group of soldiers marches past the camera. Civilians line the parade route. Marching band passes by, followed by U.S. Army soldiers in dress uniforms, followed by soldiers in combat gear, and one with an American flag. American women in uniform, another group of unidentif...

  5. David Pollack Hervey papers

    Contains newspaper articles, booklets, photographs, and letters pertaining to David Pollack Hervey's work as defense counsel for officers and guards in the Mauthausen concentration camp and work with the reparations, delivery, and restitution of the occupied forces.

  6. Ministry of Defense Archives records

    Contains name lists, correspondence, diaries, reports, and trial documents. Documents concern the Soviet prisoners of war, including Soviet Jews, kept in Finnish camps during World War II; the organization of the Office of Prisoners of War within the Home Front headquarters of the Finnish Army; the personal diary of Walter Horn, Finnish military attaché in Berlin, from September 1940 to October 1944; and the trial records (1947 and 1948) of Arno Anthoni, wartime head of the Valpo, Finnish Security Police (Etsivä keskuspoliisi; later Valtiollinem poliisi, Valpo).

  7. Kan family: daily life; picnic

    House (the same shown at the beginning of Film ID 2473 - in Amsterdam?). Betsy walks down the stairs dressed in a coat and hat, carrying a briefcase. Robert walks out of the house towards the camera. He takes off his hat and bows. Jeanne exits the house along with Betsy who closes the door. The three stand together. 01:13:24 EXT, family picnic. VAR shots of children playing, people eating, and laying around. 01:14:24 Scenic woods. Family sits and waves to camera. Ice-cream vendor's cart, children gathered around.

  8. DPs on General Black arrive in New York

    04:11:01 Gen Akin Making Presentation, Washington, DC, 1948. Maj Gen Spencer B Akin, Chief Signal Officer, presents a plaque to Dr Westmore of the Smithsonian Museum. 04:13:10 First Displaced Persons allowed to enter this country under new quota on the "General Black," New York, October 30, 1948. Several scenes of the transport "General Black" under way in New York harbor. Various scenes of DPs waving from the deck of the vessel. Atty Genl Tom Clark at pier. Clark going aboard "General Black." LS, a tug pushing the ship. Scenes on deck as gangway is set into place. Clark in BG shaking hands...

  9. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Saône-et-Loire

    Contains a copy of the "Fichier Velu-Jeannet," a file of approximately 4,000 cards concerning foreigners. Also contains passport applications for ex-prisoners of war living in France; instructions, orders, and statistics concerning internment of Jews; information on persons arrested by the German occupation force; a register of internees; and lists of foreigners who were expelled.

  10. Foyles' Luncheon with Benes

    "Dr. Benes Feted in London" Ex-president of Czechoslovakia, Benes, is chief guest at Foyles' Luncheon. Benes speaks. Also present are Jan Masaryk, Count Raczynski and Mr. HG Wells.

  11. Warsaw during German bombing, shelling; Hitler & Generals

    Map. Goering, Keitel, von Ribbentrop, Himmler, and Hitler in a map conference; also present, Rommel, Bodenschatz. Preparation for bombing Warsaw. Intertitle: "Nach Ablehnung der Uebergabe wird der Kampf fortgesetzt." Bombs loaded into plane. Aerial shots of bombs being dropped on Warsaw. Thin black columns of smoke from outskirts of town. Soldiers firing bombs from land. Smoke. Hitler in plane looking through telescope. Buildings on fire. Soldiers advancing [footage is dense, grainy, scratched]. Polish soldiers surrendering, running with hands raised. German soldiers carry an injured man in...

  12. Sinclair

    "Upton Sinclair to Run for Governor," California. Upton Sinclair, noted author explains what he hopes to accomplish if elected. VCU, Sinclair. NOTE: Footage preceding this story from 01:38:07 - 01:38:45 is unrelated News Flashes.

  13. Collection of files relating to Nazi crimes in Poland Zbiór materiałów dotycza̧cych zbrodni hitlerowskich w Polsce (Sygn. 1348)

    Contains various documents related to the activities of the Polish Courts and the Main Commissions for Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland after World War II. The documents supplement records kept in the Archives of the Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (Institute of National Remembrance) in Warsaw, Poland.

  14. Italians with belongings; wreckage; US troops in Italy

    04:00:06 Wreckage at Salerno, Italy, 1943. VS, civilians carrying personal belongings along streets. British soldiers dig water mains. 04:01:22 American Troops at Benevento, Italy, October 11, 1943. Infantry marches into Benevento. Ruins of buildings. Engineers of the 45th Div clear debris from the streets. Engineers remove blocks of TNT from bridge outside the city. Italian civilians raiding granary for wheat. Americans interview German prisoner.

  15. Liberation: Luxembourg, Cologne; US Army soldiers; wounded men; field hospital

    Color footage. HAS plane circling in sky. From plane, pan of rooftops of buildings, metal rooftops on wooden buildings. Plane in flight. Man in leather bomber jacket and hat walking into a building; the ground is covered in snow. Black and white footage. Aerial photographs (jumpy) of a cathedral and surrounding buildings. Plane moves, capturing scenes of the U.S. army base camp, tents and trucks below. Pastures, cows, buildings, scaffolding, hills, bodies of water (overexposed) MS, camouflaged tanks move along a dirt road. One tank operator looks at the camera and gives the thumbs up sign. ...

  16. German educational film: birds and their habitats

    German educational film, begins with the following intertitle: "Sturm-und Mantelmowen": VS, of birds along the shore, some shots with them standing on the sand, at the waters edge, other shots of them flying above the water. Second intertitle reads: "Strandlaufer" : VS, birds along the beach, walking, poking their beaks in the sand, etc. Third intertitle reads: "Steinwalzer": VS, birds continue to walk along the water's edge. Fourth intertitle reads: "Austernfischer": VS, birds of a different species at the water's edge. They take flight. One of the birds lands in marsh grass. CU, three unh...

  17. Alexander White collection

    Collection of seven black-and-white images of members of Jewish community in Krosno, Poland, before the Holocaust.

  18. Vogel family swims and ice skates before the Holocaust in Hungary

    Eva Brust and her governess walk amongst blossoming trees in a field. CU of Eva. She plays affectionately with a young boy. Men and women lay in swimsuits in the grass. Some swim and play in a public pool. Camera focuses on an older woman swimming. Two women bounce a young girl in the water. Children play around pool chairs. CU of Eva sitting in the grass. She has her hair in braids and sits on a chair. She then plays with a hose. Sitting on a bench next to a boy, she licks a wooden spoon. The boy dips his spoon in the pot at his feet and does the same. CU of the boy with food on his face f...

  19. News-Week (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    News-Week magazine, dated May 27, 1933, with a photograph on the cover showing the May 10 Berlin book burning by the German Student Association