Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,321 to 14,340 of 58,960
  1. Georgia, Caucasus Mountains, circa 1933

    Horseback riding in mountains, a group of men and women together at a table on a terrace, eating. LS of country home, nurses seated at a table on the terrace, examining the woman, they ask her questions, write down her responses, etc. They seem to be bourgeoisie on vacation in the mountains. ** This reel has an incorrect title, because the can for this reel was mislabeled; this is actually footage from the early 1930s, shot in Georgia, in the Caucasus Mountains.

  2. Dino A. Brugioni collection

    The collection documents C.I.A. photograph interpreter Dino A. Brugioni’s work on the research and analysis of aerial photographs taken of Auschwitz II (Birkenau) by reconnaissance planes in 1944-1945, as well as other Holocaust-related locations. The collection includes prints and negatives of the aerial photographs, correspondence, writings, articles and publications, clippings, and scrapbooks. Series 1. Photographs includes prints and negatives depicting aerial reconnaissance photographs taken by the Mediterranean Allied Air Force of Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II, Auschwitz III, I.G. Farben ...

  3. Folk dancing in southern Poland

    Men and women folk dancing in full, traditional central Polish folk dress. The sequence plays in slow motion.

  4. Deutsch family papers

    Contains correspondence between Alexander Hoffmann and his sister Roszi Hoffmann Deutsch. Roszi Hoffmann immigrated to the United States in 1921 and married Eugene Deutsch, while Alexander Hoffmann remained in Cluj, Romania (which became Kolozsvar, Hungary in 1940). Letters include references to Alexander's experiences on the "Kasztner Train" from Budapest to Bergen-Belsen, then to Switzerland; requests from immigration assistance to the United States from Montreaux; and mentions meeting Reszo Kastner in Switzerland.

  5. Polish refugees in Persia

    Title: Polens Heer ersteht neu in Persien. [Poland's multitudes rise again in Persia]. Long line of people (look like refugees) moving across a desert landscape. They carry bundles. Some are barefoot. A group sitting, resting. A woman rocks her baby in her arms. Brief fade-out then title: Poland 1939. Refugees on the road on foot and by horse-drawn cart. Food distribution. Bedraggled woman waiting in line with a bowl. Map showing Europe and the Soviet Union. Line drawn from Poland toward USSR south around the Caspian Sea, in direction of Persia (Iran). Group of refugees in desert reach shel...

  6. Farming in central Poland

    Farmers harvest crops in central Poland. They fill their baskets. Country road and horse drawn carriage carrying bundles of hay. More scenes of country life. LS on the thatched roof country home along the river/canal. Trees line the road where a horse drawn carriage passes by.

  7. Deportation of Polish Jews

    Poor houses, exteriors. Interiors: Close views of jumbled belongings, straw, household objects, bedding, stove. 00:53:20 Close views of individuals in Poland - buildings in BG suggesting large town. Deportation. German trucks. Carts. Jewish people moving in lines, wearing light armbands (issued in General Government - eastern Poland), with sacks and bread. Uniformed Germans threaten individual Jews, including an elderly woman with a whip. Extensive views of deportation actions in towns in Poland; many different shots. 00:57:58 Jews sitting on ground, suitcase of currency; German seems to be...

  8. Warsaw ghetto

    A Polish documentary about the creation and destruction of the Warsaw ghetto, 1939-1943, made for the 20th anniversary of the liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto. Incorporates archival footage, including Nazi newsreels and propaganda footage, with English narration and titles. Shows building a memorial to victims.

  9. Lola Kaufman papers

    The papers consist of a passport issued to Etie Stempler, the late wife of Lola Kaufman's maternal uncle, Gedalia Aschkenase, who immigrated to the United States in 1930 as well as a newspaper clipping from the New York Post, dated June 26, 1962, referring to Heinrich Peckmann, an SS sergeant in Chortkiv (Czortków), Ukraine, who was acquitted by a German court in Saarbrücken, Germany. Peckmann murdered Lola Kaufman's mother, Dwojre Rein, in 1942.

  10. The Strength to Die

    Memoir (133 p.), written by Fayvel Zygelboim, describes the Holocaust experiences of Samuel Artur Zygelboim. The memoir includes a table of contents in English.

  11. China landscapes and farming

    Various scenes of China - children, home, farming, agriculture, landscape, mountains, building boat, fishing.

  12. Children and ruins in postwar Poland

    EXT Boy pulling cart in the street. Boys with a dog digging in rubble. Boy riding a scooter past rubble. Ruined buildings. CU Traffic officer. Traffic officer directing traffic. Building under construction. Horse drawn cart passes hauling dirt or rubble. Boys and a dog playing in rubble. Two children, a boy and a girl, walk up a street of damaged buildings as men work in the BG. Damaged buildings. Man using a pick on a damaged wall. Debris falling through a damaged building. A boy and girl walk up a street of damaged buildings. Boy and girl pick through rubble. Boy and girl on a street corn...

  13. Julien Bryan footage of Warsaw

    Warsaw, forced labor, Polish POWs, Royal Castle in flames. People walking past dead horses in the street, general destruction, fires (including a church), people running in the streets.

  14. Passengers boarding a train in Poland, near Warsaw

    Short clip, unidentified location in Poland, circa 1937. Several people standing on a train platform as the train pulls into the station. Quick shots of passengers boarding the trains: men, women, and some teenage boys, all are well dressed, some carry parcels, in one shot a conductor is visible in the background and two adolescent boys board the train in the foreground. Several of the subjects look directly at the camera. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  15. Litman Turovsky papers

    The Litman Turovsky papers contain a photograph of Litman, 4 photographic postcards with scenes of Rėchytsa around the early 20th century, and a diary kept by Litman between 1910 and 1941. The diary records his daily life in Rėchytsa and also discuss Jewish tradition, famine, and the effects of war on the community during the town period recorded. The last entry was recorded three weeks before Germany invaded the town.

  16. Ruhr; shipbuilding; Doenitz; Dutch war volunteers; Rommel; troops

    Reel 1: Part 1, 10th anniversary of the death of Professor Paul Ludwig Troost; still photos of Troost and shots of the House of German Art and the Koenigliche Platz in Munich. 01:02:06 Part 2, The Ruhr: Captain Ruempler (Oak Leaves) and his comrades visit a mine, and go underground; shots of the miners and the soldiers. 01:02:50 Part 3, Germany: report on the hard and dangerous work of stevedoring; loading and unloading ships; ships with the coat of arms of Bremen. 01:03:40 Part 4, Stettin: Day of maritime transport, January 19, 1944; Admiral Doenitz speaks (no original sound); among the au...

  17. Gdynia; loading coal onto barges

    Train moving (towards the camera). "Gdynia" sign at rail station. Woman stacks sod. City scenes, buildings, bus, Polish soldiers, nun. Barges in the water. Loading coal on ships, one with "HEL GDYNIA" painted on the side. A man unloads huge sacks off a truck.

  18. Ruins; Czech prison

    EXT, man hammering, a destroyed building in BG. Men work among ruins. Pancraz prison in Prague SEQ (postwar): CU of a prisoner scrubbing the floor; CU, guillotine shadow; three men stand in front of the gallows and discuss. Men work among ruins. CU profile of man who cleaned the prison floor in earlier scene. Games on a table. A woman and a young girl speak with each other in a library. Children play soccer on a snowy field.

  19. [Newspaper]

    Newspaper published by the Altestenrat, the Council of Elders, in the ghetto in Łódź, Poland. It was the only newspaper allowed in the ghetto and only published decrees issued by the German authorities.

  20. Going to church in central Poland

    In Lowicz, a young, attractive Polish peasant women is putting on her costume, she wears several layers of skirts, a cropped jacket, and long braids. In the BG a large thatched-roof building is visible. Older peasant woman, who stops while walking along a road to kiss a tree, she then continues on. Quick shot of two women entering a church, dipping their fingers in holy water before entering. CU of older peasant man atop a carriage, the women are piling on their belongings. Young girls, women and men entering the church in traditional costume. One women is dressed in contemporary, Western-s...