Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,821 to 14,840 of 58,960
  1. Jewish quarters Krakow and Warsaw 1936; Jewish teens

    Daily life in the Jewish quarter or Krakow. Two men conducting business in a dark doorway. 01:15:05:26 MS of four orthodox Jews walking down the street in Krakow, they look to the camera, and move on. They pass a man with a movie camera. (This is not Julien Bryan; probably Jules Bucher, cameraman who accompanied Bryan in Poland in 1936.) MS of three orthodox Jews on a street corner talking to each other, across the street in BG there is a sign for the shop "Salomon Diamant"- a men's clothing store [duplicate footage on USHMM Film ID 3001]. CUs of the religious Hasidic men talking and walkin...

  2. Daily life in Zakopane, Poland 1936

    Snow in Zakopane. Traveling shot from the funicular in the Zaprowy (Tatra) mountains at Zakopane. This is where the Poles would go to ski. VS, panoramic shots of the countryside. The funicular travels over the village- a few shots of villagers below, then more snow and mountains. The gondola approaching the top of the mountain; MCU gondola operator, CU on the gears, another shot of it approaching the end of the run, from a slightly different angle- people disembarking. VS from the gondola, shadows of the gondola along the mountainside. 01:03:08:25 Someone in a bear costume in the village te...

  3. Postwar steel wire factory

    INTs wire factory (ECA slates throughout). Various MSs and CUs of interiors, workers, and equipment. 01:04:07 Multiple takes, at end of shift, worker takes his bicycle and rides it around the EXT of the factory building past other employees. INTs, factory. CU, woman in window talking to someone below. Different shot of EXT of building with bicycles parked out front, same worker rides one. City street scenes, busy intersection, buses, man on bicycle passes by (multiple takes), traffic. CUs, man. EXT, factory with smokestacks (minor film damage).

  4. Street scenes and establishing shots of Krakow

    Establishing shots of Krakow, shot circa 1936/37. LS of the famous castle, shot of a small boat letting in along the Vistula River, LS of two women walking across the courtyard of an unidentified building. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  5. Altenberg family papers

    The Altenberg family papers include photographs, cultural programs and posters, and printed material documenting the Altenberg family of Antwerp, the work of Bernard Altenberg’s photo studio, and the educational and cultural work of the Jewish Artisan Association and Jewish Zugob school at 115 Lange Kievitstraat before and after the Holocaust. The programs and posters feature Marcel Pfeffer Patin and Annie Rutzky among other performers.

  6. Presentation by Nicole Denier Long

  7. Luftwaffe officers & Goering's staff tour Mt. Vesuvius & Pompeii

    Scenes of Mt. Vesuvius and ruins of Pompeii in Italy with uniformed Luftwaffe men. Men in civilian clothes include at least 3 Luftwaffe staff or officers closely associated with Goering (they also appear in Film IDs 2548 and 2549): Fritz Goernnert in lederhosen; wavy-haired man in knickers who may be Kattengel; dark-haired man seen in target practice scenes; and the man with dark-rimmed spectacles and photo camera (Eitel Lange, the personal stills photographer for Hermann Goering, who joined Goering's staff in the summer of 1940). 01:01:02 WS with volcano. Priest in long black frock scamper...

  8. One-room schoolhouse in central Poland

    LS of young schoolgirls and boys in traditional Central Polish costume walking in an orderly fashion along a dirt road. They walk toward the camera, a hen follows. Blonde girl with long braids in a classroom draws intently. A girl runs on the playground, her head covered with a scarf. LS, brick schoolhouse in the BG. Young boys and girls exit the building to play. Boy on a bicycle in Lowicz. INTof male instructor pointing to Polish letters on a blackboard. An icon image of the Madonna and Child hangs above the board. Two boys recite the letters along with the teacher at the blackboard. Girl...

  9. Daily life in Warsaw, Poland 1936

    Warsaw street scenes. VS of architecture; street cars, newspaper kiosks, people milling about, but more of a focus on the bustle of the city, traffic cops, buses, cars, etc. 01:13:35:00 MCU of a woman and two boys, the woman most likely runs the kiosk, sitting on the ground reading the papers with the two young boys. MCU of a woman purchasing something at the kiosk. Large group of young women on an outing, all are wearing overcoats and berets, VS of new building construction, Julien Bryan's notes mention shots of the Parliament building and the higher army court; an open truck full of men i...

  10. Street scenes in Warsaw, 1936

    Two biplanes fly overhead, quickly returns to a scene of a large plaza, people milling about. VS, Warsaw street scenes, an occasional peasant is visible in the crowd, but for the most part they are all well-dressed city folk. CU of tram stop at 01:13:03:15: "PRZYSTANEK TRAMWAJOW MIEJSKICH" Inside the street car, passengers look out window, read, etc. CU of traffic cop in busy intersection at 01:13:16:00. More buses, cars, street vendors, etc. selling religious articles. Rainy day scenes in Warsaw, the same traffic cop we saw earlier is now in rain gear, and still directing traffic.

  11. Warsaw ruins

    Horse with cart in street, snow-covered ruins of Warsaw ghetto. Pan, WS. Various views.

  12. Identification card

    The identification card was issued to Marcel Koller [donor] in Bucharest, Romania. It states that he was born in Vijnitz, Romania (now Ukraine), on 23 April 1931 and was deported to and liberated from the Tropova camp in Transnistria, Romania (now Ukraine).

  13. German siege of Warsaw, Poland 1939

    Scenes of the fire at night in Warsaw- these are the fires that burned on September 16, 1939 the first night of Rosh Hashanah, when the Germans set fire to the Jewish quarter destroying everything within a 20 block area (Jewish shops, homes, etc.) While it is difficult to make out- in the distance between the darkness and the flames you can see that there were bucket brigades set up and men were trying in vain to put out the fires. Julien Bryan's book "Siege" (1940) has a passage that tells this story. More shots of the fire at 01:06:38:12 trees are visible silhouetted against the flames, a...

  14. Farming in central Poland

    MLS, a farming family in the field, in the BG a Gothic looking church. The peasant women turns and takes a break from gathering to look at the camera. A man in traditional Polish costume herds cows in the pasture. Older man using oxen to run a grain threshing machine. Quick cut to the village people in church (ends abruptly).

  15. War in the Pacific, kamikaze attacks, USS Franklin bombed

    Documentary with intertitles produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. War in the Pacific: kamikaze attacks, boats, US soldiers, fighting at sea and on land in Japan, USS Franklin bombed, fighting the fire, medics and chaplain attend to the wounded, columns of smoke, Statue of Liberty, Purple Heart ceremony. THE END

  16. Polish port city of Gdynia and schoolgirls in Gdansk

    From the factories in Silesia featured in RG-60.4002, also on USHMM Film ID 3004, the next stop is in Gdynia, in the northwestern corner of Poland. Shot of the harbor along the Baltic Sea. VS of mineral ore being loaded onto ships, VS of lumber yard near the ship yard along the Baltic Sea. VS of the streets and architecture of the city of Gdynia, picturesque shots of the boats on the sea and the canals that flow through the city. More shots of workers unloading materials at the dock in Gdynia. End scenes of Gdynia, begin brief sequence of street scenes of Gdansk, also in the northwestern co...

  17. Volary hospital photograph

    Contains one photograph showing eleven young adults, including Miriam Lieberman. The picture is described as the hospital in Volary, May 1945.

  18. Wiktor Poznanski papers

    The papers consist of Wiktor Poznanski's provisional identification card from Mauthausen, a copy of his diploma from Uniwersytet Warszawski, his certificate of incarceration from the International Red Cross, and other documents relating to the experiences of Wiktor Poznanski before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  19. Rachel Fradkin Holocaust testimony

    Consists of testimony regarding the Holocaust experiences of Rachel Fradkin. The testimony is used in an undergraduate paper for JST 373 at SUNY Albany entitled "The Jews in France During World War II," by Arlene Fradkin.

  20. Benjamin and Genia Kutner photographs

    Contains two photographs taken in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp at a fundraising party for Kibbutz Nocham.