Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,961 to 8,980 of 58,959
  1. Schaap family life after the war

    At a farm, the Schaap, Naeije?, and other families line up with children in front of the camera. Riding bicycles, CUs. 00:17:33 A city home, address #32. Women and children exit the residence. Girl wears a jacket with a patch on the shoulder. Woman with fur jacket. Maurits Schaap? dressed in uniform with a yarmulke smokes and chats with a woman, man (brother Louis?), and his father, Salomon Schaap. Feeding chickens. 00:20:15 Street scenes from inside a moving car, flags of the Netherlands overhead. INTs, men in a study and on balcony, one snuggles with a toddler girl. 00:21:07 Two men in mi...

  2. Concentration camp inmate uniform jacket

    Jacket belonging to Chaim Smitskovitz from the Buchenwald concentration camp.

  3. Sąd Okręgowy w Piotrkowie. Wydział Zamiejscowy w Częstochowie (Sygn.722)

    Contains selection of various civil cases related to divorce, invalidation of marriage, indemnity and disability pension, eviction, rent, declaring a person deceased, rectification of registry act, granting rights for the poor, and the like. The files contain the petitions and verdicts of the court, and, in the cases concerning divorce, a certificate of rabbinate and a notary’s certificate in cases concerning the cancellation of a contract. Contains also documents made out as a result of operations of the court such as: summons, confirmation of receipts, and the like.

  4. Oral history interview with Rubin Minsky

  5. Eugene and Elizabeth Franklin collection

    Photographs, documents and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Eugen Friedmann (donor), born in Kravany, Czechoslovakia in 1921. Documents his family's pre-war life in Kravany, his forced labor in Slovakia, and eventual deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Dachau, and Muhldorf concentration camps in Poland and Germany. Includes a postwar identity card illustrating the experiences of Alzbeta Weiss (donor), born in Chust, Czechoslovakia [present day Ukraine] in 1929; card for the United Kingdom issued to Alzbeta, who survived multiple concentration camps including Auschwitz and Berge...

  6. Dr. Ilsen About collection

    Consists of eight photographs of members of the SS in Oświęcim, Poland, in September 1939 and in Leżajsk, Poland in October 1939. Captions are written on the verso.

  7. Max Levi memoir

    Consists of two photocopies of photographs and one copy of Max Levi's handwritten memoir, in German, with an English translation. The memoir details his experiences in Germany from April 30, 1933 until December 8, 1938, including the loss of his business and wealth; the family's experiences on Kristallnacht, when Max's business and apartment were destroyed and he was injured; and their arrival in New York on December 15, 1938.

  8. "From Hell to Home"

    Consists of one copy of a memoir, 143 pages, in Hebrew with English translation, entitled "From Hell to Home," written by Matisyahu Goldberg, originally of Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania. In the memoir, Mr. Goldberg describes his family, childhood and religious life in Lithuania; his involvement with the Irgun Zvi Leumi; life in the Kovno ghetto; forced labor in Kaišiadorys and in Kazlų Rūda. In 1944, he was forced to return to Kovno and deported from there to Dachau, arriving in July 1944. He was liberated by the American military while on a forced march from Dachau. After the war, he attempte...

  9. Nazi rally photographs

    Consists of a collection of black and white professional photographs taken at an unidentified Nazi rally (possibly more than one rally). Includes images of parades, ceremonies with speeches, a cookout, and laying memorial wreaths. Most of the images are dated in May 1937, and some of the participants came from Gelnhausen and the Rhön district, and the events may have taken place in Fulda.

  10. County Department in Rawa Mazowiecka Wydział Powiatowy w Rawie Mazowieckiej (Sygn.1076)

    Contains minutes of meetings related to the organization of public life after World War II in Rawa Mazowiecka. Includes documents about the selection of members of the City Council, the organization of libraries, schools and hospitals, the care of cemeteries, protection of farmers, livestock, the removal of unexploded munitions from the war, and the establishment of budgets and taxes.

  11. Schaap visits Palestine and returns to Holland

    Continued from Film ID 4101 when Maurits Schaap visited his brother Meijer in Palestine in December 1935. Maurits showed the films to the Jewish community of Rotterdam after he returned. Streets of Tel Aviv, recording signs and activities within the city. Title, "Autotocht naar HEBRON-DOODE ZEE en JERICHO". Visiting Jericho and the Dead Sea. 02:04:51 Man sits down for a haircut and a shave. 02:05:23 Reflection of cameraman Schaap in a mirror inside the barber shop. Architecture of an ancient amphitheater and the campus of a university. Lectures and people working in a laboratory. 02:12:23 T...

  12. Early Nazi Party parade in Nuremberg

    Crowds line the streets of Nuremberg waiting for the parade of SA troops to begin. Title in German. Camera films spectators on moving vehicle through the empty street. A title seems to mock the KPD by saying that they KPD would claim that the lanes in the street were very narrow, and that only a few curious people made up almost the entire crowd. SA men with packs and swastika flags marching on cobblestone. More German titles. Large crowds line the parade route. Several men in uniform near cars. German title indicates an enormous mass gathered on Saturday and Sunday for the NSDAP event. Dru...

  13. Central Office of Autonomous Orthodox Jewish Religious Communities Ústredná kancelária autonómnych ortodoxných židovských náboženských obcí /ŽNO

    Administrative and personal matters of the various orthodox Jewish communities in Slovakia created by the Central Office of Autonomous Orthodox Jewish Religious Communities. Includes letters, appeals, reports, telegrams, certificates, extracts from the register of marriages, death certificates, birth certificates, and other unsorted documents.

  14. Lloyd Adler photograph collection

    Photographic prints: black and white images which document the Nordhausen concentration camp after liberation; includes images of victims, reburial and forced confrontation of atrocities; some American soldiers visible in background of photos; inscribed on verso by Sgt. Lloyd Adler; dated April 1945.

  15. Ruth Salm Perlman collection

    Consists of materials related to the Holocaust experiences of Ruth Salm Perlman, including a 1942 postcard sent to her from her family in Germany, while she was living in Denmark; postcards from the family who had sheltered her in Denmark (Aage and Signe Davidsen), sent to her after her deportation to Theresienstadt; a typewritten memoir by Ruth Salm Perlman; a copy of a document from the Danish Red Cross, attesting to her arrest and interment during the war; and a post-war book with photographs, compiled by Aage Davidsen, and describing their wartime experiences. Also includes pre-war fami...

  16. Buchenwald liberation photographs

    Consists of three photographs taken after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp by an American soldier. The photographs include an image of newly liberated prisoners sitting on the ground, and two images of a pile of corpses.

  17. Hashomer Hatzair World Headquarters in Israel (RG-31) הנהגה עליונה ישראל

    Correspondence of the World Hashomer Hatzair Headquarter in Palestine (Eretz Israel) and in Israel, between 1930s and 1940s, with branches of the Hashomer Hatzair, reports on activities, documents on immigration (Alya), absorbtion of new immigrants, the kibbutz movement, Holocaust survivors in Cyprus detention camps, families' tracing after the WWII, guidelines for "Shlichim" (representatives) .

  18. Claude Zaidenband papers

    Collection of documents and photographs documenting the experiences of Claude Zaidenband and his family at home in Belgium and as refugees in France and Switzerland during the time period surrounding the Holocaust. Documents include a poem titled "Espoir!" by Claude’s brother Henri, dated January 1945, and a letter from an association of former Jewish partisans, dated 1950, presumably responding to a request from Claude’s father Natan that he be added to their membership. One 1945 family photograph bears a 1995 inscription on the back.

  19. Daniel Jacobson papers

    Letter, with envelope written by Sgt. Daniel Jacobson, of Baltimore, Maryland, while serving with the US Army's 179th Infantry, 45th Division in Munich, Germany, to his wife Julia Jacobson, 6 May 1945. The letter written on Hitler's personal stationery, describes the irony of being Jewish and using Hitler's stationery, and how he acquired it during a visit with other American soldiers to the ruins of Hitler's home in Berchtesgaden. He also describes a porcelain figurine that he took as a souvenir, and other impressions of Munich, where he was stationed at the time. Also included are three p...

  20. Aharon Cohen personal archives (RG-95-10) אהרון כהן – ארכיון אישי

    Personal archive of Aharon Cohen (1910-1980) contains reports and correspondence with representatives of Ha Shomer Hatzair Movement in Romania in 1937-1940, also includes the personal notebook related to his mission in Romania in 1947-1948.