Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 51,321 to 51,340 of 58,959
  1. Javni ured rada Sarajevo

    • Public Office for Work Sarajevo

    Information about situation of Jewish and other employees in the Independent State of Croatia.

  2. Papo Laura - Bohoreta

    The fond contains original manuscripts and related documents of Laura Papo - Bohoreta. The Archive of Sarajevo considers this fond one of its most important and relevant collections among those of families/public figures, since Laura Papo was one of key figures in Sephardic community of Bosnia and Herzegovina. She died in 1942, and lost members of her family due to Holocaust.

  3. Gradska uprava narodnih dobara Sarajevo

    • City's bureau for public goods Sarajevo

    Contains information about Jewish property whose owners perished during the Holocaust.

  4. Rimokatolička škola Gornji Dolac

    • Catholic School Gornji Dolac
  5. Zbirka Antona Pelića

    • Private collection of Anton Pelić
    • Kantonalni arhiv Travnik
    • BiH‐KAT/FZAP
    • English
    • 1884-1975
    • 385 postcards, photographs, 60 varied related documents

    The collection contains postcards of Travnik, Jajce and other towns, as well as photographs presenting either Jews or Jewish-owned houses or businesses. It also includes various documents collected by the creator, listed as "Varia".

  6. Zbirka projekata, skica i karata

    • Collection of designs, sketches and maps

    The collection was formed in the Archive by combining posters, designs, sketches and maps (including those of Jewish properties) from the period 1884‐1952.

  7. Radnički pokret: zbirka fotografija

    • Worker's movement: photo collection

    Systematic gathering of photos for the Museum collection as primary museum documents began with the foundation of the Museum in 1947. The collection of photographs has been created by systematic gathering: Gifts, purchase, storage, exchange with other institutions and collectors (such as the EU Commission on War Crimes, individuals, associations of veterans of World War II, military organizations and some brigades, participants in the National Struggle for Liberation and their descendants , as well as gifts and exchanges with museum institutions in Zagreb, Belgrade, and Novi Sad. The Museum...

  8. Ustaška nadzorna služba

    • Ustasha Surveillance Service

    The complete structure of the Ustasha Surveillance Service, the most powerful police establishment of the Independent Croatian state (during World War II), can be found in the collection and these materials have been used as basic source material for numerous scientific papers, doctorates, and publications of local and foreign researchers. Contains records of activities of the Ustasha Surveillance Service regional office in Sarajevo, with documentation regarding fight against Partisans and Serbian (Chetniks) resistance, daily and weekly intelligence reports about the political situation in ...

  9. Industrijska škola Tuzla

    • School for Industry and Crafts Tuzla

    The fond contains general documentation about employees of the school, reports, statistical reports about students, orders for different equipment, class books, financial and exam records, etc. The school had significant number of Jewish students and can provide information about them, but it also had important sponsorship and suppliers in local Jewish companies/stores.

  10. Prefettura di Mantova

    • Mantua Prefecture

    The fonds contains documents of the Mantua Prefecture, deposited in the Mantua State Archive in different moments. It also keeps documents from other corporate bodies, such as "Imperial regia delegazione provinciale", "Congregazione municipale" and "Regio commissariato".

  11. Questura di Mantova

    • Mantua police-headquarters

    This fonds contains mainly personal files of anybody that was considered a “subversive person” by the Italian Government since the end of the XIX century: first of all, republicans, anarchists, socialists; then, anti-fascist in general and, after World War II, fascists and anarchists.

  12. Fototeka

    • Zbirka fotografija Arhiva TK
    • Photography collection

    Photo collection contains 3557 photographs in total, thematically related to Tuzla and surrounding area (northeastern Bosnia). Relevant photos include those of the synagogue in Tuzla (demolished in 1941, never renewed), Jewish shops in town, etc.

  13. Dokumente und Quellen anderer Archive. Deutsche Archive. International Tracking Service (ITS), Bad Arolsen

    Die Sammlung enthält v.a.: Korrespondenz, Befehle, Verfügungen, Anweisungen, Schutzhaftbefehle, allgemeine Anordnungen, Sitzungsberichte von Organisationen der ehemaligen Gefangenen, Bestandesrapporte, Stärkemeldungen, Häftlingslisten, Listen Befreiter, Listen verstorbener Häftlinge, Zugangslisten, Transportlisten, Unterlagen des Häftlingskrankenhauses, Unterlagen betr. Arbeitseinsatz, Todesbücher, Unterlagen betr. Kassenanweisungen, Sozialversicherungsangelegenheiten, Blockbücher, Veränderungsmeldungen, „Operationsbuch“, Totenlisten, Friedhoflisten, Repatriierungslisten, Nachkriegsberichte...

  14. Nederlandse Beheersinstituut (NBI): Beheersdossiers Ned. Beheersinstituut / Beheersdossiers

    • Nationaal archief
    • J25552
    • Dutch
    • 1929-1967
    • 182581 inventarisnummers 2689,10 meter ;

    Het Nederlandse Beheersinstittuut was na de Tweede Wereldoorlog belast met beheer van vorderingen, vijandelijke vermogens en ontbonden [gelijkgeschakelde en nationaal-socialistische] instellingen. Daarnaast trof het NBI voorzieningen i.v.m. bewindvoering voor rechtsrpersonen en afwezigen (veelal niet-teruggekeerde joden). Tenslotte was het belast met de uitvoering van verbeurdverklaringen. Dit archief van het Nederlandse Beheersinstittuut bestaat uit de bij het NBI gedeponeerde archieven ("bijzondere beheren") en de beheersdossiers (alfabetisch op naam van de eigenaar). De documenten in het...

  15. Državno ravnateljstvo za gospodarsku ponovu

    • DGRP
    • State Agency for Economical Renewal, branch office Sarajevo

    Contains decrees issued by the State Treasury of the Independent State of Croatia regarding the confiscation of Jewish property in Sarajevo. Also included are correspondence regarding the confiscation of Jewish property, appeals by local Jews, and inspection of confiscated shops, stores and other property.

  16. Velika župa Vrhbosna

    Records of Velika župa Vrhbosna (Independent State of Croatia's region governed from Sarajevo), 1941 - 1945.

  17. Razglednice, fotografije i foto-kopije

    • Collection of postcards, photographs and photocopies

    Collection of postcards, photographs and photocopies was created by selecting these type of items from different fonds during their processing. Also, significant number of items in the collection was obtained via purchases or as gifts from individuals, organizations or institutions. Collection includes 22 series. The series from no. 10 to 18 contain photos and copies of records about war crimes committed by German, Italian and Hungarian occupation forces 1941-1945, and crimes of collaborators (Chetniks, Ustashas). Also, series no 16 to 18 contain propaganda materials (posters, cards, leafle...

  18. Documents and orders

    related to forced labor of Jews between the ages 20 to 40 outside their residence. Lists of mobilization and distribution of the Jews from various districts and of their working destinations. Age limit is increased to 19 to 41.

  19. Declarations

    of active officers regarding military officers who were or are presently members of freemason loges. Result: all officers denied as being a freemason. NB. Numerous pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

  20. Internal security during legionary rebellion.

    Orders for protection of power and water stations, public institutions and military installations and barracks against the rebellious legionnaires. Military operations following the rebellion.