Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,261 to 10,280 of 58,959
  1. Agudat Yisrael collection

    The Agudat Yisrael collection consists of correspondence, telegrams, and names lists related to rescue attempts by the World Agudat Yisrael organization and various Swiss Jewish organizations to save the Jews of Hungary and Czechoslovakia between 1939-1944. Includes letters by Dr. Ya'akov Griffel and Ludwig Kastner, who worked with Turkish transit visas, a request for transit visas to Palestine for a list of rabbis, and a names list (with addresses) titled "from Theresienstadt to Slovakia until the end of June1944."

  2. Selected records relating to Kindertransports, from the National Archives, UK

    Contains selected records from various government offices relating to the Kindertransports, including policy, the refugee situation, the Guardianship Bill, financial assistance, pamphlets and annual reports of the Refugee Children's Movement, and some personal case files.

  3. Jews hiding in a nightclub in Amsterdam (with text)

    Film with text. The film (as seen in Story 1315) repeats with added intertitles in Dutch (see linked document). Image rolls at 01:16:19 with an older couple stands and converses. An adolescent boy comforts a young woman [this scene is clearly acted out with the characters wearing stage makeup]. An older man then opens the door, enters the room, and converses with a girl. Several people arrive and are greeted warmly. They all wear yellow stars. INTs of the apartment. The table is set. A girl sits and knits. People lounge about; others arrive. The boy and young woman look out the window onto ...

  4. Helena Minzer letters

    The Helena Minzer letters concern Helena Minzer, a Polish Jewish woman, and her experiences during the Holocaust. Forced to live in the Lwow ghetto, Helena Minzer escaped under a false name and went into hiding with the Szychlińska family in Mosty Wielkie before entering a forced labor camp. Her papers are comprised of 8 letters written by her to Janina Szychlińska while in the camp and immediately after liberation in 1945.

  5. Selected papers of Marcel Nyns

    Contains selected papers of Marcel Nyns and the Secretaires Generaux (Committee of Secretary-generals), the highest representation of the Belgian administration under German occupation. This department was responsible for education, including the implementation of excluding Jews from the educational system under German occupation. Records include correspondence, minutes, and reports relating to the faith of the Jews living in occupied Belgium, especially concerning their education.

  6. Rohony family papers

    The Rohony family papers are comprised of postcards and photographs documenting the Rohony family’s circumstances during World War II, primarily between 1943 and 1944. Comprised of János, his wife Anna, and their daughter, Zsusana (later Susan), the Rohony family was living in Budapest, Hungary until 1943 when János was forced into the Hungarian labor battalions and Anna was arrested by the Gestapo. János perished in Ohrdruf in 1944. Anna and Zsusana survived the war. The vast majority of this collection consists of extensive correspondence in the form of postcards and letters between János...

  7. Training for future Nazi leaders of occupied countries [captured German film]

    Seized German film described by NARA as showing a training course for German future leaders of occupied countries. The original title is missing and the beginning of the film seems to be missing as well. German titles throughout. The first title states that during the lunch hour the students enjoy the beautiful Alpine landscape. Uniformed men wander around the grounds of a castle, which is the NS-Ordensburg Sonthofen, built by the DAF (German Workers Front) under Robert Ley in 1934. Nice views of the castle and Nazi officers at leisure. A title says that the three course instructors are tal...

  8. Hoffman family collection

    The Hoffman family collection consists of identification documents, correspondence, and photographs related to the Markus Hoffman and Rachela Brande Hoffman, who emigrated from Poland to the Dominican Republic, and their children Leon Hoffman and Berte Hoffman, who were both born in the Dominican Republic. The correspondence, 1939-1941, includes letters from their mothers, Rosa Brande in Czortków, Poland (now Ukraine) and Clara Hoffman in Tłumacz, Poland (now Ukraine), and other extended family members. All family members are presumed to have perished in the Holocaust. Also included are pre...

  9. Henry Kolber collection

    Consists of photographs and documents related to Henry Kolber's experiences as a refugee in post-war Switzerland and his immigration to the United States on the SS Drottningholm in 1947. Also includes a memory booklet signed by fellow refugees in 1945, a musical score entitled "Bitte um Menschwerdung" and letter dated 1950, both written by Rudolf (Ruedi) Schaerer.

  10. Theresa Duello collection

    Contains copies and translations of eight doctoral dissertations on eugenics and sterilization by candidates from German universities; the originals are archived at the University of Wisconsin. Includes translations into English completed by donor: Dissertations include: "Bericht über 210 weibliche Sterilisationen," by Erich Bacher, Pforzheim 1940; "Über Tubensterilität und die Erfolge ihrer operativen Behandlung," by Werner Kilthau, Mannheim 1940; "Das Erlebnis der Unfruchtbarmachung bei weiblichen Erbkranken," by Gertrud Koch, Freiburg 1937; "Bericht über 480 weitere eugenische Tubensteri...

  11. Kleinhaus and Gradom family papers

    Correspondence, photographs, and documents, related to the family of Jehuda (Yehuda, later Jules) Kleinhaus and Poriah (Gradom) Kleinhaus, of Antwerp, Belgium. Includes a wedding certificate (1936); birth and identification documents; U.S. naturalization certificates; and extensive correspondence, in particular from Poriah's parents in Antwerp, to their daughter and son-in-law in New York, dated 1940-1941.

  12. RAD labor in July 1943

    Private film by Herbert Apfelthaler. Title card reads “Soldaten der Arbeit” with a Nazi insignia. Another title card briefly reads “Ein Ferrania Film der Hera / von: H. Apfelthaler. / Mitwirkende: Führer und Mannschaft des RAD Abt S/343 Schönering.” Nazi insignia. Title card: “Student u. Handwerker, Bauernsohn u. Lehrling, zu einer Gemeinschaft zusammengeschweißt, arbeiten unter dem Zeichen des Reichsarbeitsdienstes.” View of houses on the other side of a river. A mini-bus drives down the road on the side of the river. Young blond men, part of the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD), ride in the car....

  13. Americans visit Horodok, Poland and Germany

    Amateur footage taken by an American Jew, Joseph Shapiro, during a visit to relatives in Horodok, a Polish shtetl ocated between Minsk and Vilna. American travelers dressed in expensive clothes shake hands with villagers. The camera pans the landscape showing horse-drawn wagons, farms, trains resting on tracks, and local businesses (beer house "Piwiarnia"). 14:16:52 Children present flowers to visitors. A large procession of children (some in gymnasium hats) walk in pairs, as teachers organize the group. 14:18:56 The children rush towards a bus labeled "98 Iwieniec..." traveling from a town...

  14. Association of Immigrants from Poland, Tel Aviv (J20)

    Contains records of the Association of Immigrants from Poland that was active in Israel, 1942-1961. Includes meeting protocols, various name lists, questionnaires, and newspaper clippings relating to assistance to Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors by giving out loans, finding work, and reuniting families after the war. In addition, the organization created name lists of Holocaust survivors still remaining in Europe, and of those who immigrated to Palestine/Israel.

  15. Representation of Polish Jewry, Tel Aviv Reprezentacja Żydowstwa Polskiego, Tel Aviv (J25)

    This collection includes lists of Polish refugees in the Soviet Union; testimonies of survivors about the destruction of the Jewish communities in Poland; correspondence with the Polish Provisional Government regarding the actions and attitudes regarding Polish Jews in the present and future.

  16. Selected records from the collections of the Călăraşi Branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains records from the Commissariat of police of the Port of Calarasi, and includes records relating to: surveillance of Iron Guard, the situation of Jews, the transit of German and Italian armies, reorganization of Iron Guard and communist movement. Also contains records from the Police of the city of Calarasi, and includes records relating to: confiscation of Jewish property, nomadic Roma, confiscation of furniture belonging to Jews, including real estate, forced labor of Jews, Jews of Sephardic community, surveillance of Jews, spies, members of Iron Guards, communists and members of r...

  17. Walter Rhodes photograph collection

    Contains nine photographs taken at liberation of the Bergen Belsen concentration camp in April 1945 by British Army photographers. Three of the photographs show the dire conditions for the liberated women prisoners; one photograph depicts British POWs suffering from malnutrition; five photographs show the corpses of the murdered inmates and burial in mass graves by the SS personnel on orders from the British Army.

  18. Star of David badge with Juif printed in the center

    Star of David patch of the type worn to identify a Jew in German occupied France. Germany occupied France in the early summer of 1940. A decree was issued on March 27, 1942, making it mandatory for Jews to wear the Judenstern badges at all times. The badges marked the Jews as outsiders and made them easy to identify. The German occupation of France ended on August 25, 1944, when German forces surrendered to the Allies.

  19. Rabinowitsch family papers

    The collection includes identification cards belonging to Gabriel Rabinowitsch, Fryda Nadel Rabinowitsch, and Leib Nadel, in Russian, issued 1946-1948, and the handwritten journal kept by Gabriel Rabinowitsch while in hiding near the Vilnius (Vilna) ghetto between November 1943 and June 1944. In the journal, he describes his wartime experiences, including the German invasion of Vilnius, forced labor, deportations, and his escape into hiding in November 1943. He describes life in hiding and hearing of the Soviet offensive. Also included is an English language translation of the diary.

  20. Bruchsal Kreistag 1938

    Footage shot at the 1938 Kreistag in Bruchsal, showing scenes of athletic and social activities combined with marching and speeches. Agfa 1938 logo. Shot of a building heavily decorated with Nazi paraphernalia, with a sign reading "Kreistag Bruchsal". Quick shot of a parade of SA men marching in the street, followed by street scenes with many Nazi flags blowing in the breeze. Children splash each other in a fountain. Four uniformed men walk toward the camera. LS of a man standing at a podium with uniformed Bund Deutscher Maedel girls facing him. An officer arrives in a car and is saluted by...