Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,981 to 7,000 of 58,959
  1. Selected records of the Police Headquarters of the city of Łódź Komenda Policji Państwowej miasta Łodzi (Sygn.182) : Wybrane materialy

    Applications for a street trade permit, reports on community activities, Jewish and Polish political organizations, communist movements, and antisemitic actions. Includes also registers of ID cards issued by KPP.

  2. Das Kommando der Polnischen Polizei des Kreises Radom (Selected records) Komenda Policji Polskiej Powiatu Radomskiego (Sygn. 695)

    Administrative and personal files, reports about fire and assaults, summons, leading people avoiding the so-called Construction Service (Baudienst) and farmers, people wanted by the Employment Office (Arbeitsamt), operations ordered by German Police and reports about various incidents on the area of the Radom county. The materials constitute remnants of files of the Polish Police (the so-called “blue police”) county command in Radom (within the occupier’s boundaries, i.e. along with a territory of the entire pre-war Kozienice County). The files were excluded from the County Starosty (Kreish...

  3. Selected records of the World ORT Archive (WOA), London

    Records of the World ORT (formerly World ORT Union), its governing bodies and associate organizations world-wide. The archive include minutes of meetings, reports, correspondence, fund-raising and PR, research and development, administrative and financial records (1920s-1950s). Also included are pamphlets and bulletins from various countries; reports, correspondence, and photos of the Berlin ORT school transferred to Leeds (1939-1943), private papers of former students and teachers of ORT; as well as the Shapiro Collection: consisting of materials collected on ORT's history by the American ...

  4. Wasserman family photographs

    Contains three prewar photographs of members of the donor's family in Joniškėlis, Lithuania. Includes one photo dated December 1935 which bears the inscription "Grandma Muzla & Joselsons/All killed except Chaim - upper center." Photos are inscribed in English and Yiddish.

  5. Oral history interview with Fred Heyman

  6. Ernst Graf papers

    The collection documents the experiences of Ernst Graf, originally of Berlin, Germany, including his immigration to the United States in 1938, his training at Camp Ritchie, and service with the United States Army during World War II. Included are passports; birth, death, and marriage certificates, military records, and restitution paperwork.

  7. Kletsk photograph collection

    The collection consists of pre-war photographs depicting Jewish residents of Kletsk, Poland (Kletsk, Belarus).

  8. Bernard and Jadwiga Kornhauser collection

    Collection of documents, photographs and correspondence related to Bernard Kornhauser, b. June 7, 1909 in Kraków, Poland and Jadwiga Gaschge Kornhauser, b. February 3, 1926 in Jarosław, Poland. Bernard Kornhauser was forced into the Kraków ghetto in March 1941, and two years later, during the liquidation of the ghetto, he was transferred to the Płaszów concentration camp. In October 1944 he was transferred with a group of men on the so called “Schindler’s List” to Brünnlitz. He returned to Kraków and went back to his dental practice. He and Jadwiga married in 1947 and started to apply for a...

  9. Selected records of the Ministry of Justice in Warsaw Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości w Warszawie (Sygn.285)

    Selected records of the Polish Ministry of Justice, such as proposals, requests of the Minister of Justice concerning persons convicted of war crimes and political crimes, press releases and press clippings, accusations of war criminals, documents on pardons and extraordinary revisions, materials on the United Nations Commission on War Crimes and the Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland, includes materials on Kielce murder of 34 people of Jewish descent.

  10. Heimstatt AW photograph

    Contains a photograph, mounted on card stock, depicting barracks on the outskirts of an unidentified city, possibly Cologne, attributed to Elly Hirschberg. The sign at the entry gate reads, "Heimstatt AW."

  11. Selected records from State Archive Potenza

    Selected records concerning the discrimination and persecution of Jews in Italy in the community of Potenza, including a census of the Jews and records of the Police headquarters relating to citizens of Jewish origin.

  12. Selected records from Tauragė County Branch Archives in Lithuania related to restitution of the Jewish property after WWII

    Records of the various county agencies (the State Notary Office, County Executive Council, People's Court, etc., related to the restitution and inheritance of the individual and communal Jewish property located in Tauragė County, and civil criminal cases of the Peoples Court of Tauragė and Jurbarkas districts in Lithuania after World War II.

  13. Cederbaum family collection

    Contains a certificate identifying Ryszarda Cederbaum, born in Łódź on June 28, 1922 (donor’s mother), daughter of Maurycy or Moszek Cederbaum and Frymeta Wislicka Cederbaum; issued in Zamość; Dated: April 3, 1941 in Polish; Certificate; identifying Marianna Jasińska, false name of donor’s mother, who was employed by the Warsaw regional labor and social welfare office in Otwock, Poland; dated: February 12, 1945; in Polish; Permit; for the official name change of Bronisław Epsztajn, son of Stefan and Anna, born in Zamość, on March 4, 1923, to: Rałowiecki; this new last name conveys to his ...

  14. The Major boys on holiday; Carnival parade; University of Munich; beer garden

    “MARQUARTSTEIN.” Snow-covered castle in Bavaria. The American boys - Ralph (age 11) and John Major - in the doorway. They attended boarding school in Marquartstein. Sledding and skiing. “CARNIVAL” Carnival-goers, confetti. Young boys in costume march through the street. Many decorated floats, each introduced with a number on a sign. Some are animated with large paper mache moving parts. “Lufthansa” globe. Men in Native American outfits on horseback. “WAITING TO CLEAN UP. Men with brooms. “UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH” Triumphal arch in Munich. Cars pass the University of Munich where the American R...

  15. Max Borg correspondence

    Contains a letter, 3 pages, typed, addressed to Mr. Seder in Worcester, MA from Max Borg in Paris, France. In the letter, Mr. Borg thanks Mr. Seder for his kindness and asks for monthly food parcels. He goes on to write about his family's history, businesses in Danzig, finances, the fate of his family, his whereabouts and experiences during WWII

  16. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate General in New York Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Nowym Jorku (Sygn.493)

    Selected records of Polish Consulate General in New York, reports, correspondence, press clippings, notes, consular letters, and minutes related to minorities in Poland and in foreign countries, mainly Polish Jews in the US, activities of Jewish organizations and their contacts with the Polish authorities, protests in USA against the persecution of Jews in Germany and Poland, reports on persecution of Poles in Germany, a report of the Polish Consulate General in Chicago, 1940 related to cooperation between Polish and Jewish immigrants in the USA, protest of Jewish organizations against anti...

  17. Songs recorded in Henonville DP camp

    Spool 06. 22 min. Psychologist David Boder recorded interviews in displaced persons camps in France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy in 1946. His wire spool recordings were deposited at the Library of Congress and later transferred to tape in 1995. USHMM located this lost recording with songs of Henonville in 2017. "Songs of Henonville" was recorded in Henonville, France on September 13, 1946. Songs include: 1. "Dos yidishe lid" (The Jewish Song) by Anshel Schorr and Sholom Secunda (USA, 1926). Performed in Yiddish as "Golus-lid" (Exile Song) by Dzhuel [Joel] Prizant. 2. "Aheym" (Homeward). ...

  18. General Jewish Council. Selected records.

    Constitution, meeting agenda, press releases, statements, memoranda, and similar documents, from the General Jewish Council (New York, NY), relating to its efforts to raise public awareness of the threats of Nazism and antisemitism, and to mobilize individuals and organizations in the United States to combat antisemitism, 1938-1942. The documents, which were mimeographed copies that were distributed to member organizations, were collected and housed in one volume at the library of the American Jewish Congress at time of distribution, and were later withdrawn from that library. In addition t...

  19. Dachau Negatives

    Contains copy negatives of images showing the Dachau concentration camp shortly following liberation in 1945.

  20. Detroit Polish-American Union Committee to Fight Hitlerism Detroit Polsko-Amerykański Komitet do Walki z Hitleryzmem (Sygn. 360/7)

    A list of Polish people (including signed and handwritten entries for name, surname, address and the date of entry) issued by the Detroit Polish-American Union Committee to Fight Hitlerism, supporting the statement of the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt for assistance to states struggling with Hitler and Nazism. Entries are dated between August and September 1941 (approximately 208 pages)