Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,721 to 9,740 of 58,959
  1. Rosenberg and Hitler

    "Ernennung Alfred Rosenbergs zum Reichsminister" Appointment of Alfred Rosenberg as Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories [Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete], territories which included nearly all the area seized by Germany from the USSR. Rosenberg and Hitler walk on the grounds of the Fuehrer's headquarters.

  2. United Jewish Craft Union in Warta, the Sieradz County Cech Zjednoczonych Rzemieślników Żydów w Warcie Powiatu Sieradzkiego (Sygn. 83)

    This collection contains 20 protocols and meeting minues of the United Jewish Craft Union in Warta, in Sieradz County in Poland.

  3. Illustration 6 from a handmade portfolio of illustrations by Herbert Heyne and Erich Kästner

    Book of illustrations sent by Herbert Heyne to Walter Furst. The book was a gift from Heyne to Furst and was written with Erich Kästner in 1945. It features color illustrations by Heyne and offers a comical and critical depiction of National Socialism and Nazi militarism.

  4. Rosenwald family papers

    The collection contains letters sent to Fritz Rosenwald (Fred) in the United States from his parents Karl and Johanna Rosenwald along with his sister Liesel Rosenwald in Köln, Germany from 1938-1941, prior to their deportation to Riga, Latvia. Along with a small amount of correspondence from others, there is also correspondence, affidavits, and other documents regarding Fred’s unsuccessful efforts to secure a United States visa for Liesel.

  5. Rabbi Samuel and Ella Freilich papers

    Consists of wartime and post-war photographs, documents, correspondence, and letters relating to Rabbi Samuel Freilich and his wife, Ella (Wieder) Freilich. The photographs depict Rabbi Freilich and his family in Prague and Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia after the war. Included in the documents and correspondence are identity paperwork; paperwork to establish Rabbi Freilich’s professional credentials; a handwritten notebook of testimony related to Holocaust experiences, written in 1945; emigration paperwork; restitution claims; correspondence with attorneys; and medical papers, which assisted...

  6. Selected records from the collection of the Bulgarian Exarchate (Fond 246K)

    Contains correspondence of the office of the Archbishop Vissarion of Lozengrad (Kırklareli) regarding the violent attacks against Jewish citizens of Lozengrad (Kırklareli) and Thrace,Turkey in June and July of 1934.

  7. Belgian couples tour Germany; "Jews not wanted here" sign

    The de Brouwers and their neighbors Joseph and Yvonne de Hemptinne, continue on a self-guided tour through Germany in July 1936. Map of Germany and a sketch of the Neiderwald statue in Rudesheim with the title "Visite a le Germania." Landscape and towns by the banks of the Rhine taken from a boat. 00:14:39 Yvonne, Denise, and Joseph pose and walk towards the camera. 00:14:50 CUs of the Neiderwald monument. Tourists at the monument overlooking the Rhine. 00:15:01 Sketch of two beer steins and the title "Ein Zweite Prosit." Joseph and Carl drink in a restaurant. Men play a guitar and an accor...

  8. Oral history interview with Judith Blau

  9. Illustration 1 from a handmade portfolio of illustrations by Herbert Heyne and Erich Kästner

    Book of illustrations sent by Herbert Heyne to Walter Furst. The book was a gift from Heyne to Furst and was written with Erich Kästner in 1945. It features color illustrations by Heyne and offers a comical and critical depiction of National Socialism and Nazi militarism.

  10. Frieder family with locals, greeting a boat, and preparing to depart Manila in 1936

    On the beach in the Philippines in Spring 1936. Sisters Edna and Louise Frieder play with local children and pass out candies. Younger sister Alice rides a horse. 01:04:52 Dark INT shots of people on a boat, then outdoors on deck where they (likely Frieder family relatives and Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria) wave and blow kisses to the camera. 01:05:45 CUs, guests on a ship. 01:05:47:11 - Corinne Rosenberg Frieder 01:05:49:12 - Louise Frieder 01:05:54 - Edna Frieder 01:05:56 The Frieders play with and feed monkeys in Ceylon. 01:06:29 CUs as friends and members of the Frieder famil...

  11. Alex Frieder tours factories and sights in Manila and the Far East in 1948

    Alex Frieder boards a Philippine Airlines airplane and poses with a flight attendant. He shakes hands with the pilot and others. Scenes of logging and manufacturing, presumably in Manila. Several men wave and pose for the camera by the factory and automobiles. 01:04:10 LS, a Filipino man climbs a tall palm tree. Boats on the water. 01:04:46 Alex and others stand inside a factory beside an enormous tree that has been felled. CUs, mechanics and machines at work. Alex shakes hands with locals. Scenes of the shoreline and people on boats, beautiful shots. Hotels on the harbor. "Bowline Knot / M...

  12. Selected records from the collection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion. Directorate for Religious Affairs (Fond 166K)

    Contains records related to the certification of the baptismal certificates issued to Jews in Bulgaria, includes correspondence with the hierarchy of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church regarding baptized Jews, etc.

  13. Eller family collection

    Two letters and one envelope from Leon "Melamet" (donor's paternal uncle, brother of donor's father Charles), Sabina (donor's paternal aunt, sister of Charles and Leon) is mentioned in the letters. Three photographs: one of Sabina and the other two are unknown. Marriage certificate: for Fritz and Dora Feiler (Charles's second wife/donor's step mother) issued in Vienna, Austria in 1938

  14. Hitler Youth visit Egypt and Japan

    Teil I. Missing titles at head. Hitler Youth (HJ) boys on boat, one looks through binoculars with ship captain. Boys exercise, perform calisthenics, and box in uniforms on deck. Swimming. Musical entertainment with guitar and accordion. 01:01:21 Boys in dress uniform visit a fountain on a plaza, probably in Rome, Italy. View overlooking city. The group visits ruins. 01:01:28 HJ boys in civilian dress walk past a pyramid in Egypt. Tourist views of the pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Giza. 01:02:19 Local military men guard ancient ruins. 01:02:40 Ancient temple. Men with fez hats ride on hor...

  15. Mendel and Marta Miller family papers

    Contains photographs, immigration documents, and identification certificates, related to the period when Mendel and Marta Miller lived in the Feldafing displaced persons camp, and their subsequent immigration to the United States. Also included correspondence relating to Marta Miller's restitution claims against the West German government from 1982.

  16. Nachum family papers

    Photographic album of family history; two (2) German passports illustrating travel to Shanghai; documents relating to the family's emigration. Identification documents, passports, and immigration documents, related to the emigration of Siegfried (later Fred) and Rosa Nachum, and their sone Uri (later Ronald) from Germany to the United States, via Shanghai, 1939-1947. Includes school records from Shanghai for Uri Nachum (1943-1946), U.S. naturalization certificates for each member of family, and photographs. Also includes records related to the family of Mozes Wrubel (also Wrobel) of Wilkes-...

  17. Records from the Archives of the Jewish Community of Volos, Greece

    The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence files of the Community Council as well as documentation related to the restitution of Jewish property after the Holocaust. Among the records are the minutes of the Community Council’s meetings; notes, memoranda, reports, correspondence with other Greek Jewish Communities, the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece, institutions inside and outside the country; financial documents: lists of expenses, invoices, acknowledgements of receipts of various costs covered by the Community; petitions to and correspondence with the Greek autho...

  18. Nazi propaganda film on eugenics

    Part of a Nazi educational film (propaganda) [Aufklaerungsfilm] produced by the Nazi Party's Rassenpolitische Amt [Office of Racial Policy] regarding "unheilbare Geistkranke" [the "incurably insane"]. German mental hospitals and its patients including Jews. Text discusses "causes" and possible "solutions." Uses intertitles and graphics to discuss genetics of idiocy, unfair burden German people must bear to pay costs, and danger of ever increasing numbers of mentally ill. Patients supposedly live in luxury while many "normal" hardworking Germans live in substandard conditions.

  19. Embroidered floral blouse made prewar by a Polish Jewish woman for her sister

    Halutzka or peasant blouse with embroidered flowers made by Shoshana Galicki Feizensztajn, about 16 years old, as a parting gift for her sister Chava when she left their hometown of Siedlce, Poland, for Palestine in 1933. Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland in September 1939. Siedlce was in Soviet controlled territory. In June 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. German forces occupied Siedlce, and set up a Jewish ghetto. In August, Shoshana, her husband Shalom, and their infant daughter were confined to the sealed ghetto. At some point, Shoshana was shot and killed by the G...

  20. Print

    Print from a set of eight reproductions of lithographed drawings by Gheorghe Ceglokoff depicting scenes he witnessed in 1941 while a political prisoner in the Romanian concentration camp Târgu Jiu in Transnistria.