Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,601 to 3,620 of 58,959
  1. Files of Jewish businesses, from the Devisenstelle (Foreign Currency Department) of the Oberfinanzdirektion Nürnberg

    Files of Jewish businesses, from the Devisenstelle (Foreign Currency Department) of the Oberfinanzdirektion Nürnberg

  2. Documentation of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce, which was responsible for the confiscation of artworks in the occupied areas), from the Osoby Archive in Moscow

    Documentation of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce, which was responsible for the confiscation of artworks in the occupied areas), from the Osoby Archive in Moscow

  3. Decisions regarding the Todeserklaerungen (Declaration of Death) of Jewish victims, given in the Amtsgericht (Magistrates Court) in Soest (Westphalia)

    Decisions regarding the Todeserklaerungen (Declaration of Death) of Jewish victims, given in the Amtsgericht (Magistrates Court) in Soest (Westphalia) In the Collection are files including applications to Courts of Law in Westphalia for the recognition of death of local Jews who were deported to the East by the Nazis, and for whom no official Declaration of Death had been given. These applications (requests) were submitted in most part by the relatives of those who had perished, [and] who requested to receive claims for compensation from Germany. The files include the applications including...

  4. M.41.GAVt - Documentation of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region

    M.41.GAVt - Documentation of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region The State Archives of the Vitebsk Region was established in 1919. In 1927, documents pertaining to the region were transferred there from the State Archive of Belorussia. In 1947, the documentation from the period prior to the Revolution, which had been in the Regional Archive of Vitebsk, was transferred to the State Historical Archive in Mogilev. In 1992, the documentation in the Regional Archive of the Communist Party in Belorussia was transferred to the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region. In the Collection there is S...

  5. Documentation of the headquarters of the Border Guard in Horodenka, 1938-1939

    Documentation of the headquarters of the Border Guard in Horodenka, 1938-1939 Included in the collection are reports by the supervisor over the regional Border Guard in Horodenka, regarding the security situation and the events that occurred at the border.

  6. Documentation of the regional Court of Law in Lwow, 1928

    Documentation of the regional Court of Law in Lwow, 1928 Included in the collection is a survey report prepared by the Police commander of the Lwow region and the director of the investigation department of the attorney's office in Lwow, regarding the activities of Roman Sushko and the Ukrainskaya voyennaya organizatsiya - UVO (Ukrainian Military Organization) against the State.

  7. Documentation of various banks in Estonia, 1885 - 1944

  8. Documentation of various district administrations in the Mogilev region, 1941-1943

    Documentation of various district administrations in the Mogilev region, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Documentation of various district administrations in the Mogilev region; - Instructions of the Kommandantur.

  9. Documentation of the municipal administration in Kolomiya, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the municipal administration in Kolomiya, 1941-1942 Included in the collection are lists of Jews sent to labor on railroad tracks, instructions by the district administration in Kolomea regarding the repopulation of the Jewish population in the district, and documentation regarding the payment of salaries to Jews.

  10. Card file of inmates registered in the prison in Slutsk during 1941-1943

    Card file of inmates registered in the prison in Slutsk during 1941-1943 Registered in the card file are names of inmates (most of them, Jews) in the prison in Slutsk; the names are arranged alphabetically according to the Belarusian alphabet.

  11. Documentation of the Jewish Elementary School No. 17 in Tartu, 1877 - 1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 13578579
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1877-1944
    • Abstract Administrative documentation Catalog Charter Circular Correspondence Documents Financial records Journals Lists Notebook Photograph Protocol Questionnaire Reports
  12. Documentation of the regional Prosecutor's Office in Bialystok, 1947-1979

    Documentation of the regional Prosecutor's Office in Bialystok, 1947-1979 Included in the file are prosecution files against Polish collaborators and German policemen for their actions during the war period in the Bialystok region.

  13. Documentation of the German and local authorities in the Pinsk region, 1941-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12795074
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1944
    • Announcement Appeal to the authorities Approval Correspondence Death certificate Identity card Instruction Letter List of bakery owners List of forced laborers List of homeowners List of Jewish women List of landowners List of residents Official documentation Order Survey report הודעה

    Documentation of the German and local authorities in the Pinsk region, 1941-1944 Included in the collection, among other material: - Appeals by Jewish pupils in the schools in Pinsk to the Gebietskommissar (district commissioner) and the commander of the schools, requesting to receive work permits; - Orders of the Gebietskommissar, regarding the imposition of taxes on the Jews; - Death certificates of Jewish residents of Pinsk; - Announcements regarding Jews from Pinsk who became sick with infectious diseases; - Orders by the Supreme Commander of Wolyn to the commander of Brest Litovsk, reg...

  14. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Skidel, 1940-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Skidel, 1940-1941 The Collection includes reports of the District Committee to the Communist Party's Regional Committee regarding preparations and management of the elections; protocols from meetings of the District Committee; reports of the District Committee's Propaganda Department regarding the state of the propaganda activity in the District.

  15. Documentation of the municipal operational committee in Rovno, 1939-1940

    Documentation of the municipal operational committee in Rovno, 1939-1940 Included in the collection is a list of residents who received an apartment in Rovno during 1939-1940, and a list of houses that were nationalized.

  16. Documentation of the German and Ukrainian government authorities in the Kirovograd region, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the German and Ukrainian government authorities in the Kirovograd region, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Lists of Jewish residents who resided in Solontsevatka and Ingulets; - Reports regarding the nation composition of Kirovograd residents and the breaking (damage) of Jewish owned furniture, 1942-1943; - Instructions by the Reichskommissar of Ukraine, 03/11/1941, regarding the determination of taxes and various payments to residents, the bringing of Jewish witnesses to trial, and the execution of two Jewish women in Kirovograd; - Information regarding the names of...

  17. Documentation from the Amtsgericht Wedding: Declarations of Death

    Documentation from the Amtsgericht Wedding: Declarations of Death Declarations of Death (Todeserklaerungen) that were given regarding Jews during the postwar years.

  18. Documentation from the war period and after, in the Vitebsk Region, 1941-1946

    Documentation from the war period and after, in the Vitebsk Region, 1941-1946 The Collection includes instructions by the District Commissioner (Gebietskommissar) of Glebokie regarding restricting the Jews from going out of the ghettos; documentation of the Order Police (Ordnungsdienst) regarding Jews from Orsha; notification by Mera Rozenblyum from Lepel regarding the confiscation of a horse; instructions to the city mayor of Orsha regarding the manner of registering the population; report submitted by the Secretary of the Regional Committee in Polotsk to the Director of the State Historic...

  19. Documentation of the Reichsgericht (Reich Supreme Court) in Leipzig and the Reichsanwaltschaft (Reich Prosecution Service) associated with the court, 1939-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsgericht (Reich Supreme Court) in Leipzig and the Reichsanwaltschaft (Reich Prosecution Service) associated with the court, 1939-1945 The main subject of the files is the determination of racial origin. Appeals of verdicts handed down by various courts throughout the German Reich regarding people who had been defined as Jews or Mischlinge (children of mixed marriages) reached the Reich Supreme Court, arguing that in actuality the origin of these people was Aryan. The vast majority of the files were from Austria, mainly from Vienna. The files on Microfilm JM/29041 (...

  20. Collection of Einsatzstab Rosenberg, the unit for the emptying of the household contents belonging to Jews who were deported in the Netherlands during 1942-1943, and claims for compensation, Oorlogsschade, 1958

    Collection of Einsatzstab Rosenberg, the unit for the emptying of the household contents belonging to Jews who were deported in the Netherlands during 1942-1943, and claims for compensation, Oorlogsschade, 1958 Einsatzstab Rosenberg, a member of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei - NDAP (Nazi Party), dealt, among other matters, with the collection of the household contents of Jews who were deported from the Netherlands during 1942-1943; the contents of the homes were sent to Germany; considerable use was made of these documents for the purpose of claims for compensation dur...