Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 53,661 to 53,680 of 58,960
  1. Vught, Konzentrationslager Herzogenbusch

    aard van de archiefbestanddelen De deelcollectie bestaat uit documenten (of kopieën daarvan) uit de periode dat kamp Vught door de Duitsers als concentratiekamp in gebruik was (1943-1944). Voorts behoren naoorlogse correspondentie, processen-verbaal en verslagen tot de deelcollectie. Tenslotte zijn kaartmateriaal en enkele foto's aanwezig.

  2. Nederlands Auschwitz Comité

    aard van de archiefbestanddelen Het archief bestaat voornamelijk uit correspondentie en vergaderstukken. Daarnaast zijn er in het archief stukken te vinden over diverse reizen naar Polen en enige publicaties en krantenknipsels.

  3. Rosenbaum, M.

  4. Stichting Vriendenkring Nederlandse Afdeling van het Ghetto Fighters' House

    aard van de archiefbestanddelen Het archief bestaat voornamelijk uit brieven en verslagen. Het archief bevat tevens enige foto's, krantenknipsels en gedrukt materiaal

  5. Államvédelmi Központ Elnöki iratok, 1942–1944

    • Centre of State Security Presidential Records, 1942–1944

    The survived records of the Centre of State Security mostly contain investigative files, including the cases of corruption, bribery, embezzlement, fraud, falsification of documents, black marketeering, trafficking and other violations of economic laws. A significant part of the suspects of these cases were Jews trying to circumvent the regulations of the anti-Jewish laws, or to escape internment, ghettoization and deportation in 1944, as well as non-Jews who helped or cooperated with them. The Presidential Records also include letters of denunciation against Communists and Jews, including b...

  6. Államvédelmi Központ Bizalmas iratok, 1942–1944

    • Centre of State Security Classified Records, 1942–1944

    The survived records of the Centre of State Security mostly contain investigative files, including the cases of corruption, bribery, embezzlement, fraud, falsification of documents, black marketeering, trafficking and other violations of economic laws. A significant part of the suspects of these cases were Jews trying to circumvent the regulations of the anti-Jewish laws, or were trying to escape internment, ghettoization and deportation in 1944, as well as non-Jews who helped or cooperated with them. The classified (confidential) records of the Center mostly include the investigative files...

  7. Államvédelmi Központ Elnöki iratok, 1942–1944

    • Centre of State Security Presidential Records, 1942–1944

    The survived records of the Centre of State Security mostly contain investigative files, including the cases of corruption, bribery, embezzlement, fraud, falsification of documents, black marketeering, trafficking and other violations of economic laws. A significant part of the suspects of these cases were Jews trying to circumvent the regulations of the anti-Jewish laws, or to escape internment, ghettoization and deportation in 1944, as well as non-Jews who helped or cooperated with them. The Presidential Records also include letters of denunciation against Communists and Jews, including b...

  8. Államvédelmi Központ Általános iratok, 1942–1944

    • Centre of State Security General Records, 1942–1944

    The survived records of the Centre of State Security mostly contain investigative files, including the cases of corruption, bribery, embezzlement, fraud, falsification of documents, black marketeering, trafficking and other violations of economic laws. A significant part of the suspects of these cases were Jews trying to circumvent the regulations of the anti-Jewish laws, or were trying to escape internment, ghettoization and deportation in 1944, as well as non-Jews who helped or cooperated with them. Besides, the general records of the Center contain plenty of information about the large s...

  9. Εκθέσεις φορολογικού ελέγχου επιχειρήσεων

    • Reports of tax audit on companies
    • Ektheseis forologikou elegchou epixeiriseon

    During the German occupation (1941-1944) the Greek authorities conducted a tax audit on Jewish companies in Thessaloniki.

  10. Ελληνικός Ερυθρός Σταυρός

    • Greek Red Cross
    • Ellinikos Erythros Stavros

    Food distribution to the Jewish Community and other Salonikan Jewish institutions (Saul Modiano Residential Home, Allatini Orphanage, Jewish Mental Hospital) in 1942-1943.

  11. Külföldieket Ellenőrző Országos Központi Hatóság, Általános iratok, 1931-1944

    • Records of the Central National Authority for Controlling Foreigners, General Records, 1931-1944

    KEOKH records are relevant for the study of anti-Semitic radicalization and the Holocaust in Hungary for two chief reasons: it typically suspected foreigners and its reports on the raid it held tend to list the number of Jews concerned and expelled. In certain cases, so called Ostjuden are mentioned separately in these reports. Second, in 1941, KEOKH initiated and implemented the deportation of Jews from Hungary who could not prove their citizenship to newly occupied Galicia. This Hungarian anti-Jewish action eventually led to the first Nazi mass murder with over 10 000 victims. The collect...

  12. Külföldieket Ellenőrző Országos Központi Hatóság Reservált iratok 1933-1944

    • Records of the National Central Authority for Controlling Foreigners Classified Records, 1933-1944

    KEOKH records are relevant for the study of anti-Semitic radicalization and the Holocaust in Hungary for two chief reasons: it typically suspected foreigners and its reports on the raid it held tend to list the number of Jews concerned and expelled. In certain cases, so called Ostjuden are mentioned separately in these reports. Second, in 1941, KEOKH initiated and implemented the deportation of Jews from Hungary who could not prove their citizenship to newly occupied Galicia. This Hungarian anti-Jewish action eventually led to the first Nazi mass murder with over 10 000 victims. The collect...

  13. Külföldieket Ellenőrző Országos Központi Hatóság Elnöki iratok, 1936-1944

    • Records of the Central National Authority for Controlling Foreigners Presidential Records, 1936-1944

    KEOKH records are relevant for the study of anti-Semitic radicalization and the Holocaust in Hungary for two chief reasons: it typically suspected foreigners and its reports on the raid it held tend to list the number of Jews concerned and expelled. In certain cases, so called Ostjuden are mentioned separately in these reports. Second, in 1941, KEOKH initiated and implemented the deportation of Jews from Hungary who could not prove their citizenship to newly occupied Galicia. This Hungarian anti-Jewish action eventually led to the first Nazi mass murder with over 10 000 victims. The collect...

  14. Αρχείο της Ισραηλιτικής Κοινότητας Καβάλας

    • Archeio tis Israilitikis Koinotitas Kavalas
    • Archives of the Jewish Community of Kavala

    Registry Books, Minute books, Correspondence with the Greek authorities, the Central Jewish Board in Athens, the American Joint Distribution Committee and other Jewish Organizations.

  15. Αρχείο Γερμανικής Στρατιωτικής Διοικήσεως Κρήτης

    • Archive of the German Military Administration in Crete
    • Archeio Germanikis Stratiotikis Dioikiseos Kritis

    It consists of material relevant to the German administration in Crete, the correspondence with the local civil authorities. It also includes the list of the Jews deported by the Nazis in 1944.

  16. Προσωπικό Αρχείο του Εσδρά Μωυσή

    • Personal Archives of Esdras Moisis
    • Prosopiko Archeio tou Esdra Moisi

    Contains Esdras Moissis’s personal archives, which include various records, correspondence, and publications related to the history of the Jewish community of Larissa.

  17. Αρχείο Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου Δωσιλόγων Αθηνών

    • Archive of the Special Court of Collaborators in Athens
    • Archeio Eidikou Dikastiriou Dosilogon Athinon

    Decisions against Greek collaborators during the German Occupation (1941-1944).

  18. Αρχείο του Πρωτοδικείου Αθηνών-Αποφάσεις Προέδρου Πρωτοδικών "Ναζιστικές Αποφάσεις"

    • Archive of the Court of First Instance in Athens-Decisions of the Court's President , "Decisions on Nazi-crimes"
    • Archeio tou Protodikeiou Athinon-Apofaseis Proedrou Protodikon "Nazistikes Apofaseis"

    Applications, proceedings, decisions according to the Law 4781/1961 "Agreement between Greece and Germany on the compensation of individuals who suffered damages from National-socialism".