Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 51,301 to 51,320 of 58,959
  1. Chiffered symbols and signatures.

    Measures are indicated to maintain secrecy as required; real names not to be used in telecommunications. Lists of signatures for telegraphic and telephonic communications. Lists for the symbols of various Units and Services.

  2. Propaganda, Counter-propaganda, Intelligence, Censorship

    Organization of mobile control groups. The legionnaire activity. Detailed reports on cases of false identity, insubordination, legionnaire propaganda, defiant behavior of the German minority, chauvinist movement among the Hungarian population; various individual cases, and measures taken. New rules and regulations for political activity. A German poem defamatory for Romania is shown by a drunk German soldier. Complaints about the disdainful behavior of the German military toward the Romanian “comrades in arms”. Several facts were verified and confirmed as true. A revival of the political pa...

  3. Misc. - territory - etapes.

    Instructions for organizing the secretarial service. Territorial distribution of military commands in Transnistria.

  4. Jewish forced labor

    Jewish forced labor brigades: diggers, forced labor, field work 1942/1943. Organization of means of transportation: equipment and personnel. Reorganization of the military guards.

  5. Plan

    of operations and maps regarding measures to protect main objectives against parachutists and partisans.

  6. Documents related to the activity of partisans

    Text of first Ordinance to be distributed after crossing the Dniester. The German Kommandatur advises the General Staff in re of listening to foreign radio transmissions. Brochure on Soviet parachutists and partisans. Complaints by Romanian Military in re of attitude of German troops towards civilian population. A number of Ordinances issued for the civilian population. Activity of Censoring Services. Information regarding minorities: Ukrainians, poles etc. NB. A number of pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

  7. Protection

    against parachutists, airborne troops and partisans.

  8. Reports

    Reports related to the rebellion and its aftermath. 21.I - 24.II. 1941. Manifest legionnaire signed by Viorel Trifa (NB.later orthodox bishop in Detroit) requesting expulsion of “judaized” ministers from the Romanian government.

  9. Orders

    with regard to measures taken to warrant internal peace and security. Lists of military units in charge of guarding main objectives.

  10. Bezirks- bzw. Landratsamt Bergzabern

    Staatsrechtliche Gegenstände: Grenzen. Landkreis- und Gemeindeverwaltung: Gemeindegrenzänderungen, Bürgermeister und Gemeinderat, Gemeindebedienstete, Gemeindearchive. Rechtspflege; judenfeindliche Maßnahmen. Brandversicherung. Ausländer- und Vereinspolizei, Meldewesen, Bevölkerungsstatistik. Orden und Ehrenzeichen. Militär, Krieg und Kriegsfolgen, Besatzungsangelegenheiten, Freimachung und Wiederaufbau in der "Roten Zone", Kirchen- und Schulwesen. Natur- und Landschaftsschutz. Fürsorge. Gesundheitswesen. Bau- und Wohnungswesen. Straßen- und Brückenbau. Wasserbau und Wasserrecht. Landwirtsc...

  11. Regierung der Pfalz, Kammer des Innern und der Finanzen

    Staatsrechtliche Gegenstände: Königliches Haus, Landesgrenzen, Auseinandersetzungen mit Nachbarstaaten, Wahlen. Verwaltung und Organisation: Regierung, Regierungsgebäude, Landrat der Pfalz, Aktenextraditionen, Archivwesen, Beamte, Personalsachen, Ernährungsreferat, Statistik.- Bezirksämter, Distriktsgemeinden und -räte, Kommunalverbände.- Städte und Gemeinden (Gemarkungsgrenzen, Gemeindewesen [auch Rechtsstreitigkeiten], Gründung von Ludwigshafen). Justizverwaltung: Gerichte (auch Gebäude), Gefängnisse (auch Gebäude), Notariate. Polizei und öffentliche Sicherheit: Paßwesen, Vereine, öffentl...

  12. Verwaltungsgerichte Neustadt und Mainz

    Verwaltungsakten, Prozeßregister, Prozeßakten

  13. Staatsarchiv/Landesarchiv Speyer

    Verwaltung der Dienststelle. Aufgabenwahrnehmung: Aktenübernahme und Erschließung, Benutzung, Archivpflege, Archivtechnik, Wissenschaftsorganisation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Benutzerakten.

  14. Regierung der Pfalz, Präsidium, Personalakten

    Personalakten von Regierungsbediensteten der Kammern des Innern, der Finanzen und der Forsten, auch nachgeordneter Behörden, vereinzelt auch von Pfarrern, Schulinspektoren, Lehrern, Juristen und Ärzten.

  15. Bezirksregierung Rheinhessen, Personalakten


  16. Prefettura di Napoli, Gabinetto, secondo versamento

    • Naples Police Headquarters, Cabinet, Second Accrual

    Records are related to Jewish refugees, discrimination as a result of racial laws, census of Jews (1938-1943), mixed marriages and marriages to foreigners, and personal files of Jews from the Police Headquarters in Naples. It also contains records about the National Liberation Committee of Naples (Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale di Napoli); 2. Headquarter of Naples, Cabinet, cat. A4a, Jewish Citizens (Questura di Napoli, Gabinetto, cat. A4a, Cittadini di razza ebraica); Naples Police Headquarters, Cabinet, Grand Provisions (Questura di Napoli, Gabinetto, Disposizioni di massima).

  17. Riznično upraviteljstvo - Odsjek za državnu imovinu i zemljišni katastar Sarajevo

    • State Treasury - Department for state property and land cadastre Sarajevo

    Property information 1941-1945 regarding 3 provinces of the Independent State of Croatia that were located in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  18. Sudbeni stol Sarajevo

    • The Court Table of Sarajevo
    • Court of Sarajevo

    Judicial documentation of Sarajevo's court 1941-1945.

  19. Državno zastupništvo Sarajevo

    • State Legal Representation Office of Sarajevo
    • Arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine
    • DZS
    • English
    • 1941-1945
    • 20 books, plus about 12 meters of additional, unsorted documentation (in folders)

    Formed on 2nd of July 1941. state representative's Office gave legal advice and opinions regarding property law of legal entities under management of the state and its different branches. It's operation ended on 23rd of April 1945.