Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,521 to 20,540 of 58,960
  1. A chemist in the internment camps of Vichy, France

    Contains a typescript copy of a memoir written by Eva Bamberger Stahl's father, Curt Bamberger, entitled, "A Chemist in the Internment Camps of Vichy-France," which described how he used his skills as a chemist (he worked for IG Farben until 1938) to assist inmates at Gurs and St. Cyprien concentration camps.

  2. Sally Pitluk memoir

    Testimony, four pages, handwritten. From Plonsk, Poland, describes life there, German invasion, creation of ghetto, and deportation to Auschwitz.

  3. Emily Sosnow collection

    Consists of a photocopy of a packet from the "Visas for Life: The Story of Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara" exhibit, seen at the Museum of Tolerance between January and March 1995, and a copy of pages 5-14 of a report written by Emily Sosnow related to Japanese relations with Jews and life in the Shanghai ghetto, which she wrote for a local section of the National Council of Jewish Women.

  4. Soep family papers

    Primarily identification papers for Harry Soep, including passport, post-war IDs, pre-war letters of reference from past employers, youth hostel membership card, repatriation papers, and summons to serve as witness in post war trial.

  5. Captured German officers; press; Belsen atrocities; forced confrontation

    War Pictorial News was the official newsreel sponsored by the British Ministry of Information and the US Office of War Information. Brief shots of soldiers placing branches on top of and inside a torpedo/plane, soldier getting inside. LSs, pan planes (silent). SEQ, with sound in English: Men in German uniform, including Doenitz, Jodl, and Hans Georg von Friedeberg (now POWs) exiting an airplane. Mass arrests of civilian officials. Men in courtyard and street marching. Nazi personalities exiting building with hands behind head, guarded by British soldiers with guns, civilians watching. Shots...

  6. Reichsarbeitsdienst (Labor Service)

    Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD): Young men working and training. Boots lined up in a row. Digging ditches, mountains in BG, stop to exercise in unison. Working as train passes in BG. Seated on ground, eating from mess kits, resting. HAS camp, running into lake to swim. HAS barracks, men lined up. Marching in uniform with spades. Man with swastika armband takes photograph. Men exercise with logs. [White screen from 00:05:31 to 00:05:46, then footage repeats men resting, eating, marching until 00:06:37] Bare-chested men sit outdoors with instructor, Politische Weltkarte map. Men swimming, throwing ...

  7. Echoes from the past: the story of Janina

    Testimony, 124 pages, typescript, titled "Echoes from the Past: The Story of Janina," by Irene Bazan Waller, written about her mother's experiences in Poland during the war and occupation. Was submitted as senior thesis in College of Lifelong Learning at Wayne State University in 1995.

  8. An interview regarding experiences in Grodno and Bialystok

    Testimony, transcript of interview with Leon Trachtenberg, 62 pages, about experiences in Lwow, Brest-Litovsk, Grodno, Białystok.

  9. Esther Ancoli-Barbasch collection

    Contains a scrapbook containing photographs and newspaper articles in Russian, English, and Hebrew dealing with Nazi atrocities in Eastern Europe. Includes photographs of the Klooga forced labor camp in Estonia.

  10. Anschel and Fela Warschau papers

    Photocopied documents related to the experiences of the Warschau family at the Feldafing DP camp from 1949-1950, including the birth certificate (original) of daughter Martl, 1949.

  11. Garment bag retrieved from Dachau postliberation by a US soldier

    Garment bag retrieved from Dachau Concentration Camp by by Joe Davis.

  12. Two postcards relating to deportation to Theresienstadt

    Includes two postcards from the Ticho family, informing Albert Steiner of their deportation to Theresienstadt in 1942 with an accompanying letter from Kurt Thomas (born Kurt Ticho) explaining context of postcards.

  13. Liquidation of the Brest ghetto

    Photocopy of name list, compiled by Poles after war, of victims of Brest ghetto. Photocopied cover sheet is from Russian archive (unidentified).

  14. Albert Rosenberg papers

    The Albert Rosenberg papers is comprised of materials collected by Albert Rosenberg of the United States Army Psychological Warfare Division during his deployment to Europe during World War II. The bulk of this collection is comprised of the original Buchenwald Report typescript prepared by Albert, his Intelligence team, and Eugen Kogen in May 1945, along with numerous testimonies and statements contributed by former prisoners. Correspondence related to the creation of this report is also included in this collection, some of which is between Rosenberg, his colleagues and superiors regarding...

  15. Letter relating to the expropriation of Jewish property and deportations to Terezin

    Photocopied document, unknown provenance, from Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland, giving instructions for evacuation from Bamberg, August 1942.

  16. A letter in honor of deceased American GI who experienced atrocities at Buchenwald

    Contains a typescript copy of a letter in the form of a memoir written by Franklin P. Shaw in honor of William Malsh's contribution to the liberation of Buchenwald. Shaw explains that Lieutenant William R. Malsh commanded a Military Intelligence Interrogation team that was ordered to Buchenwald on April 12, 1945. On General Patton’s orders, Malsh instructed the mayor of Weimar to arrange for one thousand Weimar citizens to visit the liberated Buchenwald concentration camp, and Shaw describes the reactions of the German visitors to the scenes at Buchenwald.

  17. Arkady Aleksandrovsky memoir

    Contains a photocopy of a handwritten memoir which relates to Arkady Aleksandrovsky's experiences in the Bershad Ghetto during the Holocaust.

  18. "Children of Night"

    Testimony. Typescript, 21 pages, titled "Children of Night," by Susan Seiler Vigorito, dated 1989. Recounts her experiences as a child at Auschwitz, where she and her twin sister were subjects of medical experimentation by Josef Mengele.

  19. Documents relating to in hiding in Berlin

    Photocopies of documents pertaining to post-war experiences of Hella Zacharias in Germany.

  20. Oral history interview with Esther Sendrowicz