Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,241 to 10,260 of 58,959
  1. "Dear Family"

    Consists of one memoir, 147 pages, entitled "Dear Family," by Hans Joachim Haller, originally of Berlin, Germany. He describes his childhood in a wealthy family in Berlin, being persecuted by the Nazis, his family's escape over the border to Czechoslovakia and joining family in Czernowitz.The family moved to Bucharest and Hans describes the Russian occupation, the beginning of the war, being moved into the ghetto, and various forced labor assignments outside the ghetto. He hid his Jewish identity and joined the Romanian Army as a mechanic, deserting in 1943. He returned to Czernowitz and ma...

  2. Uri Inbal collection

    The Uri Inbal collection consists of photographs and documents relating to Miriam Beitner Nebel and Ernst Nebel in the Cham DP camp in Germany after the war, as well as reparation documents. Also includes photographs depicting Miriam and Ernst Nebel in the DP camp with their first born son Uri, dated circa 1947.

  3. Simone Brand Birndorf photographic collection

    The Simone Brand Birndorf photograph collection consists of black and white photographic prints of members of the Brand family of Łódź, Poland, taken before and after World War II.

  4. Beruh family correspondence

    The Beruh family correspondence comprises letters written between members of the Beruh family beginning after Gerda and Sonja’s transport to England in 1939 until Gerda and her mother, Nechama were reunited in 1945. The bulk of the letters are written by Gerda to her mother, though many letters include notes from Sonja as well. Three letters to the sisters from their father, Yaakov are also included. A small series of photographs are also included in this collection. Images include Gerda as a teenage girl and two images of groups of children.

  5. "With Only a Toothbrush"

    "With Only a Toothbrush" is a 12 page manuscript written by Jacky Erwteman in 2004. In the manuscript, Erwteman describes her family background, the family efforts to flee Amsterdam when the Germans invaded and the Dutch Royal Family fled, and their escape by boat to England, where they found employment. Includes information about Erwteman's aunt and uncle, who traveled to the United States and to Curacao, eventually working for the newly established World Bank. After the war, the family discovered that those family members who were unable to escape had been killed in Auschwitz.

  6. Preston Hill collection

    Consists of 53 photographs from the collection of Preston Hill, a member of the United States Third Army, who participated in the liberation of Mauthausen. Includes photographs of Mauthausen after liberation, a death march which Mr Hill's unit liberated, original photographs and commercial images he took from a German soldier, and additional copyprint images of liberation. Also includes a brief written narrative of Mr. Hill's experiences.

  7. Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund Berner Prozess um die "Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion"

    Contains records of various provenances relating to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion trial held in Bern, Switzerland. In 1933, the Alliance of Swiss Jewish Communities (Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund - SIG) and the Jewish Community Bern (JGB), as part of its initiative to combat antisemitism, brought a court case against the “National Front” (“Nationale Front”) for distributing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The case was based on paragraph 14 of the law governing motion pictures and measures against trashy literature (“Gesetz über das Lichtspielwesen und die Massnahmen...

  8. Julius Blum collection

    Collection of documents and photographs documenting the experiences of Julius Blum (donor's husband) and his family during the Holocaust. Julius Blum was from Munkacs, Czechoslovakia and survived multiple concentration camps including Auschwitz and Mauthausen, where he was liberated.

  9. Emissaries Section (S86)

    Contains records of Israeli delegations in various countries of Europe, Asia and the Middle East, including the records of Zionist organizations abroad such as Youth Aliyah and Keren Hayesod. Features reports on the Jewish situation including Jewish refugee and DP camps after the war, negotiations with immigration agencies, cultural material that was prepared and sent around the world, and various other documentation.

  10. Nazi rallies in Neuer Platz and Linz

    Men in suits wearing Nazi armbands march in unison. Spectators on the sidewalk give the Nazi salute to a car driving down the street in a processional. Rows of young men in uniform, carrying an enormous Nazi flag and marching in unison. A procession of men in long black coats carrying shovels follow. Planes flying overhead. Panoramic shot of a town in the countryside. Young uniformed men marching and waving Nazi flags down a country road. A processional going through a city street in Linz. Tanks and cars drive down the streets. Pedestrians give the Nazi salute to the passing cars. Lines of ...

  11. Prewar life in Vienna

    Home movies under the label "Herzstark Filmjournal" with German intertitles. Young women and men at leisure, playing games in the garden. Title card: “Hohe Schule der Hundedressur: Wilde Bestie vorgef. von Papa Herzstark“ Mr. Herzstark trains the family dog in the yard. Title card: "Grossmutters Film Debut“ Grandmother sits on a bench and waves for the camera. Title card: "Wird einer gefallen? Hutprobe im Garten vor dem Ausflug!“ Family members playfully try-on hats and look in the mirror. Title card: "Eine die fuers Huete-probieren Verstaendnis hat.“ Young woman in hat points off-camera. T...

  12. Hannah Starman research collection

    Consists of photocopies of original documents collected from various archives in Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, Austria, and Italy, pertaining to Jewish life in Slovenia from the mid-19th century to the late 20th century. Incudes copies of birth and death certificates; community membership lists; individual, community and industrial property listings; deportation lists; documents related to the aliyah of Slovenian Jews and the subsequent confiscation of their property; individual files pertaining to expropriation of Jewish properties by the Nazis and later by the Communist regime; documents per...

  13. Inge Fischer Engel papers

    The Inge Fischer Engel papers consist of biographical materials, a diary and autograph book, photographic materials, and printed materials documenting the Fischer family from Vienna, the two years Inge and her sister spent in England, the family’s emigration to Trinidad, their internment in Trinidad, and their immigration to the United States. The collection also includes photographs documenting Inge’s uncle in Shanghai and the Canidrome where he worked as director, photographs of her husband’s family from Vienna, and student and employment records documenting her brother-inlaw, Otto Engel....

  14. Selected records from the collections of the Alba branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains records from the Regional Inspectorate of the Police Alba Iulia and includes records relating to: surveillance of the Iron Guard, travel permits for Jews, forced labor of Jews, lists of Jews deported fromTeius and Aiud sent to Alba Iulia. Surveillance of ethnic Germans, communists, surveillance of interned Jews. Also includes records from the Police of the municipality of Alba Iulia relating to surveillance of the Iron Guards, National Christian Party (PNC), the loss of citizenship of Jews, surveillance of antisemitic movements, Jews and Zionists, as well as correspondence relating...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- French Forces of the Interrior (FFI) delegates in New York

    Women come and go through an office door marked "Delegation de la France Libre aux Etats Unis." A Cross of Lorraine (two-barred cross, symbol of the French resistance) is painted on the door. Interior shots of drawings hanging on the wall, also marked with two-barred crosses. Two men sit at a desk: the man behind the desk is Jacques de Sieyes, formerly Charles de Gaulle's representative in the United States and now "appointed to Syria" (according to the March of Time dope sheet). His companion is Mr. de Manziarly. The next scene shows the delegate R. de Roussy de Sales as he dictates to his...

  16. David Fränkel collection

    The David Fränkel consists of copies and scans of documents related to Rabbi David Fränkel, who was a rare books dealer specializing in Hebraica in Vienna. The documents relate to Fränkel's work building this collection, which was confiscated under the orders of Adolf Eichmann.

  17. Gorodecki and Gutgisser (Drozdowicz) families

    Papers consist of documents and photographs relating to the Gorodecki and Gutgisser (Drozdowicz) families in Warsaw, including a student ID issued to Cypa Gorodecki by the Warsaw University assigning her to sit in uneven numbered benches allotted to Jews c. 1934. In addition there is a note written in the Warsaw ghetto in spring of 1942 by Raja Minc Gutgisser to her mother Anna Minc who was on the "Aryan" side.

  18. Association of Immigrants from Germany (and Austria) - Association of Immigrants from Central Europe - "Aliya Hadasha Party", Tel-Aviv (J18)

    Contains records related to Jewish immigrants to Palestine (and later the State of Israel) from various countries in Central Europe, including Germany and Austria, starting from the immediate pre-war period. Includes correspondence and reports on various immigration-related and political issues, speeches by members of the Association, communication with various organizations, and protocols of the “new immigration” management center. Also includes the papers of Dr. Max Kreuzberger featuring correspondence regarding Jewish property restitution, war compensation and matters regarding immigrati...

  19. Antisemitic graffiti on Jewish shops

    Building sign for a university health clinic. Pedestrians walk past the opera house with an antisemitic sign "Judentum ist Verbrechertum, Stuermer Sondernummer" ["To be Jewish is to be criminal. Read the special edition of Der Stuermer."] with a caricature of Jewish man. More graffiti on Jewish-owned shops as pedestrians walk by, including a red-painted "Jude" with X's, stars of David, and profile caricatures.

  20. Arthur Fishman collection

    Photographs, photograph album pages, and a letter documenting Arthur Fishman’s experiences as a soldier in the United States Army visiting the Dachau concentration camp shortly after its liberation in April 1945. The photographs include depictions of corpses in the camp and the Dachau death train, survivors, German prisoners, and camp architecture. There are also photographs of a 3rd anniversary celebration of the 2829 Engineers “C” in Flintsbach, Germany, and of Arthur Fishman in uniform. The Dachau photographs include original photographs in the album pages and loose contemporary copy pri...