Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,841 to 14,860 of 58,960
  1. Bader family papers

    The papers consist of two letters. One letter was written in Belgium on September 8, 1939, by Alfred Bader donor's uncle to his sister, Regina Bader Webenow. This letter was the last communication that the Webenow family received from Alfred Bader before he perished in the Holocaust. The other letter was written on November 24, 1960, by Lully Bader [donor's uncle] and discusses Holocaust restitution issues.

  2. Selected records from former Archives of the Communist Party of Ukraine

    This collection contains records of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. They describe conditions in Nazi-occupied territories of Ukraine; secret reports to Nikita Khrushchev, the head of the Ukrainian Communist Party, about the political and economic situation in the areas liberated from Nazi occupation; activities of various groups of Ukrainian nationalists; and antisemitism. Documents also address repatriation of groups deported to Germany (Fond 1). From the Special Commission for the history of the Great Patriotic War, a body established by the Ukrainian SSR Academy ...

  3. Black and gray checked blanket given to Kindertransport refugee

    Wool checked travel blanket given to 13 year old Mimi Alice Schleissner by her mother Berta to keep her warm when she left on the Kindertransport in May 1939. Mimi's parents Berta and Julius and her brother Edi, 18, stayed behind in Kolin, Czechoslovakia. Until October 1938, the family resided in the spa town Marienbad [now Marianske Lazne], in the Sudetenland region. It was annexed by Nazi Germany in October 1938 and most of the Jewish population fled. In November, the Marienbader Zeitung ran the headline "Marienbad is Jew-free." After arriving in Great Britain, Mimi joined Hachshara, a Zi...

  4. International Exposition in Paris at night: fireworks

    International Exposition in Paris, 1937 at night, fast speed. "Philips RADIO" Lights, fireworks. "Les fetes de Nuit" "Les Illuminations" "L'embrasement de la Tour"

  5. Nazi Germany trims: Autobahn, HJ, Woolworth's, zeppelin, "Der Stuermer", exhibitions

    TRIMS. Signs for gasoline - "Gro Essen" and "Flug Essen." Autobahn. Mechanics. "Gesperrt" sign on Autobahn. Construction. Gas station. Construction, Nazi flags in BG. Driving on Autobahn. Mechanic working on coal/rail engine. Building construction, workers with cart. Autobahn. 01:02:12 City, HJ march in FG, church in BG. BDM girls marching street side, women on steps, gardening. Soup. Nazi poster. Autobahn. Leica factory. CUs, roof. HAS, market, vegetables, eggs. CUs, peasant woman selling wares, flowers. 01:04:06 CUs, boots. 01:04:17 Amusement park rides, spectators, children. Woolworth sh...

  6. Prengler-Biderman family photograph

    A photograph of the Prengler family, taken in Munich in 1949. Pictured are Sol and Ida Prengler with their children Abraham, Herschel, Ben, and Isaac, as well as their daughter Helen Prengler Biderman, her husband Max Biderman, and their daughter Linda Biderman. The family survived the war in the Lukow, Poland ghetto.

  7. [Newspaper]

    Headline: "Jews Face Massacre."

  8. Jüdisches Regionalmuseum Mittelfranken in Fürth collection

    Contains personal papers of the Gräfenberg family, Schäler family, and Lotte Roman (n.d.); correspondence of Lore Sulzbacher with her parents who were deported to Theresienstadt (1938-1944); and documents pertaining to the Spear toy factory (1938-1940).

  9. Church and schoolyard in central Poland

    EXT, low angle shot of castle tower. Women in traditional dress walk along a country road. Young girls play ball in an open courtyard. LS of the countryside, river reflecting the trees and winding along calmly. Church spires visible far off in the distance. Cut to young girls playing ball in the courtyard. Townspeople exiting (a church?). Quick shot of men and women, then of the street and a horse drawn cart passing by. The brick schoolhouse and the teacher looking at the girls' work. CU, women entering a courtyard through iron gates, coming from the street.

  10. Nazi soldiers; rally; Hitler Youth; military parade

    Soldiers march over a bridge. Farm scenes. Soldiers regulate crowds. Nazi rally. CUs of Hitler Youth eating, uniforms. Fighter planes fly in the sky and tanks drive through the stadium. Nuremberg is decorated for a parade. Nazi soldiers parade through town.

  11. Selected records of the Parteiamtliche Prüfungskommission zum Schutze des NS.-Schrifttums

    Contains organizational documents of the Parteiamtliche Prüfungskommission zum Schutze des NS-Schrifttums (PPK) and correspondence with publishing houses and other state organizations. Includes various speeches, articles, and publications where Jews or the "Jewish question" is discussed, including speeches by Hitler, Hess, and Ley. Also includes PPK files and internal memoranda on individual publications.

  12. Dr. Bruno Kriss correspondence

    Consists of two letters written by Dr. Bruno Kriss, M.D., regarding the time he spent in the Buchenwald concentration camp from 1938 to 1939. The letters include commentary on the effect of Kristallnacht on the prisoners in Buchenwald.

  13. Walter Wolff collection

    Contains identity cards and documents relating to the Holocaust experiences of Walter Wolff, who spent the Holocaust in Italy and in Germany.

  14. Visiting Jacob Herz's father & relatives in Wola, Poland

    COLOR family footage of the Herz family vacation in Europe in 1937. Footage shows images of Jewish-American life before World War II with its European roots. In Wola, Polish Herz children (either Geitel, b. April 13, or Esther, b. March 17) with their American cousins, Belle (age 14) and Judith (age 12). The children wear babushkas and sunglasses (gifts from the American girls). Good color shots of both the American and Polish families at the farm.

  15. Etti Hecht and Paula Leibowitz collection

    Collection contains 19 family photographs of the Hecht family of Romania. The photographs are both pre- and post-World War II. Collection also contains two documents relating to the 1948 emigration to Israel of Lieb Hecht and a 1959 document from the German war tracing service regarding the whereabouts of Lieb Hecht.

  16. Polish children after WWII

    SEQ: Kids hold hands and dance. Parents with their child. The teacher? eats. Boys in a woodshop learn how to plane wood. Boys practice with a hand tool and push lumber through a saw. EXT children slide at a playground. Boys on a seesaw. Children play with blocks and small wooden shapes at tables indoors. They hold hands in small groups and high-step. Boy reads and eats. Textbook and magazine with a boxer on the cover. Boy enters room and takes away the magazine. The two boys begin roughhousing and leave. Man puts a child in a crib. He reads the boxing magazine and shakes his head. Woman (th...

  17. Coal mining

    Coal mining. 01:22:01 Ford factory, workers on break, smoking, eating. EXT, glass building. Workers gathered around car. Mining coal, Ford tower in BG. CUs, coal. On river, boats in BG. Coal workers operating pulleys.

  18. Dr. Joachim Neander collection

    Contains 'Vestorbene entlassene Uberstellte oder geflohene reichsdeutsche haftlinge des KL Auschwitz I 19 Januar bis 19 August 1942," "Reichsdeutsche im Transport von 1500 Judischen Haftlingen von Auschwitz nach Dachau, als Zugange unter dem 10. Oktober 1944 registriert," by Joachim Neander," Reference to all Reichsdeutsch Auschwitz Prisoners (incl. Jews and Roma) mentioned in USHMM Archives RG-06.005.07M-US Case Files-Auschwitz Concentration Camp 1943-1947; Ordered by Nationality and within it alphabetically," by Joachim Neander, correspondence between Joachim Neander and Erich Scholz, Jan...

  19. Daily life in southeastern, northeastern, and central Poland, 1936

    TRIMS beginning with a quick glimpse of store fronts in the Jewish quarter in Krakow. This is followed by several shots of architecture in Warsaw, then a CU of an incense burner in a Catholic procession in Lowicz. The scene then returns to Warsaw: street scene, kiosk, poster advertising a theatrical performance. MS, policeman on horseback, using the horse as crowd control, people are gathered. CU molten zinc being smelted in a furnace at the Giesche Mine and Refinery in Katowice. LS, Gdansk, establishing shot along the waterway. MCU and CU of dockworkers in Gdynia, loading materials onto sh...

  20. Country pavilions at International Exposition in Paris, 1937

    Daytime, line to get into the expo grounds, guards stamping passes. View of country pavilions: Denmark. Austria. Canada. 01:17:30 German pavilion - the largest at the Exposition. CUs, eagle sculpture at top of building, swastika. Belgium. Radio. Italy. Sweden. USA. Czechoslovakia. Food stalls. MSs aquarium, turtle.