Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,441 to 13,460 of 58,959
  1. Romanian units; Iron Cross decorations

    Reel 1: 00:38:20 A column of Romanian units march past the camera, includes numerous CUs of individual soldiers. Reel 3: 00:41:06 Romanian and German officers gather around a table and go over a map (CU of Romanian officer wearing Iron Cross) and look through binoculars. A motorcycle messenger delivers a message. The officers are then seen talking on a field phone. Another motorcycle messenger arrives (Romanian). Reel 5: 00:44:54 Soldiers hoist a Third Reich battle flag on a pole atop an ornate building, followed by a Romanian flag draped down the face of the building. Several ships move in...

  2. The World Jewish Congress Paris Office records

    Contains correspondence, reports, and other materials related to the work of the Paris Office of the World Jewish Congress, including correspondence with a variety of organizations including including non-governmental (NGOs), governmental, and Jewish groups. Also contains reports and other records related to the following subjects: the search for missing Jews; liberated Jews; restitution and compensation claims; situation of Jews during the war; and Jewish affairs in France and North Africa. The bulk of materials in this collection are from 1945-1954.

  3. Selected War Crimes Trial Records from the Rastatt Zone in French Zone of Occupation in Germany

    Contains various transcripts and minutes from war crimes trials in Rastatt, Germany, a zone under French control after the war.

  4. German Generals confer at Eastern Front; Hitler and Mussolini arrive by plane; other OKH commanders

    Reel 2: 00:38:30 Local civilians: women, children, men, bearded old men. CUs of local men reading a paper, children laughing and an older man gesturing (obviously wants something) to someone off screen. Friendly exchange between a German with a pail and locals. He hands out candy to a crowd of gathered local children, CUs of children smiling and eating candy. Reel 4: 00:40:03 Group of military officers conferring, numerous military vehicles waiting and traveling along a road. Sign: "General". Soldiers play for officers and others: violin, two accordions, percussion. General Zorn and others....

  5. Deportation of the Jews of Hildesheim

    01:00:00-01:00:54 "Judenevakuierung in Maerz" Shows the deportation of men, women and children from the town of Hildesheim, Germany in March 1942. Many of the Jews wear numbered tags and carry large bundles. The deportation center was located in the Hildesheim police school. The girl with the braids and a hat is Lissy Asser, originally of Goettingen; Sannchen Hess of Ottenstein, wears identification number 609. Remaining shots show Hildesheim from 1941 to 1942, including the removal of a bell from the church, drills and oaths of allegiance taken by the men of the fire department, and the bu...

  6. German officers confer on East Front

    Reel 2: 00:48:35 Large gathering of German military officers conferring in the field around a map. Soldiers resting by the side of the road. 00:49:35 Armored cars and tanks bear large "+" markings. 00:50:00 Side view of short general, two Iron Crosses on uniform. Others around him, including some in black Panzer troop uniforms. 00:50:13 Front view of high-ranking (short) man, possibly Gen. Heinrici (could also be von Kluge).

  7. Joseph Kempenich prayer books

    Contains six Hebrew prayer books, published in 1901, belonging to Joseph Kempenich. Mr. Kempenich gave the books to his family, whom he was planning to join in the United States, for safe-keeping when they emigrated in 1938. Unable to escape, Mr. Kempenich was deported to Theresienstadt and perished in the Minsk ghetto. Also includes the Yom Kippur programs for the synagogue in Trier, Germany, from 1928-1936.

  8. U.S. soldiers in small European town and at camp

    US soldiers in combat gear and combat helmets boarding train, sitting in rail cars, eating and talking. VS, soldiers in combat helmets exiting building, walking towards camera. MLS, along roadside, civilians, local peasants with carts and all their belongings. Unclear if they are refugees leaving or returning home. VS, US soldiers hamming it up at base camp, two soldiers in SS uniforms engage in an Errol Flynn-style sword fight, mocking SS soldiers.

  9. Selected records of the Anti-Joodse Centrale

    Contains information created or collected by the Anti-Joodse Centrale for the purpose of enabling antisemitic measures in occupied Belgium.

  10. Rywin family photograph

    Consists of one photograph, circa 1935, of the Rywin family, originally of Wilno, Lithuania. The photograph features Chaya Zlata Ashinowsky with her great-grandchildren, members of the Rywin family. With the exception of Chaya Zlata, who passed away before the war, and Lazarz Rywin, who survived the war, all the family members photographed perished in the Holocaust.

  11. U.S. soldiers in America

    US soldiers, in Army dress uniforms coming down steps (of barracks?) building. Posing for camera, marching past camera. VS, soldiers about town, in a cafe, eating ice cream on the street in front of a drug store. Pan, Dewey Palace Hotel. Sign reads: "Vic Stolle Drug Co," another sign on shop adjacent to drug store reads: "FW Woolworth & CO". EXT, shots of buildings, unidentified town and buildings.

  12. Records concerning Jewish owned real property in the Trieste region

    Consists of an inventory of Jewish-owned real estate in the Trieste and Adriatic regions. The census was taken during the war to facilitate expropriation. Also included are records about the confiscation of Jewish property in the city of Trieste and the Adriatic coastal towns of Gorizia, Fiume, and Pola.

  13. Margalit Ben Ami papers

    The Margalit Ben Ami papers consist of a ration book issued to Margalit Ben Ami under a false name (Ingrid Maria Theresia Tulleners), two letters written by Ben Ami's rescuers, and a letter written by Ben Ami to Santa Claus. The letters were sent to Ben Ami's mother, Elisabeth Dotsch, who was also in hiding. Also included in the papers are three photographs of the Banens family who rescued and hid Ben Ami during the Holocaust.

  14. Anti-semitic and anti-British propaganda

    Excerpt from a propaganda film about the dangers of listening to foreign radio broadcasts. Sergeant Weber, a patient in a hospital, is admonished by a nurse for listening to a BBC broadcast. He begins to argue with her, but she assures him that he will feel better in the morning and leaves the room. She hears him turn on the radio again and stands outside the door, listening, as Weber tunes the radio to the BBC. As the radio music ends and an announcer's voice comes on, the nurse opens the door (she is silhouetted in the doorway) and says, "No, my dear! That is the Jew!" A "Jew" standing be...

  15. Jews at forced labor

    Jews at forced labor digging a trench. Some of the men are in the trench, which has been reinforced with boards, and some beside it. They are very aware of the camera. Close-up of one man as he digs. The men unload bricks from the back of a truck. At least three types of Star of David badges can be seen. Most of the men have badges on the backs of their coats; one man has two. At least two of the men also have stars stencilled on the sides of their coats. A female overseer is visible in the background, yelling at the men (01:35:47). Close-ups of several of the laborers as they unload the br...

  16. Mühldorf photographs

    Consists of 20 photographs taken after the liberation of the Mühldorf labor camp. These photographs were taken by United States Army officer Ivo E. Sciarra, who was involved in war crimes intelligence gathering. The photographs depict survivors of the camp as well as bodies which were removed from mass graves in preparation for reburial.