Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,521 to 13,540 of 58,959
  1. Kramer family collection

    Consists of six photographs and four postcards from the collection of Annette Colton (nee Kramer). The photographs include those of a Jewish school class photograph, labelled "Usshiki Dolna 1935;" a portrait of Rabbi Ushtiki Dolne of Pokemyol, Poland; three landscapes, including one labeled "looking from the wreckage of Mareinebruecke to that of Schnedenbruecke;" and a photograph of people gathering in a town square. The postcards consist of two landscape postcards, one depicting a large gathering of people, and one of Mendel Mokher Jeforim.

  2. Conference of fascist journalists; gathering of student soldiers; Hitler at the Reichstag

    Otto Dietrich, the German Press Chief, at a conference for fascist journalists in Venice. Dietrich arrives at the Dogen Palace with his Italian counterpart, Dr. Alessandro Pavolini. The narrator states that there are participants from thirteen European nations and Japan. Pavolini and then Dietrich are shown standing for their speeches and receiving the applause of the audience. 01:27:06 An international gathering of student soldiers (? many of the participants are older men) in Dresden The first shot is of the flag-and swastika-bedecked exterior of the Dresden Rathaus. Gauleiters Gustav Sch...

  3. German Field Marshall and Generals confer

    Reel 1: 00:33:13 German transport vehicles lined up and being checked/worked on. Piles of wagon parts, wheels, skis/skids, snowshoes, sleds/sleighs. Horse-drawn cart struggles through a muddy field. Table with a crate of dynamite "Monachit", soldier prepares fuses, explosive devices. Soldiers use explosives to break up ice on a river. Views of destroyed bridges. German Field Marshal (Günther von Kluge?) leaving a building with other Generals, departing by car. 00:41:36 Close side view of handshake. FM flag on car, drives off. Soldiers cross a temporary wooden bridge. German soldiers use pic...

  4. Dunson family at Christian mission

    At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. VS, older woman with baby posing for camera, older man poses with a Doberman Pinscher and a young girl (the donor, Joy). VS, family life, postwar. Women posing with potted plants. Various families coming out of a church, most are well-dressed, some men exit church in suits, others in work clothes- dungarees and overalls. Children playing on the farm. VS, more footage of ranch hands with cattle and sheep. They are shearing the sheep. Women and children are al...

  5. Federman family collection

    Consists of one photograph of Jews in Warsaw protesting against Hitlerism, Fascism, and attacks on Jewish schools. In the photograph, taken in 1937, the protesters are carrying signs in Yiddish which read "Down with Fascism; Down with Hitlerism" and "We denounce attacks on Jewish schools." Yankel Federman is pictured second from the left. Also includes a Polish passport, issued in 1930, and a ticket on the SS France, both of which were used by Abraham Federman during his emigration to the United States, as well as a copyprint of a portrait of Federman prior to his departure from Warsaw.

  6. Bombed rail cars; German military personnel meet in the field

    Military personnel moving a bomb in a train car, followed by several stacked bombs waiting in a rail yard. German personnel carrying luggage through a train yard. Panning shot of bombed out city with its rail yard. Overhead view of a crated bomb on an open train car. Several different shots of soldiers waiting in the rail yard, leaning on a bomb and unloading a bomb as people on a bridge watch. Shot of a damaged building, panned down to civilians waiting with loaded wagons on a long floating bridge. Panning shot of damaged buildings and coastline, followed by close-ups of the floating bridg...

  7. Jakub Poznanski papers

    The papers consist of three diaries written by Jakub Poznański in the ghetto in Łódź, Poland, between 1943 and 1945.

  8. American soldiers prepare a "propaganda bomb" to be dropped on German-occupied territory

    Newspapers and typewritten pages in French, English, Dutch, German, and other languages. The stories are about the positive turns the war has taken for the Allied forces. The next scene shows American soldiers loading a "bomb" with these leaflets. The men place a top on the "bomb" and fasten it shut.

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- passengers from the SS Gripsholm

    Shots of passengers from the SS Gripsholm, which arrived in Jersey City, New Jersey on March 14 or 15, 1944. The Swedish ship carried American nationals from German internment camps. Individuals are interviewed by reporters in front of a microphone.The interviewees identified in the March of Time subject card are: Marie Tomczak of Pittsburgh, Taylor Henry (an AP correspondent), and Boris Voukovitch of New York City (it is not clear whether all of these people appear in the footage). Interior scenes of Red Cross workers and passengers (identified as Jozeta and Kazimiera Nowicka as they leave...

  10. Collection of Jewish pamphlets of contemporary relevance and rare periodicals from the collections of the Library of the Vilnius University, Lithuania

    The collection contains copies of Jewish pamphlets of contemporary relevance and rare periodicals from the collections of the Library of the Vilnius University, Lithuania related to the life, culture, political and educational activities of the Jewish communities of Lithuania before WWII.

  11. Lists of prisoners in the Miranda de Ebro Camp

    The collection contains lists of prisoners in the Miranda de Ebro Camp; 1940-1947 Miranda was the central camp in Spain for foreign prisoners. This camp was used for several kinds of prisoners. The three main categories were: international brigadiers (captured during the Civil War); male prisoners who illegally crossed the border (women were not held in military camps, but provincial prisons); and German military personnel and German collaborators interned in the so-called Campo Aleman. Some of the inmates were Jews. The photocopied lists include the name plus nationality of inmates. The el...

  12. Barbie Trial -- Day 10 -- Victims testify

    Lise Lesevre: Resistance member. She was arrested by the Gestapo on March 13, 1943 while she carried a letter addressed to Didier, the false name of a Resistance leader. She was then interrogated and tortured by Barbie: hung by hand cuffs with spikes, forced under freezing water in a bathtub, and beaten with a spiked ball against her back which broke a vertebrae. She was condemned to death by a German military tribunal for "terrorism" but was placed in the wrong cell and deported to Ravensbruck instead. Her husband died at Dachau and her son was killed in a detention center in Neuengamme at...

  13. [Newspaper]

  14. Sigmund Klausner collection

    Consists of newspaper clippings, photoprints, and photocopies related to the family of Sigmund Klausner, originally of Frankfurt, Germany. Includes a copy of a pre-war photograph of Mr. Klausner's family, a photograph of Mr. Klausner in the Pithiviers, France, concentration camp, and an article about the family written by Mr. Klausner's nephew, Leon Rubinstein. Also includes a photocopy of a document verifying the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Klausner and their sons, Edgar and Leo, in the Holocaust.

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Fighting French

    Exterior shots of the headquarters of the Fighting French (General De Gaulle's resistance organization) at 1420 16th Street, NW in Washington, DC. The French flag and a flag with the Cross of Lorraine hang from the balcony. People come and go from the building. Close-ups of the Cross of Lorraine flag. Interior shots of Adrien Tixier (who has only one arm), head of the Fighting French delegation, as he gives dictation to his secretary. There is a Cross of Lorraine flag and a portrait of De Gaulle on the wall behind him. Close-up of Fighting French literature on Tixier's desk. Tixier seated a...

  16. Barbie Trial -- Day 3 -- Defense questions psychiatric test vailidity

    19:15 Psychiatric expert Gonin discusses the relationship between Barbie's totalitarian-like personality and the Nazi doctrine. 19:35 Lawyer for the defense Jacques Verges questions Gonin on whether psychoanalysis is a science, questioning the validity of the psychiatric tests.

  17. Newspaper clipping

    The clipping is from the "Evening Sentinel," dated Tuesday, August 1, 1939, Stoke-on-Trent, England, and shows two photographs of Czech refugee children from Teplice, Czechoslovakia, living at the Children's Homes in Penkhull, England, which were founded by Hanna Strasser donor's aunt. The children were the guests of the Czech Children's Refugee Committee. Pictured are: Hanna Strasser, Raja Strauss, Lisa Dasch, Hanna Frankel, Asaf Auerbach, Reuben Auerbach, Ralph Strauss, and Peter Feldstein.

  18. "Memories": Ester Grintal memoir

    In “Memories,” a memoir written by Ester Grintal, she describes her childhood in Poland, her experiences in labor and concentration camps, and her postwar immigration to Israel.

  19. Goering after his capture; bomb damage in Wiesbaden and Munich

    Slate reading" "Capt. Carter SFP-186, Roll C-85, Date: 5-15-45." Hermann Göring, dressed in his blue-gray Luftwaffe uniform and accompanied by a German shepherd and his "American interrogator," [term used on the dope sheet] exit a house and walk toward the camera. Göring moves toward the camera until he is in extreme close-up. Another man (identified on the dope sheet as Lt. Col. Crump) joins the two. The first man and Göring walk off together across a grassy area. More buildings can be seen in the background. More shots of Göring and the American officer walking past buildings. 01:28:43 Bo...