Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,961 to 14,980 of 58,960
  1. Events leading to WWII

    War film about the background of World War II (Orientation Film No. 1). Reel 1 shows the bombing of Pearl Harbor, London air raids, cavalry and tank battles in Russia, and Panzer and Luftwaffe operations in western Europe. Fascists in Italy and Nazis in Germany riot and parade. Titles appear at beginning of reel.

  2. Marshall Plan parade

    Marshall Plan parade in the Netherlands. Marching band and elaborate floats process while spectators line streets. Float sponsored by Dutch airline KLM passes, followed by one proclaiming "Thank You Marshall" with girls dressed in white. CUs, marching band members. Dutch flags posted on apartment buildings, spectators watch the parade from their apartment windows, street traffic.

  3. School

    EXT, school. INT, children in the classroom learning geography; pictures of buildings/bombing they drew. Different kinds of dried and canned food (supplies from abroad). Women prepare food in the school's kitchen. Students serve lunch to the rest of the class.

  4. Izac Holcman papers

    The Izac Holcman papers document Izac Holcman’s military career and biographical background. Documents pertaining to his military career include his Armed Forces passport and a translation of the contents within. These materials described Izac’s various assignments, posts, and ranks within the military. Also included are two testimonies, one in lieu of oath because he could not obtain a birth certificate from Warsaw and the other a statement regarding the disappearance of his wife and son. Also included is Izac’s declaration of the intent to obtain American citizenship and a handwritten tim...

  5. Postwar damage in Poland, UNRRA, YMCA

    Building ruins. Polish children walking on street, woman waving from window. "Falstria" ship, truck with bundles passing in FG. Cranes, crates, laborers. CU, "UNRRA" on wooden crates. EXT, building ruins, pan down. Wooden scaffolding. Man working, pedestrians. Boys entering YMCA. CUs shell damage to building. "Polska YMCA" sign. Children climbing on pile of rubble.

  6. Selected records from Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt

    Contains a variety of records related to the fate of Jews between 1933 and 1945 in the "Volksstaat Hessen" (Land Hessen), the city of Darmstadt, Germany, and the German towns Bensheim, Büdingen, Dieburg, and Friedberg. Records from offices of various institutions of the German government including Abteilung G5 Reichsstatthalter, Abteilung G11 Innenministerium, G12A Landespolizei, Schutzpolizei and Gendarmerie, G12B Gestapo, and SD. G15 local governmental records of many towns.

  7. Mental patients

    Scenes of adult patients performing agricultural work interspersed with footage of children outside in a yard. A woman feeds chickens, a man operates a plow drawn by bulls, and men and women pick lettuce. Lots of shots of the animals. Close-ups of children in a yard, nurses visible in the background. More scenes of patients working ain hay field; some of the men take snuff (tobacco). The children are led out of the building by nurses. Some of the children lie on blankets. A couple of them are naked and their deformed bodies and very thin limbs are visible.

  8. German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939

    Poignant shot of two little boys, one little girl, and one woman with her head bandaged holding an infant in her arms sitting on the street surrounded by rubble, the children are barefoot, and they look frightened and confused. This scene was shot in the immediate aftermath of a German air attack over Warsaw. MLS the two young boys dragging a chair, down the street full of rubble. 01:05:48:22: MS residents milling about on the street, sitting on chairs, surrounded by the few belongings they have left- several young women, one man. Clear shot of more destruction at 01:05:55:29 man in suit ro...

  9. Harry Reis collection

    Consists of correspondence from Hans Reis' parents, who were prisoners in the Gurs concentration camp in France from 1940-1942 to their son and to various other family members. Mr. Reis was part of a Kindertransport to England in 1939, but his parents, who remained in Konigshofen, were deported to Gurs in 1940 and then on to Auschwitz in 1942, where they perished.

  10. Dr. Gregore E. Gregory personal papers

    Contains a report on the attempt to arm 40,000 to 60,000 inmates of the Jewish forced labor camps against the Germans in Hungary in September and October 1944. Papers, including a transcribed version of Dr. Gregore E. Gregory's memoirs, personal documents, and letters, document the atrocities of the Holocaust.

  11. Jewish district in Palestine; Jabotinsky in Warsaw

    With Polish titles. Camel caravan across the desert. Jewish district in Palestine. Jerusalem, men praying at Wailing Wall. Destitute people. Nablus. Jerusalem, Tel Aviv. Road or building construction. Jewish police in Tel Aviv: at attention, inspecting rifles. A Polish-Jewish settlement (kibbutz?). Agricultural labor, tents in a field. The Polish Consulate. 00:17:20 Zabotynski (Jabotinsky) in Warsaw. CU Uri Jabotinsky (son of Vladimir) in uniform. Seen at train, arriving. Shots of Jabotinsky posing uncomfortably for the camera. Huge crowds leave (cinema?) Colosseum, where Jabotinsky was spe...

  12. Selected records from Hessisches Wirtschaftsarchiv Darmstadt

    Selected records concerning the regulation, closing, and Aryanization of Jewish businesses and hotels. Includes ordinances, regulations, individual case files, petitions, and related records.

  13. Graphics and intertitles for the film "Poland - the Country and the People"

    Animated maps of Poland showing the changes in the political borders of Poland from 1795 when the land area was divided between German, Russian and Austrian interests to the 1914 borders in which the empires of Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary engulfed Poland entirely from a political standpoint, despite the fact that a distinct Polish culture still existed. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  14. Sightseeing in Paris

    Title reading, in English and French: "Paris La Nuit / Paris by Night." Sights by night, with lights, Place de la Concorde, yellowish light, nice effect, especially fountain, with traffic rushing by. Arc de Triomphe, camera lingers on details, pans upward. Les Grandes Boulevard. Paramount theater, various theaters and advertisements in lights. People window shopping, lots of activity on the street. Tout Va Bien restaurant. Interior of a restaurant with people drinking coffee, reading [motion is fast forward]. Montmartre: cafes, more lights, Moulin Rouge. Gaumont

  15. Boaz Bischopswerder papers

    Includes manuscripts of traditional Jewish liturgical music created in the camps (arrangements of the music of Levandowsky) and an original composition, "Phantasia Judaica," first composed while on the ship "Dunera," for four tenor voices, as well as a diary in Yiddish. Also includes a collection of short stories, "Amol in Ger" ("Once Uon a Time in Ger"), of approximately 200 p., written in Yiddish.

  16. Documentary about the German invasion and siege of Poland

    In this ten minute film, Julien Bryan, the last neutral reporter remaining in Poland on September 1, 1939, records the horror and confusion of Warsaw during the German attack on Poland. Through actual footage taken during the siege, Bryan poignantly describes the frightening chain of events that finally resulted in the capitulation of Warsaw and Poland. During the early stages of the blitzkrieg, civilians were commandeered to dig ditches, set tank traps and shore up fortifications. Then, as the Polish soldiers retreated, Warsaw was surrounded and besieged. German planes, triumphant in the s...

  17. Intertitles for The Invisible Bridge; Czech prison sequence

    01:23:52:01: Beginning titles of the Julien Bryan film "The Invisible Bridge". Credits read as follows: A Julien Bryan IFF Presentation, written by Basil Beyea, narrated by Arnold Moss, Edited by Joseph E. Dushock and Edward H. Powick. These credits are followed by more credits for the Far Eastern Expedition crew and the European Expedition crew; END credit runs, then cut to EXT, low angle CU of a cathedral; a shot of man in his prison cell, viewed first through the door's peep hole, and then by opening the cell door entirely, he sits in a chair, arms folded, looking at a wall, then scrubbi...

  18. Russian Christian Orthodox church service

    EXT, LS of unidentified factory, quickly cuts to an INT scene in an orthodox church whre people receive communion, exact location and date, as well as the reason for the service are unknown; images of Russian iconography. EXT, church procession, large crowds are gathered outside the church. This is a different location and church than the church featured in the first scene of this story. 01:07:23:25 CU of a bearded Russian Orthodox priest reading from a book of scripture outside the church, the pages of the book are blowing in the wind. VS, several angles on the priest and the congregation ...

  19. Farming in central Poland

    The pastoral countryside of central Poland, a thatched roof house along the river/canal. Four children, barefoot and in peasant dress stand along the water and smile awkwardly for the camera. LS of their house. Townspeople of Lowicz entering the church, in peasant dress. Large ceremony for Easter Sunday. One man, whose coat seems more contemporary and who is also wearing a tie, looks suspiciously at the camera. He then turns to his friend to tell him about the camera, another man turns to look as well. Cut back to the fields, four women and one man tend to their crops.

  20. Daily life in Warsaw, 1936

    MLS: town square, women and children are walking through the square. CU of bas relief sculptures on buildings, and a Jewish shop right below in this ornate building. CU of a street vendor blowing up a balloon. Warsaw: VS: park, statues, monument, women out strolling with their babies in fancy carriages. More street scenes, activity, shops, etc. MLS of trolley car as it approaches the camera, the sign on the car reads to Dworska Street.