Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,601 to 20,620 of 58,960
  1. The Morris & Sonia Stern papers

    Photocopies of pre-war family photographs, and news clipping from Tucson, AZ about participation of Sterns in a Holocaust commemoration event there in 1992.

  2. Documents relating to the Jewish community of Guben

    Photocopies of news clippings (from local paper, "Lausitzer Rundschau," 1990s) and older documents (copies), pertaining to Jewish community of Guben (eastern Germany, on Oder River).

  3. Children at Belsen

    Multiple shots of a set of three swings, children playing on swings, British troops push the swings. CU of (unnamed) soldier pushing swing. MCU of children crowded on jeep, moving through camp. CU of boy's face as he sits on the hood of the jeep. Children eating soup. Shot as children file from left to right, given biscuits and chocolate. Russian Jewish woman (former internee, wearing Red Cross uniform) ringing bell as children, smiling, swarm past her, entering doorway. CU of woman (unnamed). Row of six swings set up by REME. Children playing on swings. Two close up shots of young girls sm...

  4. Leon Bitner papers

    Testimony, 1 page, typewritten, along with photocopies of list of family members, and of photographs of Bitner. Brief description of life in Warsaw Ghetto and of period when he was hidden outside ghetto.

  5. Thekla Samuel papers

    The Thekla Samuel papers contain documents relating to Thekla Samuel, a Jewish nurse from Cologne, Germany who sought refuge from Nazi persecution in Belgian Congo in 1938. At the time of increasing hostility towards Jews, Thekla fled Germany by marrying her pen pal, German born watchmaker, Erich Samuel who lived in Elisabethville, Belgian Congo. Included among her papers is correspondence from friends and family in Germany, primarily from her father, Moritz Bamberger, and papers documenting her travel preparations including a fiancée visa request filed by Erich, her ship passage informatio...

  6. A memoir relating to experiences in Vienna and France

    Testimony, 11 pages, handwritten, about experiences of Arthur Kern (born Oswald Kernberg), originally of Vienna. Describes Anschluss, separation from parents when he was sent on a kindertransport to France in 1939, occupation of France, time in orphanages administered by O.S.E., fate of parents (tried to get out, eventually deported to camps and killed), transport to U.S. in 1941, life in New York.

  7. Delegatura Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na Kraj. Departament Sprawiedliwości, Przemysłu, Handlu i Rolnictwa (Sygn.202/IV-VI)

    Contains information about laws and legislation; conditions in industry (especially petroleum and electronics); financial and economic situations; and the agricultural situation during the German occupation of Poland.

  8. Renee Spindel memoir

    Testimony, two pages, about how author's family survived occupation in France, first by leaving Paris for the Vichy zone, and then splitting family up and hiding (author, as child, was hidden by French farmers until end of war).

  9. Kreishauptmann Jedrzejów records (Sygn.159)

    Contains information about administrative, economic, and propaganda matters in Jedrzejów, Poland. Also contains situation reports and monthly reports (Lageberichte and Monatberichte), submitted to the General Gouverner's office in Kraków, concerning the political and economic situation in Jedrzejów. The reports range in date from December 1940 to October 1941.

  10. Oskar Politzer papers

    The Oskar Politzer papers contain correspondence written by Politzer to his family while imprisoned at the Dachau concentration camp from November 1938 until his death in January 1939. The collection also contains Politzer’s birth certificate from Vienna, Austria, his death certificate from Dachau, and two receipts for his possessions presumably given to him at Dachau. The Oskar Politzer papers contain correspondence written by Politzer to his family while imprisoned at the Dachau concentration camp from November 1938 until his death in January 1939. The collection also contains Politzer’s ...

  11. A memoir relating to experiences in Luxembourg, Belgium, and France during the Holocaust

    Testimony, 6 pages, typescript, photocopy.

  12. Personal history of Zdzisław Klimek, a Polish Jewish refugee student

    Report (typescript, carbon copy) by unspecified humanitarian aid agency (possibly UNRRA), post-war, discussing a young Polish boy, Zdzisław Klimek, who showed up at DP camp in Gmund and expressed interest in immigrating to U.S.

  13. John Franklin memoir

    John Franklin's thirteen page memoir, "A Family History," documents his Frankenthal and Frankenthaler relatives from Schwanfeld and Untereisenheim Germany, his family's move to Holland following Kristallnacht, their relocation to the Amsterdam ghetto, and deportation to Westerbork It relates his and his father's survival in Bergen-Belsen, his father's death aboard an evacuation train, his reunion with his mother and grandmother in the Netherlands, and his immigration to the United States. The memoir also documents his mother's survival in Auschwitz, his grandmother's rescue by the Van Hooff...

  14. Jack Schneider collection

    Typescript, 13 pages, of an oral history interview of Schneider, who participated in liberation of Dachau. Also contains photocopies of correspondence from that period, and other copied documents from Schneider.

  15. Paula Balkin correspondence

    Paula Balkin correspondence is comprised of letters between Balkin and her family and friends. Letters and postcards document the lives of Paula Balkin; her parents Abraham (Otto) and Gertrude (Trude) Grünbaum and her sister Edith; Balkin’s grandmother Rose Schmulewitz; Balkin’s uncle and aunt Leo and Eva Schmulewitz; Balkin’s uncle and aunt Abraham (Adolf) and Clara (Clärchen) Koppold and their children Harold, Siegmar, and Zilla; Balkin’s aunt Yette Ribetzki Pietrkowski and her daughter Vera; and family friends Marjane Mitdank and Johanna (Hanni or Hans) Wagner in Leipzig. Most of the cor...

  16. Justin Held papers

    Photocopied correspondence and news clipping, appears to be from police file, documenting allegations against Jewish attorney Justin Held in Nuremberg, who was accused of fraud, and who fled to Paris, and then Palestine. Dated 1933-1935.

  17. Lavern A. Weiser papers

    Photographs of post-liberation Dachau, news clippings from 1945, and news account of U.S. Army veteran Lawrence Weiser, circa 1990s. Photos appear to be from Weiser. Also includes a cartoon map of Europe, showing path of 42nd Infantry Division (Rainbow Division) from landing at Marseille to Bavaria and Austria by V-E Day.

  18. Michael and Mila Baran papers

    Documents (from UNRRA, IRO, HIAS, and the Joint) relating to DP experiences of Michal (Mischa) Baran, in Berlin and later at Foehrenwald DP camp, 1945-46. Relates to immunization, identification and immigration. Contains one publication from Foehrenwald, "Bamidbar," 1947.

  19. Gita Abraham memoir

    Testimony, three pages, photocopy of typescript. Fragment of memoir, describes author's experience at Auschwitz, and at liberation.

  20. Belle Miller papers

    Contains photocopies of correpsondence, in Yiddish, and photographs relating to the family of Belle Miller in Poland during the Holocaust.