Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 53,701 to 53,720 of 58,960
  1. Palestinos žydų fondams - Pamatinio Palestinos fondo (Karen Hajesod) ir Žydų tautinio fondo (Karen Kajemet Lejisroel) - remti draugija

    • Associciation for Support of Jewish Palestine (Karen Hayesod), Lithuanian Branch, 1920‒1940

    "This collection consists of records and correspondence files with local branches of the Karen Hayesod across Lithuania from 1920 to 1940, concerning the registration of local organizations and fundraising activities for the Jewish settlements in Palestine before World War II. The collection also includes minute meetings; correspondence with Zionist organizations worldwide, local banks, and Lithuanian government authorities; bylaws; donor lists; cashier books; and financial reports" (From: USHMM finding aid).

  2. Vilniaus vaivadijos valdyba

    • Wileński Urząd Wojewódzki
    • The Board of Vilnius Provice (Poland)

    Various documents related to the administration of the region with 8 districts and Vilnius town (orders and reports, lists of the residents, lists of the staff members, applications of the residents to get personal documents, documents according cultural, social, and religion life, documents of the communities and ect). Files with personal documents of residents of Vilnius and surrounding areas (a significant number of the Jewish residents included were killed in Paneriai (Ponary) ).

  3. Trakų apskrities viršininko fondas

    • Chief of Trakai County

    The collection of the chief of Trakai (Troki) county contains important documents concerning activities of the Jewish community and Jewish organizations before the Second World War. There are also documents about establishing ghettos in the district, confiscation of Jewish private property, and annihilation of Jews in the province of Lithuania.

  4. Lietuvos žydų sporto ir gimnastikos sąjungos „Makabi“ skyriai

    • Lithuanian Jewish Sports and Gymnastics Organization Maccabi

    Documents of the activities of Maccabi organizations in towns of Šiauliai (Shavl) and Žagarė (Zhager) (activities, various events, competitions, lists of teachers and students, correspondence, courses for teachers, financial and annual reports, circulars of the Board of Organization; lists of readers in the library, lists of members of organization, personal cards, etc.).

  5. Vilniaus miesto ir vaivadijos žydų nekilnojamo turto savininkų sąjunga

    • Związek wlaścicieli nieruchomości żydów miasta Wilna i województwa Wileńskiego
    • Records of the Association of Real Estate Owners in Vilnius and Vilnius province

    Documents concerning activities of the Association of Real Estate Owners (documentation of the Board, lists of members, meeting protocols, petitions and memoranda; various agreements (between owners and tenants, between sellers and buyers; applications of owners to renovate their houses, to obtain credits, to reduces tax payments, etc.).

  6. Dokumentų kopijų kolekcija

    • Collection of Document Copies
    • Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
    • F. 1742
    • English, Lithuanian
    • 1916-1947
    • 2 subfonds and 47 files. Parts of the documents are handwritten. Some files are microfilmed and some consist of photographs, maps, drawings.

    USHMM: "material on resistance and rescue in Lithuania". Copies of documents concerning the annihilation of Jews in town of Vilnius and region, Nazi propaganda, anti-Nazi movement, position of the Catholic Church during WWII; documentation and correspondence between embassies (interwar period); copies of agreements between USSR and Germany; documentation regarding diplomatic relations; copies (microfilmed) of the monographs and studies by M. Jaloveckis "Lenkijos sodybos. Kaimo sodybų architektūra ir statiniai" ("Dwor Polski. Architekci į budowniczowie siedzib wiejskich") and "Lenkijos Respu...

  7. Kauno miesto žydų tikybinės bendruomenės taryba

    • Council of the Jewish Religious Community of Kaunas

    This collection consists of records of the Council of the Kaunas Jewish community in Lithuania. It reflects different aspects of the activities of the Jewish community of Kaunas during the interwar period and the beginning of the Second World War. Items include correspondence between the Jewish communities of the district; metrics and registration books of the Jewish communities of Gargždai, Ylakiai, Jurbarkas, Kėdainiai, Kybartai, Krekenava, and Plungė; documentation concerning education, social welfare, charity, financial activities, protocols of meetings of the community members, documen...

  8. Iš Vokietijos gautų dokumentų kolekcija

    • Captured German Records Returned by the USSR to Lithuania in 1953

    Includes: Polizeipraesident zu Berlin, Polizeidirektion Tilsit, SS Totenkofp Sturmbahn Konzentrationslager Lublin, SS und Polizei fuehrer Ausbildungslager Travniki, RSHA Gestapo Berlin, Heeresgruppenkommando I, Gestapo Stapostelle Zichenau, etc. USHMM: "Information collected by the German security services regarding the local population, the Red Army, Communists, anti-German movements in the Baltic, and "deserters" [Lithuanian Central State Archives, Fonds 1173/1, 2, 4, and 7; 2000." Files of: prisoners of war, prisoners and guards of concentration camps, policemen of the Lithuanian Auxilia...

  9. Lietuvos žydų visuomeninės organizacijos

    • Jewish Trade Unions and Other Associations in Lithuania

    Documents deal with the activities of: Jewish society "Švietimas ir darbas" (Engl. Education&Work) in Alytus; Central workers 'cooperation of the production (Lith. Centralinis darbininkų gaminamasis kooperatyvas "Kūjis") "Hammer"; "ORT" in Lithuania; "Kultur Lyga" in Kaunas; Kaunas employees union (for all staff members of the industrial and trade companies); Trade union of the craftsmen of clothes, bedding and hats; Lithuanian Jews craftsmen society; Lithuanian Jews craftsmen society Telšiai (Telsh) department; Lithuanian Jewish teachers society "Hamore"; Telšiai (Telsh) Jewish craftsm...

  10. Varėnoje sušaudytų žydų šeimų sąrašas

    • List of Jews Killed in Varėna

    The list was compiled by survivor David Jeršanski’s daughter-in-law Rina Jeršansky-Dubrovič (her father was from Kaunas); it includes surnames of 49 Jewish families (149 persons). These people were from the small towns of Perloja and Nedzingė. The list was given to the Holocaust Exhibition on 6 June 2001 by Rina Jeršansky-Dubrovič.

  11. Atrinkti duomenys iš Lietuvos ypatingojo archyvo. F. V-5

    • Selected Records from the Lithuanian Special Archives. Fonds V-5

    There are 66 pages of the 24 files for the Jews exiled to Siberia on June 14-18, 1941 (these include arrest orders and extracts from the protocols). There are also copies of applications from relatives to release a person from exile (1944-1946). 1. File 20857. Jeršanskis Ruvimas (from Varėna town). 3 pages. 2. File 36640. Mirkinas Hiršas, Mirkinienė Rocha (from Širvintos town). 4 pages. 3. File 33925. Čarnyj Maksim (from Kaunas city). 3 pages. 4. File 24372. Marijampolskis Jakovas (from Pasvalys town). 4 pages. 5. File 36317. Gadje Josifas, Gadje Roza, Gadje Rachil (from Kėdainiai town). 7 ...

  12. Lietuvoje sušaudytų žydų sąrašas

    • List of Jews Killed in Lithuania
    • Vilniaus Gaono žydų istorijos muziejus
    • HE-Sušaudytųjų sąrašai
    • English
    • 1941-1944
    • The copies are from the Lithuanian Central State Archives, Lithuanian Special Archives, and the Wrublewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. The lists are for the cities and towns of Valkininkai, Kupiškis, Pasvalys, Šilalė, Kaltinėnai, Plungė, and Jurbarkas. 200 paper copies in total. Partially handwritten.

    The copies of the lists of Jews killed in Lithuania from July 1941 to July 1944 compiled by Extraordinary Commissions or local residents. Names, surnames, and sometimes victims’ addresses are noted.

  13. Atrinkti duomenys iš Štutthofo muziejaus archyvo. I-11B-10

    • Selected Records from the Archive of the Stutthof Museum. I-11B-10

    List of 957 Kaunas Jews transported to Stutthof concentration camp (17 July 1944). Lists of 1095 Kaunas Jews women and children transported to Stutthof concentration camp (19 July 1944). List of 1321 Kaunas Jews transported to Stutthof concentration camp (25 July 1944). List of 1683 Lithuanian Jews transported to Stutthof concentration camp (26 July 1944). List of 793 Kaunas Jews (mostly women) transported to Stutthof concentration camp (4 August 1944). List of 1001 Jews (mostly from Lithuania) transported from Stutthof concentration camp to Natzweiler concentration camp (29 September 1944)...

  14. Atrinkti duomenys iš Tsentralnyj Archiv Ministerstva Oborony Rossijskoj Federatsiji

    • Selected Records from the Tsentralnyj Archiv Ministerstva Oborony Rossijskoj Federatsiji
    • Selected Records from the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
    • Atrinkti duomenys iš Rusijos Federacijos Centrinio Gynybos ministerijos archyvo
    • Vilniaus Gaono žydų istorijos muziejus
    • HE-Podolsk
    • English
    • 130 pages of the paper copies from the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (in the town of Podolsk). The copies were brought to the museum in 1995 by a visitor of the museum. The copies are with the stamp of the archives only, without any references except number of description.

    The copies of the documents (numbers of the description: 288278, 288287, 288289, 288290, 288291, 288292, 288339, 288340, 288344, 288390, 288787, 288790, 288792,289462, 353266, 353267) consist of the information (name, surname, father's name, date and place of birth, military rank, date and place of death, place of burial) for 277 Lithuanian Jews who were soldiers in the Soviet Red Army's 16th Lithuanian Division and were killed in 1943-1944 in battles with the Nazis.

  15. Dalis išaiškintų Plungės miesto žydų sušaudytų 1941-1944 m. sąrašas

    • Partial Clarified List of the Jews from Plungė Killed in 1941-1944

    The list was compiled by the Jewish folk -artist Jakovas Bunka from Plungė. The list mentions 605 Jewish names. The copies of the original document were given to the Holocaust exhibition on December 6, 1996 by Jakovas Bunka.

  16. Atrinkti duomenys iš Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo (LCVA. Fondas R)

    • Selected Records from the Lithuanian State Central Archives (LCVA. Fonds R)
    • Vilniaus Gaono žydų istorijos muziejus
    • HE-LCVA
    • English
    • 1941
    • 5 paper copies (9 pages) of the documents from the Lithuanian State Central Archives (LCVA), fonds R-756, subfonds 1, file 1. 48 scans of the documents from the Lithuanian State Central Archives (LCVA), fonds R-1390, subfonds 1, file 173.

    5 paper copies (9 pages) from the Lithuanian State Central Archives (LCVA), fonds R-756, subfonds 1, file 1: Various proclamations which appeal to fight the Jews; decrees and anti-Jewish propaganda; the project of the program of the Lithuanian Activist Front (one of the chapters declares: "Lithuanian Activist Front revokes hospitality to the Jewish ethnic minority in Lithuania") by the Liberation propaganda headquarters in Lithuania and the Information bureau of Lithuania in Berlin. Proclamation by the liberation propaganda headquarters in Lithuania to fight against the "Jewish constitution...

  17. Kupiškyje sušaudytų žydų sąrašas

    • List of Jews Killed in Kupiškis

    The list of Kupiškis Jews killed on June-July 1941 was compiled by a local doctor, Stefanija Glemžaitė, in 1946. The list includes 800 names in total.

  18. Atrinkti duomenys iš Eesti Riigi Archiiv

    • Selected Records from the Eesti Riigi Archiiv
    • Selected Records from the Estonian State Archives

    1943-1944. Register lists of the prisoners (forced labourers; also register of sick prisoners); alphabetical collection of personal cards of Jewish prisoners' (from Vilnius and Kaunas ghettos); the cards of prisoners who tried to escape and were shot. Documentation of the Extraordinary Soviet Commission (microfilms). 1944.

  19. Josifo Levinsono kopijų kolekcija sudaryta atrinktų baudžiamųjų bylų pagrindu (LYA. F. K-1. Ap. 58.)

    • Collection of Josif Levinson Based on the Selected Records from the Files of Criminal Proceeding from LYA. Fonds K-1. Subfonds 58.
    • Vilniaus Gaono žydų istorijos muziejus
    • HE-58-LEVINSON
    • English
    • 1945-1990
    • Around 2 500 pages of the copies from 816 files from the Lithuanian Special Archives (LYA) fonds K-1, subfonds 58.

    Copies concerning the mass killings of Jews and collaboration with Nazis in 89 towns of Lithuania (some copies concerning crimes in Latvia (Ryga), Byelorussia, Ukraine). There is also data on 140 persons who were involved in mass killings of Jews.

  20. Atrinkti dokumentai iš Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių bibliotekos Rankraščių skyriaus

    • Selected Records from the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences – Manuscripts Department

    Documents of the State Commissions (subcommission of the Extraordinary Soviet Commission) for investigating Nazis crimes (mass killing sites) established in the main towns in Lithuania. Statements compiled by the State Commissions have been based on the reports collected from the different municipalities of Lithuania.