Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,421 to 13,440 of 58,959
  1. Barbie Trial -- Day 4 -- Dabringhaus testifies; Barbie and the Counter Intelligence Corps

    18:13 Lawyer Nordmann and witness Ehrard Dabringhaus discuss the supposed infiltration of U.S. Secret Service by former SS. 18:19 Dabringhaus's opinion to "the use of assassins." 18:21 Prosecuter and Dabringhaus. The mode of payment the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) used when they employed Barbie. 18:25 The abundance of reports from Barbie in the CIC and the objectives the CIC had for pursuing them. 18:28 Barbie's working methods in the CIC.

  2. Surrendering to the Germans; burying German soldiers

    Reel 2: 00:04:23 Quick CU of a German soldier firing a rifle. German military trucks traveling through a village. Panning shot of locals standing outside village buildings. CU of a three-striped flag atop a flagpole in the middle of a large plaza surrounded by small buildings; German military vehicles enter the plaza. Soviet soldiers approaching the Germans on horseback waving a large white flag; Russians are surrounded by a group of German soldiers. Pan of a wooden bridge; a soldier swings a rifle (cuts out). Reel 3: 00:05:27 (Repeat in RG-60.4262) Shots of buildings on fire in the distanc...

  3. Metal lid from a cremation urn stamped Dachau

    Container lid with the birth, death, and cremation dates for 28 year old Anton Oleszak. The lid is believed to be from a cremation urn used to return his ashes to his family following his execution in Dachau concentration camp. Oleszak was condemned to death by hanging in Dachau on February 17, 1942. He was a Catholic from Neustadt, Poland. It was a policy of the Nazi government to return the remains of political prisoners to their families.

  4. Barbie Trial -- Day 12 -- A civil party testifies; the vice-president of the MRAP testifies

    17:38 Civil party Esther Majerowicz testifies regarding her arrival at Auschwitz, including having her head shaved and being tattooed; she gives specifics of her daily life in the camp, and details her subsequent transport to another camp, Kratzau, where she worked in an arms factory 17:52 President Cerdini asks Mrs. Majerowicz to give precision regarding the number of times and circumstances under which she saw Barbie in Lyon; he asks her how she knows that the man who arrested her was in fact Barbie 17:54 President Cerdini calls forward Charles Palant; Mr. Palant testifies on behalf of th...

  5. Booklet

  6. Barbie Trial -- Day 13 -- Victims testify

    14:56:05 Sabina Zlatine is a naturalized French citizen from Poland who founded the Izieu home in 1942 after losing her job as a military nurse because she was Jewish. About 80 Jewish children were smuggled to safety in Switzerland from Izieu. She speaks about her involvement in the Resistance, Izieu, and Jews in Vichy. 14:57:10 Turning to the empty dock, she screams, "Barbie said he was only concerned with the Resistance and enemies of the German Army. I ask who were those 44 children? Where they Résistance fighters? They were innocents. There can be no pardon, no forgetting this odious cr...

  7. Germans fighting in Kiev; city views; burning town

    Reel 1: 00:42:40 Kiev railway station, exterior and platform view. Postal signs. Portraits of Engels and Marx. Shot of a post box. Downtown Kiev scenes, including ZUM Department Store. Men work on constructing a bridge. Damaged buildings. Reel 6: 00:45:05 Buildings burning (set on fire by Ukrainians), probably September. The wounded are bandaged inside a building (poor quality). 00:46.17 Russian prisoners cook soup in bathtubs. Russian women and children huddle on the ground in front of a building. German soldiers walk towards a village that is engulfed in flames, various shots of the villa...

  8. Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- Witness depositions are read; a civil party testifies

    17:13 The clerk continues reading the deposition of witness Jacqueline Modier, née Rozenfarb; the witness lived in Paris until the Vel d'Hiv raid, when she moved with her family to Lyon; her father was deported to Auschwitz and died there; the witness was present at the UGIF raid, where she unknowingly entered a room and was greeted by a uniformed soldier; the witness recounts the proceedings of the raid; after 9 pm, the witness was released because she had falsified French papers and was younger than 15 17:19 The Attorney General presents two medical certificates pertaining to the next wit...

  9. Barbie Trial -- Day 2 -- Barbie describes his life as a Nazi

    Mme Karla DeJean and Mlle Isabelle Bonne-Fonds translate as Barbie describes his family, childhood, education, marriage and career in the SS.

  10. Agro-Joint harvesting and combines

    MS of big tractor combine at work, quick shot of tractor pulling a large pipe at Jankoi, then well-edited footage of harvesting (which may have been acquired and cut into this film). Shots of machines and people, field of waving grain. Good shots of men marching with scythes. HA of a large number of people gathering sheaves of wheat. Rolling combine blades move towards the camera. Threshing process and machines doing work. MCU of men taking off overalls and lined up at entryway. A tractor pulls railcars into position to be loaded with grain.

  11. The Barber of Goerlitz

    Consists of one memoir, 71 pages, entitled "The Barber of Goerlitz," by Dr. Kasriel K. Eilender, M.D., originally of Suwałki, Poland. In the memoir, Dr. Eilender describes his childhood in Suwałki, the Soviet and German occupations of the area, his Holocaust experiences in the Derecyn-Slonim ghetto and in the Mogilev, Blizyn, Płaszów, Gross-Rosen, and Langenbielau concentration camps. After his liberation, he reunited with American relatives; with their help, he emigrated to the United States after the war and attended medical school.

  12. Zoltan Farkas photographs

    Consists of a pre-war photograph, circa 1930, of Zoltan and Erwin Farkas, originally of Ombod, Romania, as children; a wartime photograph of Zoltan Farkas at the Jewish Gymnasium in Oradea (Nagy Varad), Romania; and numerous post-war photographs taken at the Prien am Chiemsee, Germany, displaced persons camp. Includes photographs of a practice of the Prien men's gymnastic team.

  13. General State Prosecutors Office of the State Court of Berlin records (Fond A Rep. 358)

    Contains the trial records of over 150,000 criminal cases processed in the vicinity of Berlin during the Nazi era. It includes many “routine” types of ordinary crime, as well as cases where the crime involves being Jewish, homosexual, or “asocial.”

  14. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- The prosecution and defense question expert witnesses

    18:12 Prosecutor Jakubowicz asks the witnesses to comment on an argument of Barbie's defense, in which he claimed that the Jews declared war on Germany in 1939; the witnesses reply that this defense is 'stupid.' 18:13 Prosecutor Klarsfeld asks for a precision as to the date on which Barbie received instructions to arrest Jews. The witness says those instructions came the 14th of April, after the Izieu raid. 18:14 Prosecutor Welzer asks the witnesses to comment in a precise way on the 'Night and Fog' decree. 18:17 Defense attorney Vergès asks why, if the witnesses are so sure of Barbie's gui...

  15. Robert Ley names new Gauleiter of Salzburg; Soviet POWs at forced labor; Grand Mufti of Jerusalem meets Hitler; Generals and Hitler at the FHQ.

    Salzburg, Austria: Head of the German Labor Front (DAF) Dr. Robert Ley confers the title of Gauleiter on student leader Dr. Gustav Scheel. Ley drives past cheering crowds and reviews Austrian (?) troops. Before a large crowd Ley thanks the current Gauleiter, Dr. Friedrich Reiner, for his service, and presents an official announcement of the appointment and the flag of the region to Scheel. 01:23:24 Soviet POWs exit a barrack, pick up shovels, and march off to forced labor. They are shown shoveling dirt at some kind of construction site. Close-ups on some of the faces of the prisoners. 01:24...

  16. Crematorium tag from Dachau concentration camp acquired by a US soldier

    Crematorium tag from Dachau concentration camp in Germany. The tag was picked up by an American soldier on a tour of the camp in the spring of 1945, after the camp’s liberation. A numbered tag was placed with each corpse to be able to identify the ashes after cremation. The numbers on the tags did not correspond to prisoner numbers. Produced in large quantities, not all the tags were used. Dachau was the first concentration camp established by the Nazi government in 1933, originally for political prisoners. Over time, other groups were interned at Dachau, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma, ...

  17. Civilian men under arrest

    Reel 1: Five civilian men line up in front of a building, apparently under arrest, seen close up. Some may be Jewish. Poorly clothed, next to building.