Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,541 to 3,560 of 58,959
  1. Documentation of the Reich Food Producers Organization (Reichsnaehrstand) and of the leader of the Reich Farmers, Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reich Food Producers Organization (Reichsnaehrstand) and of the leader of the Reich Farmers, Germany, 1933-1945 Reich Food Producers Organization was the umbrella organization of the farmers and vendors of agricultural produce in Germany, established after the rise of the Nazis to power, 1933, and united within it a number of umbrella organizations that preceded it. The organization had a hierarchical structure and was headed by Richard Walther Darre, who received the title of Reich Farmers' Leader (Reichsbauernfuehrer). Under Darre's leadership, the organization was th...

  2. Files from the Reichskanzlei (Reich Office) in Germany

    Files from the Reichskanzlei (Reich Office) in Germany

  3. Collection of the Van Leer Stichting (Van Leer Institute) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1941-1959

    Collection of the Van Leer Stichting (Van Leer Institute) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1941-1959 The Van Leer Stichting (Van Leer Institute) was established in 1941 following anti-Jewish legislation in the Netherlands; financing of the institute came from the dissolution of the factory of B. van Leer, a Jewish industrialist who emigrated from the Netherlands to the United States; the anti-Jewish legislation, whose implementation in the Netherlands was appointed to H. A. Rauter, isolated the Jews from the cultural life in the Netherlands as of 15/09/1941; the Van Leer Institute provided a ...

  4. Documentation of the Gestapa (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt-Secret State Police Office), 1932-1939

    Documentation of the Gestapa (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt-Secret State Police Office) [predecessor of the Gestapo], 1932-1939 The documentation includes files from the Gestapa headquarters and files from the Gestapo headquarters from 1939 (prior to the establishment of the Reich Security Head Office ([RSHA]), when it was called by the double name Geheimes Staatspolizei and Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt, Some of the files contain police materials from the period before the Nazi rise to power and the establishment of the Gestapa; these materials were later handled by the Gestapa.

  5. Documentation of the Weltorganisation gegen Rassenhass und Menchennot (World Organization Against Racial Hate and Human Distress) in Vienna, 1936-1938

    Documentation of the Weltorganisation gegen Rassenhass und Menchennot (World Organization Against Racial Hate and Human Distress) in Vienna, 1936-1938 The organization, which was intended first and foremostly to fight against antisemitic and Nazi propaganda in Austria, was established and led by Irene Harand, and in some of the letters it is simply called "Harand-Bewegung" (the Harand Movement). The organization published the periodical "Gerechtigkeit" (Justice). In the collection there is correspondence between the organization and its members regarding the periodical, as well as newspaper...

  6. Documentation of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg), which was responsible for the confiscation of Jewish works of art

    Documentation of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg), which was responsible for the confiscation of Jewish works of art Documentation of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce, a body established in September 1940, following the occupation of France. Its function was to plunder works of art that were owned by Jews who had left France. Alfred Rosenberg, the Chief Nazi Party ideologist was placed at its head. The Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce was assisted by the French Police and by the German occupation forces in its activities. Later, the Taskforce are...

  7. Documentation of the Reich Student Leadership-National Socialist German Students' League (Reichsstudentenfuehrung-Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund), Germany, 1927-1944

    Documentation of the Reich Student Leadership-National Socialist German Students' League (Reichsstudentenfuehrung-Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund), Germany, 1927-1944 The National Socialist Students' League was established, in 1926, as a branch of the Nazi Party. It obtained great support among the students, and won the leadership of the National Students Union in Germany, in 1931, increasing in power with the rise of the Nazis to power, and in May 1933, it organized a public book burning campaign which opposed "the German spirit"; in October 1935, the union became the only ...

  8. Documentation created by the Romanian government and the Romanian Army, photocopied from the Osoby Archives in Moscow

    Documentation created by the Romanian government and the Romanian Army, photocopied from the Osoby Archives in Moscow

  9. Documentation from Gutschow, Architekt f.d. Neugestaltung d. Hansestadt Hamburg und Amt f. Kriegswichtigen Einsatz (the architect for the redesign of the city and the Important War Activities office) in Hamburg

    Documentation from Gutschow, Architekt f.d. Neugestaltung d. Hansestadt Hamburg und Amt f. Kriegswichtigen Einsatz (the architect for the redesign of the city and the Important War Activities office) in Hamburg File A96, frames 76-94; File A107, frames

  10. Collection Reichskommissar für die besetzten niederländischen Gebiete, 1940-1944

    Collection of the Deutsche Theater in den Niederlanden, regarding theater and opera presentations in the Netherlands, June-August 1944 The theater was subjugated to the Reichskommissar; Dr. W. Nufer administered the German theater in the Netherlands with the help of Dr. J. Bergfeld, the head of the culture department of the Generalkommissar zur besonderen Verwendung; Included in the collection: Correspondence by Nufer with various people, regarding theater and opera presentations in the Netherlands, June-August 1944.

  11. Documentation from the police and gendarmerie administration in the Baranowitschi district, 1941-1944

    Documentation from the police and gendarmerie administration in the Baranowitschi district, 1941-1944

  12. Documentation of the Gauwirtschaftsberater (Economic Affairs Advisor) of the NSDAP-Gauleitung Westfalen-Sued

    Documentation of the Gauwirtschaftsberater (Economic Affairs Advisor) of the NSDAP-Gauleitung Westfalen-Sued

  13. Documentation of the "Aсhdus" Jewish Educational Society in Pärnu, 1919 - 1940

  14. Personal documents of Jews, from the Stadtarchiv Muenchen (Munich)

    Personal documents of Jews, from the Stadtarchiv Muenchen (Munich) In the Collection: Three reels from the Bestand Volkskarteikarten - Card file with personal details (reels 31171-31173); Three reels from the Bestand Kennkarten-Doppel, including identity cards of Jews (reels 31170 and 31174-31175) An additional reel with Kennkarten (Identity cards), not attributed to a record group in the Archive (reel 31168); Two reels from the Bestand Kennkarten Antraege, including requests to receive identity cards (reels 31167 and 31169); One reel with Fremdenpaesse - Passports for foreign residents (re...

  15. Collection of the Binnenlands Bestuur - Ministry of the Interior of the Netherlands, Local Authorities Department, 1924-1944

    Collection of the Binnenlands Bestuur - Ministry of the Interior of the Netherlands, Local Authorities Department, 1924-1944 Binnenlands Bestuur - Ministry of the Interior of the Netherlands, Local Authorities Department, was responsible for the administration of matters related to the regions, municipalities, and needy persons, Armwezen. The local Police, firefighters and air defense forces were subordinate to it and were transferred to the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice during the Nazi occupation period. A general draft of the Dutch Army was declared in June 1939. Binnenlands B...

  16. Documentation of Bielaruskaya Krayovaya Abarona (BKA-National Belorussian Defense Headquarters) in Minsk, 1944

    Documentation of Bielaruskaya Krayovaya Abarona (BKA-National Belorussian Defense Headquarters) in Minsk, 1944

  17. Documentation of the Main Office for Educators and of the Reich Administration of the National Socialist Teachers League (Hauptamt fuer Erzieher/National-Sozialistische Lehrerbund-NSLB), Germany, 1932-1942

    Documentation of the Main Office for Educators and of the Reich Administration of the National Socialist Teachers League (Hauptamt fuer Erzieher/National-Sozialistische Lehrerbund-NSLB), Germany, 1932-1942 Hauptamt fuer Erzieher was a department in the NSDAP National Leadership while the NSLB was an organization under Party auspices, but not officially part of it; In 1934, the Nazi authorities began to integrate all the teachers into the NSLB by, among others, disbanding the other teachers' organizations (including academic ones) and integrating them into the NSLB. By late 1935, approximate...

  18. Documentation of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in Riga, regarding the organization's members and donors, 1921-1940

    Documentation of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in Riga, regarding the organization's members and donors, 1921-1940 Including in the collection are personal records of members of the JNF, arranged in alphabetical order according to the Latvian alphabet; lists of donors to the JNF who gave donations in memory of their parents who are buried in the large cemetery or in the municipal cemetery in Riga; lists of members, and questionnaires; lists of people who paid membership dues.

  19. Documentation of the Reichswirtschaftsministerium (Reich Ministry of Economy), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reichswirtschaftsministerium (Reich Ministry of Economy), Germany, 1933-1945

  20. M.41.GABr - Documentation from the State Archive of the Brest Region

    M.41.GABr - Documentation from the State Archive of the Brest Region History of the State Archive of the Brest Region: The State Archive of the Brest Region was created on 11 February 1940 as part of the system of the People's Commissariat for Interior Matters. The Archive stores the documentation of the Polish state institutions and organizations that were active in the Polesie region during 1919-1939 (and which were annulled by the Soviets during the same period), including also the documentation of the military authorities, the social and political organizations and associations, and sta...