Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,521 to 3,540 of 58,959
  1. Documentation of the International Refugee Organization (IRO) in the Netherlands, 1947-1953

    Documentation of the International Refugee Organization (IRO) in the Netherlands, 1947-1953 Stichting Vijfhonderd joodse kinderen (Fund for 500 Jewish Children): 500 Jewish children, who were displaced persons, were brought to the Netherlands from the camps in Eastern Europe and given refuge in the De Biezen home in Barneveld; Included in the collection: Documents related to the Stichting Vijfhonderd Joodse kinderen fund, for the rescue of 500 Jewish children.

  2. Documentation of the Ratsherrenkanzlei (Municipal Council members) office in Hamburg, on subjects related to Jews

    Documentation of the Ratsherrenkanzlei (Municipal Council members) office in Hamburg, on subjects related to Jews Included in the Collection, among other materials, are files regarding the purchase of Jewish owned buildings during 1938-1944.

  3. Documentation of the Landratsamt (District authority) of the Wittgenstein district in Berleburg, Westphalia

    Documentation of the Landratsamt (District authority) of the Wittgenstein district in Berleburg, Westphalia

  4. Decisions regarding the Todeserklaerungen (Declaration of Death) of Jewish victims, given in the Amtsgericht (Magistrates Court) in Hamm (Westphalia)

    Decisions regarding the Todeserklaerungen (Declaration of Death) of Jewish victims, given in the Amtsgericht (Magistrates Court) in Hamm (Westphalia) In the Collection are files including applications to Courts of Law in Westphalia for the recognition of death of local Jews who were deported to the East by the Nazis, and for whom no official Declaration of Death had been given. These applications (requests) were submitted in most part by the relatives of those who had perished, [and] who requested to receive claims for compensation from Germany. The files include the applications including ...

  5. Documentation of the Senatskommssion fuer die Kunstpflege (Senate Committee for Religious Unions' Matters) in Hamburg, 1927-1933

    Documentation of the Senatskommssion fuer die Kunstpflege (Senate Committee for Religious Unions' Matters) in Hamburg, 1927-1933 The sub-record Collection includes two files: one deals with the transfer of a section of the Jewish cemetery in Rentzelstraße for the needs of the city, and the other file deals with the boycott of the Jewish businesses in 1933.

  6. Pinsk City Council documentation, 1936-1939

    Pinsk City Council documentation, 1936-1939 Applications submitted to the Pinsk City Council by residents, among them Jewish residents, regarding property, 1938-1939; lists of members of the City Council, 1938-1939; lists of residents of Pinsk with a note of their addresses in order for them to receive food cards, 1939; list of pupils, 1938-1939; budget of the Jewish hospital in Pinsk, 1938.

  7. Collection of the Buitengewone Raad van Advies - Special Council for Consultation to the Dutch Government in Exile, 1942-1944

    Collection of the Buitengewone Raad van Advies - Special Council for Consultation to the Dutch Government in Exile, 1942-1944 Included in the collection: Reports prepared by the Dutch Government in Exile in London during 1942-1944, including data regarding the persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands during 1940-1943; the reports were prepared by H. Dontz for the Regeerings Commissaris voor Repatrieering in 1944; included in the reports are details of the measures taken against the Jews in the Netherlands by the Germans from July 1940 until September 1943; details regarding the procedures...

  8. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Radun, 1940-1941

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 13250979
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1940-1941
    • Letter List of candidates List of Communists List of elections committee members List of judges List of residents List of workers Protocol Reports Survey report

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Radun, 1940-1941 The Collection includes protocols from District Committee meetings; lists of Communists and officials; documentation regarding elections to local Party positions; various status reports and statistical reports that were sent to the Communist Party's Regional Committee; letter from the Communist Party Secretary regarding the meetings held by Jews in Radun.

  9. Documentation from the Finanzamt Eschwege

    Documentation from the Finanzamt Eschwege

  10. Documentation of the Court of Law in Przemyśl (first proceedings), 1945-1946

    Documentation of the Court of Law in Przemyśl (first proceedings), 1945-1946 Included in the collection are appeals by relatives of Jews who perished during the war period, submitted to the Court of Law in Przemyśl (first proceedings) during 1945-1946, in order to receive declarations of death.

  11. Documentation of the Reichschatzmeister (State Finance Minister) of the Nazi Party, 1934-1944

    Documentation of the Reichschatzmeister (State Finance Minister) of the Nazi Party, 1934-1944 The Office of the Reichschatzmeister (State Finance Minister) of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP-Nazi Party) was derived from the Finance Committee of the National Socialist German Workers Union whose Treasurer since 1925, Franz Xaver Schwartz, also became the head of that office. The Office was given its final legal structure on 29 March 1935, through the Verordnung zur Durchfuehrung des Gesetzes zur Sicherung der Einheit von Partei und Staat (Ordinance on Enforcement of the Law...

  12. Documentation of the District Commissioner in Pärnu, 1941 - 1944

  13. Documentation of the municipal administration of Bobruysk, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the municipal administration of Bobruysk, 1941-1944 Included in the documentation: Directives from the municipal administration of Bobruysk; a census; obtaining winter clothes from the population; appointment of municipal workers; an inspection of the movements among the population in the city; organization of the work in the kolkhozes; municipal sanitation; directives from the Generalkommissar of Belorussia and the Kommandatur; directives from the Generalkommissar of Belorussia and the Kommandatur of Bobruysk including: draft of workers for labor in Germany; establishment ...

  14. Documentation of the Communist Party Committee in the Molotovskiy neighborhood in Belostok, 1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party Committee in the Molotovskiy neighborhood in Belostok, 1941 The Collection includes documentation from the first conference of the Communist Party in Belostok, that took place on 10-11 April 1941, including lists of the Communists who attended the conference and questionnaires of candidates; protocols from the committee meetings.

  15. Documentation from the Marks-Haindorf-Stiftung Jewish Teachers School and Seminary in Muenster

    Documentation from the Marks-Haindorf-Stiftung Jewish Teachers School and Seminary in Muenster

  16. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Shchuchin, 1939-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Shchuchin, 1939-1941 The Collection includes protocols from Party meetings; lists and personal documentation of members of the Elections Committee; lists of candidates and of Party members.

  17. Documentation of the Magistrat Bergedorf (Bergedorf Suburb Municipality) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Magistrat Bergedorf (Bergedorf Suburb Municipality) in Hamburg

  18. Documentation of the local government authorities in the Dnipropetrovsk region, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the local government authorities in the Dnipropetrovsk region, 1941-1942 Included in the collection: - Decision by the Dnipropetrovsk municipality regarding the function and the composition of the Judenrat; - Orders by the commander of the Security Service in Dnipropetrovsk, regarding the Security Police in Dnipropetrovsk and the registration of dangerous groups; - Orders given to the heads of villages in the region regarding the selection of sites for the establishment of ghettos if required, 17/04/1942; - Orders by the head of the Apostolovo district to the head of the vi...

  19. Documentation of the Romanian branch of the Auslandorganisation (Foreign Organization) of the Nazi Party, from the Osoby Archive in Moscow

    Documentation of the Romanian branch of the Auslandorganisation (Foreign Organization) of the Nazi Party, from the Osoby Archive in Moscow