Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,061 to 7,080 of 58,959
  1. Leopoldine and Hermann Rintel collection

    Two (2) Deutsches Reich Reisepass [passports] which had been issued in Vienna to Leopoldine Rintel on January 23, 1939 and her son Hermann “Israel” Rintel on August 9, 1940; Hermann’s passport is marked with a red “J”; both include visas and stamps from Spain and Portugal and immigration visa for the United States dated April 22, 1941.

  2. Municipal Office in Bardejov Mestský úrad v Bardejove

    Records pertaining to anti-Jewish regulations and decrees, the persecution of Jews, Jewish forced laborers, and the Aryanization of Jewish property in the town of Bardejov in Slovakia. Also includes lists of Jews and Roma, and statistical reports on the number of Roma living in and around Bardejov.

  3. Lichta family papers

    The collection documents the postwar experiences of Holocaust survivors Itzhak and Judith LIchta in several displaced persons camps. Included are photographs and an album from Föhrenwald, Reichenhall, Bergen Belsen, and likely Milbersthofen-Am-Hart displaced persons camps; pre-war photographs of Itzhak’s family in Falenica, Poland and Judith’s family in Oszmiana, Poland (present day Ashmyany, Belarus); pre-war membership cards for a sports club Itzhak belonged to; and a Zionist Organization of London Shekel receipt.

  4. Tile fragment

    Tile fragment with a partial image of a Star of David found by Valerie Wilpon on March 26, 2017, in the area of Warsaw where the Jewish ghetto was established in German occupied Poland during World War II.

  5. Foreigner Entry Management "First Class Passengers" : Immigration records Gestión de Ingreso de Extranjeros "Pasajeros de Primera Clase" : Expedientes Inmigracion

    801 applications for entry into Uruguay of Jews descent from Europe. The files consist of immigration applications and documentation filled out by family members (and in some cases companies) residing in Uruguay and sponsoring individuals seeking entry into Uruguay, including the names of the sponsored family member(s), their nationality and current address abroad, and other personal data. Also includes the persons' arrival date and ship information. Many of the applications feature the Uruguayan residency permit of the private sponsor, including portrait photographs of applicants. Note: Th...

  6. Hansi's first vacation (2 reels)

    FILM ID 4538: Teil I. Lizzy Film Produktion. Mitglied des Klubs der Kinoamateure Osterreichs. At a train station, men in uniform waving flags. The frame pulls back as if the filmmaker is on a train leaving the station. Image of a boat on the water being seen through binoculars. On a boat, Hansi is looking over the railing and waving to the camera. Hansi is joined by his Father. “Hansi’s erste Reise”. 01:01:31 “1931.” “I Teil." Hansi ist schon 2 1/2 jähre alt.” “Italien Sein Reisezeil" “Am Strand von Laurana” Homes by the large lake with mountains in the background. “Ausblick auf’s Meer” Foo...

  7. Expropriation files of the Regional Financial Directorate Munich Entziehungsakten der Oberfinanzdirektion München

    Expropriation files of the Regional Financial Directorate in Munich, Germany.

  8. Karpfen family papers

    The Karpfen family papers primarily consist of letters from the Karpfen family in Janczyn, Poland (now Ivanovka, Ukraine, near Peremyshlyany) to Jack and Ruth Karp in New York between 1927 and 1941. The letters emphasize the difficulties they experience in their small town; thank Jack for money orders, packages of clothing, and newspapers he sent; and request more money and newspapers. In his final letter, Jack’s father writes that his mother goes to sleep holding their granddaughter’s baby picture. The correspondence files also include letters from Ruth’s family, the Katzensteins. The coll...

  9. Prayer book

    Sukkot Mahzor, published in 1878, that belonged to Martha Bermann Loeb.

  10. Georg Guggenheim papers Nachlass Dr. iur. Georg Guggenheim (1897-1987)

    Private papers of Georg Guggenheim (1897-1987), a Jewish lawyer and active member of Jewish Community in Zürich. The collection consists of personal documents: passports, certificates, CV, condolences on the death of Georg Guggenheim, private correspondence, congratulations on birthdays; correspondence and other documents by his wife, Josi Guggenheim (1900 to 2005); official correspondence and documents on the Israelitischen Cultusgemeinde (ICZ), and Georg Guggenheim's presidency, 1917-1953, to become a member of the Central-Comité in the Business Committee, as well as the management of the...

  11. Schmelczer family collection

    Collection of correspondence, written between members of the Schmelczer family in the Strasshof concentration camp, as well as from family friends after liberation; dated 1944-1946; in Hungarian.

  12. Sztrumpf, Wajsberg, and Kaufman families papers

    The Sztrumpf, Wajsberg, and Kaufman families papers include wartime correspondence and pre-war and wartime report cards documenting the Janina Sztrumpf’s family from Kraków, who survived the Holocaust in Romania, and their Wajsberg and Kaufman relatives. The correspondence includes letters and postcards exchanged among relatives and friends including the Janina’s family in Romania; her grandparents Roza and Izydor Wajsberg in Tarnopol; Roza’s relatives Mikolaj Kaufman in Tel Aviv and Mery and Roman Schneider who had been evacuated to Teheran; Grzegorz Joffe in Warsaw; Sebastian Joffe in Lyo...

  13. Prayer book

    Sukkot Mahzor, published in 1877, that belonged to Martha Bermann Loeb.

  14. Prayer book

    German book about the Bible, published in 1921, which belonged to Martha Bermann Loeb. The book includes an insert (b) with notes and Psalm 126 written out.

  15. Izak and Rachel Herzhaft collection

    Contains photographs illustrating the experiences of Rachel Moskowitz, born in the small Carpathian town "Behutz" in Hungary/Czech area of Slovakia and Izak Herzhaft from Rutke, Poland (Galicia). Izak escaped and ended up in Budapest. Rachel moved to Budapest and both were on the Kasztner train in Bergen-Belsen then Switzerland, eventually moving to Palestine where they married.

  16. Berariu family papers

    Contains 15 archival documents, four postcards, and two identification cards related to the Holocaust-era experiences of the Berariu family.

  17. John Davis collection

    Contains photographs taken after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. Images show corpses of concentration camp inmates piled on the ground and in open trucks. Also pictured are bodies of German soldiers, possibly camp guards.

  18. "Aus dem Rechenschaftsbericht des W. Praesidenten in der geschlossenen Sitzung vom 16.10.1939."

    Printed report from the B'nai B'rith, Tel Aviv, titled "Aus dem Rechenschaftsbericht des W. Praesidenten in der geschlossenen Sitzung vom 16.10.1939."

  19. Imre Fleischman Faludi collection

    Contains documents and photographs relating to the donor's father, Imre Fleischmann Faludi, born on August 24, 1920 in Kesckemét, Hungary, the son of Zsigmund Fleischmann and Roza Schwimmer Fleischmann. Imre Fleischmann was conscripted by Hungarian authorities to serve as a train engineer in forced labor battalions. He was later transferred to the Bor concentration camp in Yugoslavia.

  20. "Old Glory is Their Flag Now"

    Copy print: black and white image of children standing outside in front of Grant’s Tomb in New York with American flag raised on flagpole in background; pasted on verso are captions in English and Yiddish, stamped “Photo by Al Puhn”; Caption titled “Old Glory is their flag now” identifying the children as “…survivors of Nazi concentration camps from the nearby Reception Shelter of United Service for New Americans at the Hotel Marseilles…”