Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,881 to 8,900 of 58,959
  1. The Mijaczów Steel Foundry and Machine Works "Baueretz Bros." Inc. Towarzystwo Mijaczowskich Odlewni Stali i Zakładów Mechanicznych Braci Bauertz SA (Sygn.597)

    This collection contains selected records of the Mijaczów Steel Foundry and Machine Works facility in Myszków, Poland. Included are the land layouts and machinery layouts, insurance documents, and official correspondence of the steel factory.

  2. City Government in Sarajevo. Office of management of Jewish Real Estate Gradsko poglavarstvo Sarajevo. Ured za uprvu źidovskim nekretninama (Fond UZN-13)

    The collection contains records concerning confiscation of Jewish properties in Sarajevo in 1942 in favor of Independent State of Croatia (NDH). The documents include information regarding the owners including their names, addresses and property description.

  3. Beach and farm in Palestine, 1934

    Low quality view of waterfront houses shot from a boat. Other ships in the water. On the shore, men and a young boy stare at the camera. 01:00:28 A man in a striped shirt jogs along the beach. Tel Aviv? Beach chairs and a beach shack that says the words “JUDAN AMITEL BEER”. A man wears a traditional Middle Eastern headdress on the beach and looks at the camera. 01:00:42 The man in the stripes walks behind him waves at the camera. Another man (Gessner?) asks a man on the beach for directions, indicated by their hand gestures. People lay in the sand. A fully-clothed man sits in a beach chair ...

  4. Paul Janish memoir

    Memoir written by Paul Janish (born Pawel Janiszewski), who survived the Warsaw ghetto. One of just three survivors of his large family, he hid on the Aryan side of Warsaw from September 21, 1942 until the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising in September 1944. Memoir consists of two notebooks, manuscript, written in 1978.

  5. Watman and Weissblum families photograph collection

    The collection consists of pre-war photographs depicting the extended Watman and Weissblum families in Opatów, Poland. Many of the photographs are annotated on the verso in Yiddish or English.

  6. Daniil Romanovsky collection

    Collection of testimonies of the Holocaust survivors and eyewitnesses recorded by historian Daniil Romanovsky and Mikhail Ryvkin in 1980-1990s in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.

  7. AFS ambulance drivers assist evacuation of survivors after the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

    Large group of German SS stand in front of barracks at Belsen. According to the American Field Service (AFS) records, these SS men were transported out of the camp in AFS ambulances. A British soldier in a brown uniform smoking gestures at the group of SS. Rotated view of camp grounds with lush green trees. Camera shifts to the correct position to show a memorial sign erected in May 1945, "This is the site of the infamous Belsen Concentration Camp liberated by the British on 15 April 1945." Pan, barbed wire fence and camp ruins. Entrance gate open to dirt road and camp grounds. Brief view o...

  8. Chana Ann Moszkowicz Wittenberg collection

    The collection primarily consists of post-war photographs related to Ann Wittenberg (born Chana Moszkowicz in Chrzanów, Poland) and others in the Landsberg displaced persons camp. Also included is a 1988 copy of her Polish birth certificate.

  9. Thanks to Scandinavia, Inc., records

    Consists of correspondence, publications, fundraising materials, and documents related to the organization "Thanks to Scandinavia," a scholarship fund for Scandinavian students. The fund was established to honor the people of Sweden and Denmark for their heroic actions during World War II. The documents are from the collection of Mr. S. Dell Scott, a member of the group, and cover the period 1965-1975.

  10. Sobel family papers

    The Sobel family papers consist of a journal, photographs, and subject files relating to Herman, Salomea, and Judyta’s pre-war and postwar experiences in Ukraine and Poland. The collection includes a journal kept by Herman for his daughter from 1925-1937 documenting his observations of his family’s life and his memory of fighting in World War I, an English translation of the journal, originals and copies of family photographs from World War I to 1967, a copy of a postwar letter, and a newspaper clipping relating to Herman’s participation in the discovery of one of the Ringelblum Archive mil...

  11. Martin Steinberger papers

    Consists of original and copies of documents and translations related to Martin Steinberger, originally of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Includes his educational documents, including training in woodwork at the trade school of the Jewish congregation, and, after his emigration, wartime employment recommendations for his work in England and Wales. Also includes a handwritten transcript of a 1996 interview with Mr. Steinberger.

  12. Departure of passenger ship Negbah with Jewish children

    At a seaport in Holland, the departure of a passenger ship, in 1948. On the ship's bow is written "Negbah" and Haifa" with corresponding Hebrew text. Flags of Israel held by passengers and on the vessel itself. Passengers climb aboard the ship along a gangplank. 00:31:14 Girl with long blonde braids, from behind, and her brother among other children. [The two kids were adopted by the Schaap family in Holland after the war. A Dutch family wanted to adopt them, but the courts ruled that the children should go to a Jewish family, so the Schaaps fled to Israel.] Ship departs dock.

  13. "If Not for Him..."

    Consists of one memoir entitled "If Not For Him..." written by Jakob Yovel (Volovelski, now Yaakov Yovel), originally of Pruzhani, Poland (now Belarus). The memoir, originally written in Hebrew in 1945-1946, when Mr. Yovel was a teenager, documents the friendship between Mr. Yovel and Kalman Grossman, their deportation, and their experiences together in the Auschwitz-Birkenau, Mauthausen, and Melk concentration camps. Includes photographs of the original Hebrew text as well as an English language translation of the same.

  14. Harold Geller collection

    Consists of the original ketubah for the marriage of Aron Gola, originally of Kielce, Poland, and Anna Czerkanska (alternatively Czarlonski), originally of Smargon, Poland, who married at the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp, Also includes the marriage registration document which was submitted to the Central Jewish Committee of Bergen-Belsen and a copy of a 2009 letter from the International Tracing Service providing information about the Holocaust experiences of the Golas. The ketubah dates the wedding as October 19, 1945, while the registration document lists is as February 19, 1946.

  15. Unzer Sztyme

    Announcement issued by the Central Jewish Committee, Bergen Belsen, of the Sharit HaPleitah in the British Zone; "Our Voice / Unzer Szytme" printed in top center; regarding collecting of photos to an album on the life and sorrows of Jews in ghettos, camps, and partisan units; in Yiddish and English.

  16. Lübschütz and Urman families papers

    The Lübschütz and Urman families papers consist of documents and correspondence of the Lübschütz and Urman families, formerly of Schönebeck, Germany and Vienna, Austria, and later of the United States. Included is a certificate awarding Julius Lübschütz the Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer (Honor Cross); a Kinderausweis (child identity document) issued to Jutta Lübschütz (later Judy Urman); a copy of a document issued by the Japanese Consulate-General permitting Jutta Lübschütz entry to Shanghai; a postwar postcard from the Red Cross informing the Lübschütz family that Ruth Lübschütz Nathan was ...

  17. Parakowski family collection

    Photographs, documents, and correspondence from before, during and after WWII relating to the experiences of Jadwiga Wolinska (b. October 6, 1919 in Blizyn) and her husband Bronislaw Parakowski (b. October 29, 1914 in Niedrzwica Duza), both Roman Catholics who were taken to Germany as forced laborers in Leipzig, she in the HASAG factory and he in the Mansfeld machine works. Bronislaw had previously been posted in Sarny as a member of the KOP (Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza [Border Defense Corps]), captured near Tarnów, taken to Łódź and then Stalag IV-G (Oschatz) and later Wilhelmsdorf Thuringia...

  18. Hannah Wolpert letter

    Consists of two envelopes and one letter written by Hannah Wolpert from Kelme, Lithuania, to cousins Jean and Sophia in New Jersey, describing life in Kelme in 1931. The letter is five pages long on two pieces of paper, and the donor recovered the letter from the attic of the Wolpert family home in Palisades Junction, NJ.

  19. Richard M. Cromack collection

    Consists of enlarged photographs of Hitler, Eva Braun, other Nazi leaders, personal friends, and relatives. The photographs, many of which were taken at the Berghof, are marked that they were part of the Chare collection, a group of photographs collected and annotated by the publication PM after the war. Also includes clippings of William Shirer's newspaper series, 'The Berlin Diary."