Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,901 to 14,920 of 58,960
  1. Robert Ley in Italy

    Black screen with the words: " Frontaufnahmen der Kriegsberichter: Elsaesser, Ertl, Hardacker, Huth, Hans Jacobi, Kester, Kramer, Meisenkothen, Oberhoff, Olesko, Paulsen, Rolf Richter, Schiffko, Waldmann." Presumably these are the names of the journalists/cameramen reporting from the front. Heroic music. Celebration of 20th anniversary of the March on Rome, which occurred in October 1922. Troops marching, playing drums, at the Palazzo Venezia in Rome, which is where Mussolini's offices were and the location of the balcony from which he gave his famous speeches (not shown). Robert Ley ...

  2. Marta Brod photographs

    Consists of 17 pre- and post-war family photographs of the Brod family of Istanbul, Turkey. The photographs feature Simon Brod, who worked for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the Jewish Agency of Palestine in Istanbul, and is credited with rescuing David Stoliar, a survivor of the shipwreck of the "Struma" in February 1942.

  3. Street scenes in Warsaw, 1936

    Warsaw: Architecture, establishing shots, statues, etc. VS: A building with ornate detailing and bas relief designs and embellishments on it.MS: a woman feeding bread to pigeons, an open square, people move through the area. Different angles on the same square. INT, a dark vestibule in a building, a woman enters and a man exits the building to the bright light of day. The open doorway is the only illuminated part of the shot. Return to the town square, then to surrounding streets, balloon vendor, shops, etc. LS of a palace in Warsaw.

  4. Łódź Ghetto grave marker for a Jewish woman recovered by her daughter

    Engraved marker for the grave of Chaja Gitla Fortunska recovered in Łódź, Poland, after the war by her daughter Alicja Dworzecka. On January 28, 1943, Chaja, 55, was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Łódź Ghetto, having passed away after unsuccessful intestinal surgery at the ghetto hospital. Chaja, husband Jankiel, children Dawid, Alicja, and Moniek, with their spouses, were residents of Łódź, which was occupied by Germany in September 1939. Many punitive restrictions were placed on the Jewish populace, including forced labor and confiscation of property. Jews were interned in a ghetto whic...

  5. Helen Saidner Spitzberg photograph

    One photograph of four women, dressed to go out and wearing hats. The photograph is a family photograph, taken during the war in the Sosnowiec ghetto.

  6. Children's hospital

  7. Mogilev; Smolensk; Vinnitsa -- German capture

    Map showing Mogilev and Smolensk. Interior with officers studying documents (map?) on a table. The narrator indicates that this is a conference of the army high command. An attack is being decided upon. A soldier at a typewriter types up the orders, which will be distributed to the field. The battle starts, represented by a shot of a howitzer firing. Shirtless German soldiers operate artillery. The narrator identifies the location as Vinnitsa. Long shots of smoke rising from the countryside. The "Armeefuehrer" arrives in a plane to observe the conflict. German soldiers push their bicycles a...

  8. Heinrich Fausel papers (D 33)

    Contains the papers of Heinrich Fausel, Protestant theologian in Württemberg, Germany. Includes manuscripts, speeches, sermons, correspondence, and publications of other Protestant theologians.

  9. Guillotine in prison, 1946

    INT, Pancraz prison in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1946. MS of a guillotine. The working of the machine is being demonstrated by a Czech prison guard in uniform to two men in civilian dress. The three men discuss the machine at some length, the footage is silent, and there is no record in Julien Bryan's shot lists that indicates why this action was shot, who these men are, and why they are watching this demonstration and discussion.

  10. Preparations for Easter in the region of Lowicz and Witów

    VS, preparations for church in Lowicz, Poland. VS of the procession (likely for Easter Sunday) of townspeople, all in traditional clothing, to the church. They are led by the local clergy and several carry banners as they process through the streets. VS of the young children dressed in their finery, two flower girls sprinkle the path to the church with flower petals. Polish highlanders march from the church through the Polish village of Witów, in Kościelisko Commune, Tatrzański County. The priest visible in the middle wearing a dark cassock and elaborate hat is then parson of Chochołów pari...

  11. Simon Adelman photographs

    Contains photographs taken inside the Warsaw ghetto by a German soldier in 1942. The photographs were given to Simon Adelman by a German soldier when they were both students at the University of Gottingen in 1954.

  12. William Bank collection

    Consists of one small laminated copy of the US Army discharge papers of William Bank, liberation photographs described as Dachau and Buchenwald, and miscellaneous photographs taken by United States Army soldiers crossing Germany in the spring of 1945.

  13. Jan Valenta collection

    The Jan Valenta collection contains documents regarding the detention and execution of Jan Valenta, a Colonel in the Czech army and active participant in the Czech resistance organization, Obrana Národa (“Defense of the Nation”). Comprised in this collection are three pieces of correspondence written by Jan during his incarceration. This includes a postcard to his children dispensing parental advice, a postcard to his brother requesting a toothbrush, soap, and toothpaste, and a letter written to his children on the day of his execution, which was reportedly smuggled out of the prison and de...

  14. Ruins of Warsaw, Poland 1946

    Opens in 1946- Warsaw, Poland, snow covered ground and destroyed buildings; military vehicle and electric bus pass by one of the destroyed buildings, cut to horse drawn carriages going down these same streets. 01:01:00:00 The destroyed DEUTSCHE BANK, a horse and carriage move through the frame. More destroyed building facades. 01:01:20:24 1946, Warsaw, Poland, MCU of a young boy making the sign of the cross at a cemetery. VS of wooden crosses and grave markers (name placards) for the dead, several names and dates listed: 1941, 1942, etc. Men, women and children pay their respects; children ...

  15. Crimean Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes (Fond p 1289)

    Contains records related to the Crimean Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate Nazi crimes for the territory of Crimea during World War II.

  16. Market square in Krakow, circa 1936

    VS, market square in Krakow, fruit and flower vendors hawk their wares. LS of a row of covered market stalls. VS of buildings in the city. A group of young women on a tour of one of the buildings. All are in uniform. LS of the courtyard of an ornately designed building that may be an art school, according to Julien Bryan's original shot lists. At 01:13:07:15 the scene in Krakow ends, followed by 18 seconds of an outtake from the staged scenes of a Polish peasant family.

  17. German siege of Warsaw, Poland 1939

    EXT, VS night time scenes of the Jewish quarter of Warsaw on fire. This event occurred on September 16, 1939 during Rosh Hashanah. The Germans deliberately chose this day to set the Jewish quarter on fire, burning and destroying more than 20 full city blocks. Camera pans, but it is difficult to make out the shadows, at 01:16:45:14 there is a more vivid shot of the flames, illuminating a street lamp.

  18. Selected records of State Aliens Commission, Swedish National Tracing Bureau

    Contains selected records from the Swedish National Tracing Bureau concerning the "White Buses" program.

  19. Ministry of Foreign and Religious Affairs (Fond 176)

    Contains selected records from Fond 176, including correspondence with Bulgarian legations/consulates abroad in many countries on topics including trade relations, reports to Sofia, Bulgaria, on economic and political conditions, Bulgarian agrarian workers abroad, Bulgarian-German relations; regulations for visas of various types, including transit visas, for non-citizens including Jews. Also includes material regarding the property of Bulgarian Jews; the location of Bulgarian citizens abroad including Jews; requests from relatives of victims of the "Sṭrumah" sinking; and the situation of ...

  20. Daily life in Poland, street scenes in Warsaw

    A series of TRIMS/short outtakes. 1. 01:00:01:07 MCU, two young Polish women in traditional South Polish folk costumes walk down a dirt path away from a wood frame house and toward the camera. They are on the road leading out of the wooden church. 2. 01:00:04:23 MCU, Warszawa, Poland, house with lion old town, Świętojańska street LAS of architectural details. Several ornate bas-relief designs in the building's facade, and a stepped, curved roof with ceramic tiles. Pan down to more of the building's facade, as well as the street lamps and street corner below. 3. 01:00:13:11, MS, Kraków, Pola...