Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,481 to 3,500 of 58,959
  1. Reports regarding salaries received by workers in the Jewish education system in Latvia, 1920-1940

    Reports regarding salaries received by workers in the Jewish education system in Latvia, 1920-1940

  2. Documentation regarding the Jewish community in Athens, Greece

    Documentation regarding the Jewish community in Athens, Greece Included in the collection are community registration documents; regulations of the Jewish community of Athens; regulations of the community's Rabbinical Court, minutes of Rabbinical Court sessions, Rabbinical Court decisions, marriage contracts and divorces filed at the Rabbinical Court, and related documents; financial documentation of the Jewish community of Athens, as well as documentation regarding religious education at Jewish community schools and the teaching of Judaism at Jewish secular schools; Also included in the col...

  3. Documentation of the Educational-Industrial Corporation next to the Minsk City Governor's office, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the Educational-Industrial Corporation next to the Minsk City Governor's office, 1941-1942 The Collection includes documentation regarding Jewish laborers who were taken out of the Minsk Ghetto; documentation of the Labor Bureau regarding the allocation of food for the Jewish laborers; documentation of workers' training institutions regarding the dismissal of Jewish workers; list of Jews from the Minsk Ghetto who did forced labor in 1942; lists of forced laborers and craftsmen, 1942; list of residents who worked in a sewing workshop; documentation of the Employment Bureau, ...

  4. Documentation of the Stanislawow branch of the emigration syndicate, 1930-1939

    Documentation of the Stanislawow branch of the emigration syndicate, 1930-1939 Included in the collection are applications for emigration outside the country.

  5. Documentation of the prison in Bobruysk, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the prison in Bobruysk, 1942-1943 Included in the collection: - List of inmates and detainees in the prison; - Instructions of the Kommandantur.

  6. Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Berufliche Schulen (State and private vocational schools) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Berufliche Schulen (State and private vocational schools) in Hamburg The Collection is comprised of sub-record groups that deal with specific schools. Included in the material, among others, are lists of pupils and matriculation certificates of boys and girls who were pupils in certain schools. Included are the sub-record groups: - 362-4/7 - Handelsschule Holzdamm 1934-1940, - 362-4/9 - Handels- und Berufsschule Harburg 1895-1982.

  7. Documentation from the Magistrates Court in Ellwangen, Wurttemberg, 1933-1941

    Documentation from the Magistrates Court in Ellwangen, Wurttemberg, 1933-1941 Included in the Collection is a variety of legal files, most of them related to Jews: trials between Jews or Jewish businesses and their Christian neighbors in Ellwangen and villages in the surrounding area, regarding financial matters or damages, and trials held by the Nazi State against Jews accused of various charges. The Collection also includes files not related to Jews, such as trials against priests and informings against priests.

  8. Documentation of the Staatliche Pressestelle (State Press Office) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Staatliche Pressestelle (State Press Office) in Hamburg

  9. Documentation of the Stadtkommandantur (municipal military headquarters) in Kharkov, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the Stadtkommandantur (municipal military headquarters) in Kharkov, 1941-1943

  10. Testimonies and memoirs of Jews who resided in Belorussia, regarding the war period

    Testimonies and memoirs of Jews who resided in Belorussia, regarding the war period Included in the collection are testimonies and memoirs of Jews regarding the underground activities, and regarding their experiences in the ranks of the partisans, and testimonies regarding the Minsk Ghetto.

  11. Documentation from the Senatsverwaltung fuer Gesundheit in Berlin, 1922-1967

    Documentation from the Senatsverwaltung fuer Gesundheit in Berlin, 1922-1967 The Senatsverwaltung fuer Gesundheit office was established in Berlin in 1951 and was dissolved in 1967; nevertheless, Record Group of this organization in the Landesarchiv Berlin was included with archival materials from the Weimar Republic period (including also material from the 19th century) that are related to this subject. The Yad Vashem collection has files from the "Gesundheitswesen in der NS-Zeit" Sub-Record Group (Acc. 1641), that includes material regarding medical treatment in the Jewish population, and...

  12. List of occupants who resided in Sumy, arranged according to streets, 1941-1943

    List of occupants who resided in Sumy, arranged according to streets, 1941-1943

  13. Files of the Vormundschaftswesen (Associations Registry) of the Amtsgericht (Magistrates Court) in Hamburg

    Files of the Vormundschaftswesen (Associations Registry) of the Amtsgericht (Magistrates Court) in Hamburg Included in the Collection are files of Jewish associations, including the Kulturbund and the Zionist Association.

  14. Documentation of the Jewish community in Knihynicze, 1935-1938

    Documentation of the Jewish community in Knihynicze, 1935-1938 Included in the collection are plans for the community budget for 1935-1938.

  15. Documentation of the People's Education Commissariat in Belorussia, 1923-1926

    Documentation of the People's Education Commissariat in Belorussia, 1923-1926 The Collection includes a protocol from a meeting of the Cherikov Municipality; statistical report of the makeup of the population in the Cherikov District, 1925-1926; documentation regarding the Jewish orphanage in Cherikov.

  16. Documentation of the German rule in Grodno, 1941-1942

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 13242665
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1942
    • Appeal to the authorities Approval Correspondence Instruction List of craftspeople List of forced laborers List of Jewish residents List of workers Official documentation Questionnaire

    Documentation of the German rule in Grodno, 1941-1942 The Collection includes an appeal by the Jewish community to the municipal administration asking to install a sewer system in the main synagogue; an appeal by the person in charge of the Polish cemetery to the municipal administration regarding the payment of salaries to Jewish workers; permit granted by the mayor of Grodno to have a worker enter the ghetto for repair work; correspondence of the municipal administration with the Municipal Governor (Stadtkommissar-City Commissioner) regarding the confiscation of the Jewish bathhouse and i...

  17. Documentation of the administration of the Lwow region, regarding Jewish organizations, 1930s

    Documentation of the administration of the Lwow region, regarding Jewish organizations, 1930s

  18. M.35: Documentation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAF) in the Soviet Union

    M.35: Documentation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAF) in the Soviet Union Established at the height of World War II, the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (EAK - Yevreyskiy antifashistskiy komitet) was a Soviet Jewish organization set up in order to provide assistance to the Soviet Union in its war against Nazi Germany. Headed by the actor and theatrical director Solomon (Shloyme) Mikhoels as Committee Chairman and Shakhne Epshteyn, the newspaperman, as Secretary, the Committee was established at the initiative of the Soviet Secret Police in Samara in 1942. The purpose of the Committee...

  19. Documentation of the German Security Services and Police in Kiev, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the German Security Services and Police in Kiev, 1942-1943 Included in the collection is documentation of the Ordnungsdienst (Order Services), including: - Orders and instructions regarding the transfer of residents to forced labor; - List of members of the German Gendarmerie headquarters in Kiev; - Orders, instructions and official correspondence of the Kommando der Schutzpolizei (Security Police Commando), the SS units and the Gendarmerie; - Orders given by the Reichskommissariat (Reich commissioner) in Ukraine to the SS and local German Police commanders, regarding the s...

  20. Documentation from the Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Saarlouis (Public Prosecutor's Office in Saarlouis), 1928-1938

    Documentation from the Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Saarlouis (Public Prosecutor's Office in Saarlouis), 1928-1938 The documentation that was copied for Yad Vashem includes details regarding Jewish jurists, trials against Jews, Jewish prisoners, anti-Jewish legislation in the Saar region, examinations of the Aryan origin of workers in the legal system, proceedings against Germans accused of friendly relationships with Jews, attacks on Jews and on Jewish property, and Jewish businesses that were in contact with the judicial system; The documentation was copied for Yad Vashem in 2012.